Chapter 9

The end

Sesshomaru's POV

"It's over Sesshomaru!" Shadou barked at me "you really think she would choose you over that creature? She'll never love you half as much as she loves him! She's human! She's weak!"

I growled and with such a might shove I pushed him away and slashed at his arm, he glared up at me "I see your demonic strength has returned Sesshomaru!"

His Chi Shin Gunto pursued me….I was feeling stronger than I ever had! My Bakusaiga glowed a radiant blue light, I swiped it down so that the mist cleared and Shadou flew metres away. When the smoke cleared I witnessed the scene between Kietsu and Rin…she holding up a blade and he an illusion of her son!

I moved to her…I heard her speak "It is time for a sacrifice, Kietsu!" she spoke to him "Your sacrifice!" she then through the blade with precsion of a dart, it hit the mirror directly … the surface shattering completely…the souls of their victims came flooding out in orbs of light…Kietsu began to crumble until he was nothing more than a pile of ash.

A strong wind blew his remains away…Rin watched with stoic expression…she appeared stronger than I've ever seen her before with a certain dignity befitting royalty. It was the return of my demonic strength that gave her the power to hit the mirror and see through his lies…for sure enough the illusion of her son had vanished.

I was at her side, she took my hand and together we faced our last standing foe…Shadou was still on the floor where I had left him…staring up at us, a nervous sweat upon his brow. For the first time…he looked afraid….

Rin's POV

I was now the true mate of Lord Sesshomaru…one now worthy enough to rule alongside him! I never felt so strong in all my life…I was not his pathetic human…I was his partner, his soul mate. His strength gave me strength!

"No!" Shadou growled "No! This cannot be happening!"

We looked down upon him "you have nursed the blackness in your heart till it has completely grown and consumed you! You will never threaten our lives again!" I spoke aggressively to him "Not mine…not my sons and not my Lords…it ends for you now Shadou!"

He huddled away like a frightened animal "You can kill me…but there'll just be more of others like me…more of your enemies…they'll come in hoards and attack with all their might".

Sesshomaru pointed the tip of his sword at Shadou's throat "and we'll destroy them all…one by one…starting with you…" he said. As his sentence finished, three orbs set down beside us…one familiar face was that of Sayomi, her eyes were ablaze with sheer anger! The other two were faces I did not know, the woman was a demoness with turquoise eyes and lilac hair…her skin peachy and lips of rose pink. The man beside her was human…rugged and strong.

Shadou's eyes turned wide…his eyes focussing particularly on the lilac demoness, "Emiko" he breathed, she glared at him with so much hate, the human who took her hand must have been Daichi.

"It's been too long Shadou" she spoke coldly, her voice echoed, "I have waited for this moment…I have waited for the day I would make you feel all the pain you caused us!"

Shadou's eyes then set upon her hand clasped in the human man…even after death he was unable to separate them…he had never truly won.

Sesshomaru smirked "I will destroy ….first…we'll let them have their revenge!" he spoke and with that the spirits that escaped from the mirror charged at him, entering through the mouth and beating him from the inside. He rolled in agony as his victims took hold of every organ in his body and twisted them, we heard his bones breaking…it was to be a slow and agonising death for this monster. It was time to release the souls…Sesshomaru unleashed his Tensaiga "Meidō Zangetsuha!" he called opening his portal to the underworld. The souls exited him and together we watched as Shadou was dragged violently into the underworld and sealed there for all eternity.

They looked to my Lord and I and bowed respectfully… "thank you" they whispered before returning to their light and making their way up to the heavens where they could rest in peace.

When I turned there was another standing behind us…a woman…her eyes…I knew that shade of blue so well, I saw them every morning when my son awoke. It was princess Ayama…the woman who birthed my son into the world. She focused on me, she looked like a woman who repented, "the curse it broken" she uttered and then she also move to her final resting place.

Curse…the curse is broken? What curse? I couldn't think what she possibly meant.

Jaken's POV

"Do something!" cried the young priestess Kagome as we all crowded around the ugly boy who tossing and turning in what seemed a great deal of pain. Sango was holding her weeping two year old and covering her eyes.

"Get my husband! Get Miroku!" she screamed, the other children crowded also, scared.

If this boy dies Lord Sesshomaru and Rin will kill me! At that moment the two swooped down from the air "Lord Sesshomaru!" I shrieked… that's it…I'm dead!

Rin shrieked and ran to him, her arm outstretched "Yoshi!" she cried in blind panic, my lord grabbed her and brought her to him, holding her tightly as she struggled to be free.

"Rin stay back!" he ordered, she refused to be still and struggled to get to the young child who shook violently.

"This is what she meant!" the young mother cried "this is what Ayama meant! The curse is broken! Yoshi will die! Release me!"

He was then covered in a blinding light…so bright we could not look at it directly, when the light cleared…we were astounded by what we saw. His skin was clear and peach, his eyes bluer than before! His head was covered was with thick black locks, surrounding an angelic face! He sat up and looked at his hair…he flashed a white innocent smile.

We were speechless…completely at a loss for words! This could not be real! In place of the ugly creature that lay there before…rested a beautiful boy who would grow to be an extremely handsome man. He stared at his hands, completely bewildered.

"Yoshi" his mother breathed in disbelief, Lord Sesshomaru released her and she knelt down to catch the infant as he raced to her. she embraced him so lovingly, a tear of joy escaping her.

"Mama! I'm fixed!" he cheered happily.

Rin laughed and squeezed him tightly, "Oh my little prince…you were never broken".

She swept him up and gazed up at Sesshomaru…I dare say a smile touched his lips, I could not speak my suspicions allowed for fear that he would kill me! But the three gave off a glow…they were like a real family.

"It's time" my Lord spoke… "It's time we went home".

Rin smiled brightly…home to his empire…where no doubt rule at his side…

Sesshomaru's POV

Ten years have passed…my oldest son, Yoshi and I were in the courtyard of my kingdom, I had taken it upon myself to teach him the ways of the sword, at twelve it was time he started learning.

"No Yoshi, keep to your centre" Instructed "…hold your blade as though it is an extension of your arm, a part of you...your movment should be graceful yet deadly".

He sighed heavily "father…I will never master this, I'm useless".

I frowned at him, and shook my head "you doubt yourself too much my son, you are doing well…do not pressure yourself, fighting should become second nature to you…now pick up your sword and we'll begin again" I ordered calmly.

He smiled and immediately picked up his weapon, we began again. It took us a moment to see that my mate and our silver haired triplet sons entered, they had recently turned eight, their names were Katashi, Katsu and Kenta. They watched with pride upon their older brother who they adored completely. Resting comfortably in Rin's arms sat our only daughter, three years old, her name was Kasumi, her hair too was white her eyes big and gold…she would marry well in future.

Rin smiled upon us "you are learning quickly" she told our eldest son, " soon you will be as skilled as your father, if not more if he has it his way".

She was right…I would make it so he grew to be a fierce warrior; he would take back his kingdom one day…the long lost prince would return!


Indeed, Yoshi grew brave and strong…he took back his kingdom and ruled with an iron fist and gentle heart. His name soon became legend as did his adoptive parents who continued to rule the western lands wisely. Shadou was right…more enemies came…together they fought them off, their bond growing stronger with every minute of every day.

Their children married well and gave them many grandchildren, their oldest, Yoshi, married first. He married the daughter of a former demon slayer and a monk, his childhood friend Airi. She too grew beautifully and loved Yoshi with all her heart. Every day he was grateful for her existence the first and only girl to love him no matter his appearance. Rin and Sesshomaru lived an extremely long and happy life together, connected mind, body and soul…enduring both pain and unbelievable pleasure.

Okay so that's it all done! Hope it wasn't too much a disappointment. I just want to thank all the people who read, reviewed and followed this story, without you guys I doubt I would have finished! Please tell me what you thought of the story over all I would really appreciate it. I also understand if this ending was a bit of an anti-climax and you never want me to right again. Again thank you all xxxx

If you did like that and want more, sequel is "Eternally yours" :)