Chapter 5

As Dean parked his baby in the Salvage Yard, he heard a groan escape Sam's lips. "I know it hurts, kiddo. I'll get you patched up soon." he answered even though he knew his younger brother was still out cold. Dean clambered out of the driver's seat and slammed the door shut before making his way to Bobby's house. He knocked on the door twice and sighed when Bobby didn't come to the door straight away. Who could blame him for being impatient though? His brother was passed out in the back of the damn car! Dean knocked again louder and as the door creaked open slowly he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes "Bobby you're gettin' deaf in you're old age.".

Bobby folded his arms and rolled his eyes at the eldest Winchester's comment. "I may be gettin' deaf but at least I'm fitter than you, son." He teased back. "I thought you two idjits were huntin' a vengeful spirit. How come yer back so early?"

Dean stuffed his hands in his pockets and explained what had happened with Sam. He looked up and waited for his response before he was pushed aside by Bobby who retorted back "Well don't just stand there and look pretty, help me get yer brother out of the car."

Dean stared after him in shock before he regained his composure and quickly followed Bobby back to the Impala. Bobby opened the door and saw Sam sprawled across the backseat covered in his own blood. Thankfully, none of the cuts were too deep, though he was getting a rather painful looking black eye and his nose was swollen to hell. Bobby shook his head and sighed. What was he going to do with these boys? All they ever did was get themselves in to trouble.

A few minutes later, the two of them finally managed to carry Sam in to the living room and place him gently on the couch. Sam was starting to stir and Dean wanted to clean and dress his wounds quickly before he woke up which would save his younger brother a lot of pain. Dean grabbed the first aid kit and took out some alcohol-free wipes and started cleaning the cuts. As he applied the sterile dressing though, the demon hissed and flinched away from the source of the pain.

"Woah, hey, relax dude. I'm just patchin' you up. You took a pretty nasty beatin' back there." Dean commented as he started to apply the dressing again. Sam narrowed his eyes at the hunter but quickly softened his expression as he remembered the plan. Dean stood up and zipped up the first aid kit before he rummaged around in the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen peas.

He chucked them towards his younger sibling and added "You're gonna need to keep that glued to you're face for at least 30 minutes, kiddo.".

Sam caught it easily in his left hand and pressed the bag against his nose even though he didn't need it. The demon could feel the younger Winchester poorly attempting to regain control over his body. It was almost pitiful. He watched as Dean grabbed himself a cool beer and started chugging it down greedily. What he wouldn't give to have one of those right now but he knew all too well that Sam wasn't the drinking type.

"How long was I out for?" he asked as he sat up and slouched in the cheap couch.

"Not sure. Can't tell 'cos you were already out of it when Cas and I showed up. Hey, Sammy…we're gonna have to get you a new anti possession tattoo. I've got no idea what those bastards were plannin' but they slashed it up pretty bad."

Sam frowned, causing his brow to crease ever so slightly and replied "He was there? Where is he now then?". Chris didn't want that cocky angel messing up with their plan. He could easily blow his whole cover and ruin everything. He hoped that he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. Chris feigned shock and said "They did?" as he looked down at his bare chest. "Damn."

"Yep. Cas zapped himself to some other place the first chance he got, though. You know how he is." Dean sighed as he finished off the beer. He wished the damn angel would just stay still for once. "You hungry by the way?"

"Nah. I think I'm gonna crash for the night." He answered, as he slowly stood up on Sam's gangly legs. Chris hoped he'd be able to identify which room was Sam's otherwise he'd just have to end up sleeping on the couch. He climbed up the stairs and peered in to each of the bedrooms before he noticed one with a pile of books and a laptop on the bed. "Bingo." Sam muttered under his breath as he shut the door behind him. "Such a nerd." He said, shaking his head and laughing a bit to himself as he started moving the junk off the bed. The demon flopped himself on to the bed and browsed through the whiny brat's laptop, waiting for Dean to hit the hay so he could catch the old timer on his own.