A/N- To tell you the truth that first chapter was a paper I wrote in 6th grade but I changed it a little and put Hitsugaya in it. And don't forget to vote! Do you want a Ichigo/Hitsu fic! As it stands right now I'm thinking that I should have Ichigo/Hitsugaya in it but I have not made up my mind SO REVIEW AND VOTE! That is all XD.

Votes- 10 for the pairing and 2 for no pairing!

Guest – Your vote has been added, you'll just have to wait and see! XD

Guest – Thank You! You have no idea how much I love reviews! And sorry I was working on this at 4 o'clock in the morning and my mind was all fogy. I'll try and be more awake while writing this chapter!

Flflgk- You'll just have to wait and see! And I agree 150% it is so amazing when they sacrifice them self's!...sorry I let my fan girl show! XD

Phantom-Cosplayer- Ohhh looks like there's a no! You people just can't make it easy on me can you!

Scarlett Foxie- Thanks for the review! Oh and I have learned that I love to say by the by! Haha! And thanks I try!

Guest- That is exactly why I want to put that pairing in this story! Thanks!

Guest- I know Right! Zombies are my life! I'm surprised it took me this long to write a zombie!fic! XD

Kiku-Goldenflower- I can really see were you are coming from and my opinion is that as long as you write it right and you don't lose focused of the main plot then it could work out! Though if I do go off the main plot I ask that everyone slap some sense into me! ^_^ I am ecstatic that you liked it!

Ice Night- Aw thanks! And thanks for your vote!

Littlemissxflydog: Sorry it took me so long, I have been having trouble finding motivation to wright this. I love the pairing too and I agree! Hope you enjoy.

Curious reader8044: Again I am sorry it took me so long! I feel so bad but I hope you can find it in you to forgive me! I'm glad you found it in my story!

IchiHitsu-4-Ever: Well we will have to see! And thank you! You're making me blush! ^/^

Thank you all for the reviews! They make me fill all fuzzy inside! XD

I stopped walking when I came to the top of a small grassy hill. I stood there looking over my destination, Karakura Town. It didn't look as bad as most of the towns I had passed through these past two weeks, but you could still tell that the apocalypse has taken its toll on the once lively town. The summer sun was high in the sky, which means that it is around noon. A breeze ruffles my hair slightly making me sigh, I really needed a haircut. Hyōrinmaru moved slightly in my hoodie waking up from the nap that he was undoubtedly enjoying.

The last two weeks had not been as hard as I thought they would be. We had rarely run into any undead and when we did it was only a walker or two. Looks like luck was finally giving me a little brake though I will bet you anything that it will not last very long, it never does. Even before the world went to hell it felt that the world was against me in almost every way. Though never one for whining like the little kid that my apprentice makes me out to be I lived with it, but as the saying goes you never relies how good you have it tell it's gone.

Not one to drown himself in self-pity, I continued on in search of my friends.

~*~*~Carry Me~*~*~

I shift a small piece of concrete out of my path with my foot as I walk along the deserted streets of the ghost town. I kept my guard up, just because it's quite doesn't mean it's safe, and as if proving my point a loud roar pieced the air. I slid into an ally and pushed up against the wall to try and keep out of sight. I listened for the location of what I thought was a Puncher, zombies with mutated muscles that added another two feet in height and upped their strength to startling levels.

About thirty seconds later I heard what I was lessoning for, footsteps that vibrated the ground and growls that would shake a lesser man to his core. What I was not expecting was the sound of a second set of footsteps, and human ones at that. They were coming closer and I could tell that the Puncher was chasing the human.

'Who would be stupid enough to get caught in the path of a puncher?'

The runner was getting closer and at the same time the Puncher was getting closer to the runner. I sighed at it became obvious that I would have to save the Baka and I set Hyōrinmaru down and walked closer to the mouth of the dark ally.

I decided to ignore the corpses that littered it.

I waited for the idiot to turn the corner then before the Puncher did the same I pulled him into the ally. I had to yank him down to my level to cover his mouth because everyone seems to be to fucking tall these days. I watched as the large zombie ran past the ally and kept going. I waited a few minutes for the sounds of the monster to fade away as it hunted for its pray. Finally when the idiots struggling became to frantic I let him go smoothly and the ginger stumbled slightly before rightly himself. He turned to me with a glared as I stair bake with a blank look on my face.

"Hey wha-" He started before I cut him off.

"You're an idiot," I staded before a turned around and began walking away with Hyōrinmaru in tow. I faintly heard the taller boy let out a strangling sound but ignored it. I kept walking even when I heard him start running after me.

"Hey! Wait!"I tensed when he layed a hand on my shoulder and it took every fiber of will power not to flip the Baka over my shoulder. I stopped walking and turned my head slightly to the side to show that he had my attention for the time being.

"My names Ichigo, thanks for the save," He paused for a moment and look away then after a moment he stood a little straighter and looked to me.

"How about we travel together?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"No." I shrugged his hand off and continued on my way.

"Hey wait up!" The strawberry jogged to ketchup and I had the strange feeling that my answer had went through one ear and out the other.

~*~*Carry Me*~*~

Sorry it took so long, I lost my inspiration to write for a while but here you all are and I hope you like! Oh and I might need a beta reader to go over this chapter and the next so if anyone wants to help it would make me happy!

And don't forget to vote!