What You've Done To Me

"Emily?" his voice called out into the darkness as he opened the front door.

"In here", she replied gently, sitting with the legs underneath her on the couch, staring down at the ground and clutching her mug of tea tightly.

"Hey stranger!" he smiled softly as he walked in and planted a small peck on her forehead before he lent on the wooden beam next to him. Emily only gave him a small smile in return.

"Are you ok?" he frowned slightly with that tender concern that Emily loved. "Why are you sitting alone in the dark?"

"Just thinking", she replied with a mindless shrug.

"Thinking about anything in particular?" he smiled cheekily, bending down to her eye level, resting his chin on the armrest next to her.

"My mind is full of things to think about Aiden" she told him with a smile, leaning closer to his face. "I don't think I need to remind you what we're doing".

"No you don't" he agreed. "But you do need to relax. Everything is on track. Ashley is out of the picture, Daniel is the new Grayson Global CEO and Victoria and hubby are running scared thinking the Initiative is snapping at their heels. Everything will play out perfectly".

"Aiden" she sighed, putting the mug on the coffee table and standing up. Aiden stood up and gave her a concern glance.

"What's wrong Em?" he asked gently, reaching out and taking her hand in his. "You know you can tell me anything".

"I know…."

"Then you need to start trusting me!" he told her encouragingly. "I thought we were past all that stuff. I thought we'd finally figured out the crap between us".

"We have!" she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "It's just…" her voice broke slightly. "Watching Amanda and her son and Jack….." she sighed, wiping away the tears which had escaped her. "She's finally gotten what she's always wanted. A family. A man who loves her. Protection, love and warmth. Everything that I never got! Everything that was ripped away from me. Everything that this mission has stopped me from having. I don't know what to think anymore".

Aiden looked at her with compassion and kindness. His heart was bursting for the woman who meant so much to him. He hated to see her like this because he knew that to her, he was the only one she could show her true face to. He understood how she felt. His search for his sister had completely consumed his life before he met Emily and Takeda. He understood what it was to be completely driven by the revenge that burns your heart and soul. Aiden pulled Emily to his chest and hugged her tightly as she began to sob, her chest heaving with every heavy breath she took. He rested his chin on her blonde curls and closed his eyes. They remained like that until Emily was all cried out and she broke away, sniffling as she sat back on the couch with her arms wrapped around her knees. He knelt down in front of her and placed his hands gently on her legs.

"Emily, listen to me" he implored her. "You do have those things. Maybe not as perfect as Amanda, but you are living your life in a way that is meaningful and important to you. Your father loved you. You are doing this for him.

She glanced at him. "My father is dead!" she whispered bitterly. "His love is gone…only a distant memory".

"Emily…." he chuckled wryly at her, standing up and running a hand through his tousled short hair.

"What?" she demanded, lowering her legs, sitting up and looking at him expectantly. She hated this cluelessness.

"Don't you see?" he asked her with his signature grin, sitting down close next to her and taking his hands in hers. "I love you! I've loved you since the moment I met you. You saved me from insanity and from myself. You've helped me to look for my sister and to become a much better person. I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for you. We've been in this together from the start. You and I. I know I was wrong to walk out on you. To throw away the one constant in my life of crazy instability for a stupid pipedream. I can understand now just how wrong I truly was. I hate myself every day for it…"

"Aiden…" Emily opened her mouth to speak; she was completely shocked at his proclamation of feelings. She rarely got an insight into his mind.

"Em…please let me finish", he held up a hand to stop her. "I just need you to know and to understand. I do love you. Very much. I need you with me, to feel peace and to feel complete. And I need you to understand that in this weird, twisted situation, that you do have love. My love. I hope that it's going to be enough. I'll always be there to protect and love you".

"I don't know what to say to that", she smiled lovingly, reaching out and caressing his cheek with her hand. In response he closed his eyes, basking in the warmth her fingers radiated. She leant forward and kissed him passionately on the lips. His eyes opened in pleasant surprise before they closed again and continued kissing her. His tongue gently inviting her in. "I love you Aiden" she whispered in between kisses.

He pulled back and looked at her deeply, gazing deep into her eyes. "Really?"

"Yes" she grinned. "Of course! All that stuff you said before. It's the same for me too. Without you, I would still be that bitter young girl who didn't trust or get close to anyone. You've opened a new door. I'm open to love and emotion. You've given me that. I do love you. So much".

"I'm glad you feel the same" he sighed in relief and grinned widely. Emily returned his broad smile and leant in for another kiss. "I'm so lucky to have you Amanda". They both stood and began to kiss heatedly. Aiden picked up Emily and she squealed in delighted response, wrapping her legs around his waist and he carried her with ease upstairs.


Will probably become a proper story, if I get enough support. Please remember to review. I appreciate the support and feedback. Thanks!