The Office



"Your resume is impressive... You say you desperately need this job?"

Robert Gold looked through his pair of glasses at the interviewee, looking through the papers in his hands.

"Yes, I do," said Belle Maydew. "My dad worked two jobs before he broke his knee, and I just got my diploma, so student loans are going to come in fast."

He placed the papers down on his desk and sighed, looking at Belle.

"You know, no one has been this forward about wanting the position."

She looked down towards her hands, ashamed. "I don't mean to sound so desperate, Mr. Gold. I've tried every firm, even tried to see if I could take a part-time job else where, but there just seems to be no luck."

Another sigh.

Indeed, she did seem like a sob story off the street, though behind the drama queen like act, she did seem persistent. Something he admired. Her resume mentioned she took internships during the summer holidays while she was in school and had letters of recommendation with her portfolio, plus a part-time job at a coffee shop while studying.

He now had to play Mr. Charity.

"You know the work will be hard."

Belle nodded. "Yes."

"The hours will be long, and you have to have thick skin in the publishing industry."

She nodded again. "Of course."

He closed the folder with papers on his desk, and sat up from his chair. "If you can stand the pariahs in the water, then congratulations. You are officially an editor for Gold Publishing."

He reached out to shake her hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Gold," she returned the gesture, a brimming smile on her face. "I know this is a decision you'll never regret."