The Office



"This is Benjamin, my son."

The CEO picked up the picture frame and presented it to Belle.

"You always eyed it with curiosity, so I thought I'd let you know so you could end it," Robert continued. "I would have an up to date picture of him, though ever since the divorce from my ex-wife, his mother, we haven't been taking much photos... Though all photographs nowadays are on the internet, so actual photo albums are a rare thing."

The young woman looked intensely at the picture frame. He never talked about his personal life to anyone, but with Belle, he wanted to tell her everything. Ever since the interview before she got the job, he wondered if it was a mistake to hire her based on pity. Ever since she worked here, she was studious and attentive with her job. No matter what he dished out, she was always there at the right to do his biding.

She was there when he had the paper cut. She always knew which manuscripts should go where. She always came with the coffees every morning.

"If you don't mind me asking..." she began. "What happened between you and your ex-wife?"

It was the first time anybody asked him about that part of his life. Belle did seem trustworthy, and she was always there for him at the end of the day. She gave him so much patience and effort at work. Perhaps he needed to give a little back.

"Miranda and I were college sweethearts..." he began. "She was pregnant with Ben a year before graduation, and she knew having a baby would affect school. Out of dumb luck, we managed to graduate, and we married before Ben was born out of convenience. Ben was the only thing good out of our marriage. At first I thought it was the sleepless nights that made the first few years hard, though the more I tried, the more Miranda seemed distant... Then I found out she was having an affair."

His insides suddenly began to feel heavy. The memories and feelings weren't as strong, now that they happened years ago, though there was still some pain deep inside.

"I'm so sorry..."

Robert smiled.

"It happened years ago... What matters is that Benjamin's happy and everybody gets what they want."

"Don't worry, Mr. Gold..." she said. "I won't tell anyone this."

"Call me Robert," said the CEO. "And thank you... You're the one person I can trust around here."