I do not own Doctor Who or Merlin.

Set between Series 4 and Series 5 of Merlin. Set in Series 6 for Doctor Who but there are no references to the storyline itself other than the characters.

Chapter 1 - A Blue Box

Wales – 300AD

Merlin woke to the sound of Arthur angrily shouting his name. This was not an uncommon thing and Merlin rolled out of bed, trying not to think too much about the extra time he could have spent asleep.

Gaius was already awake and boiling some strange blue liquid over a flame. Merlin rubbed the heel of his hand against his eyes and ran his other hand through his dark hair.

"Merlin!" Arthur's voice once more echoed down the corridors.

Merlin stopped a second to grab his jacket before dashing away down the corridor. When he finally found Arthur he discovered him dressed and having breakfast with Gwen. Gwen shot Merlin an apologetic smile before Arthur began his angry tirade.

"How am I supposed to attend my duties with a servant as useless as you?" he asked. "We have visitors today and I need my chain-mail mending, my armor polishing, my boots need cleaning..."

It went on, and on until Gwen eventually stopped Arthur with a smile and a few gentle but firm words.

Merlin left the king's chambers and headed toward the armory where Arthur's armor would be waiting.

Scotland – 2011

A long time in the future and three hundred miles further north, Amelia Pond and her friend the Doctor sat surveying the peaceful Scottish scenery. Behind hem on the hill, a blue police telephone box stood out starkly against the greens and browns of the hillside.

Both Amy and the Doctor looked round expectantly as the door to the T.A.R.D.I.S. opened and out stepped, in full Roman uniform, Amy's husband Rory Williams.

"Yes!" Amy exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her husband. "It's brilliant!"

"Your screwdriver should have a setting to polish armor," Rory said to the Doctor, "it took me ages to sort this out."

"All for a good cause though," the Doctor replied getting slowly up and patting Rory on the back. "Away to Rome we go."

"And why are we going there again?" Rory asked, following the Doctor and Amy back into the T.A.R.D.I.S.

"Wait and see my good Roman," the Doctor responded, happily bouncing around the console, pulling levers and pushing buttons. Amy smiled at Rory and went and joined the Doctor. With a sigh, Rory pushed the door of the TARDIS shut just as the usual, booming, grating noise started up and on the hillside in Scotland, the blue box faded from sight.

Wales – 300AD

It was not long before, with the help of a little magic, Merlin had finished his chores and was sat back relaxing and admiring his work. He rocked back in his chair and tilted on only the back two legs. Putting his hands behind his head he closed his eyes thinking it was maybe time to catch up on the sleep he had missed that morning.

The next second he had fallen over backwards in his chair as a rushing wind filled the room and a loud booming noise filled his ears. Sitting up slightly, his eyes widened as a blue box slowly materialized in front of him. He scrambled backwards and got to his feet as with a final grinding noise the box became solid and real before him.

Merlin gaped.

A moment later the door to the box opened and out jumped a man, dressed in a shabby jacket. He was waving his arms wildly and spinning around as he spoke.

"Welcome to Rome-" His sentence died as he stopped spinning and saw Merlin.

"Oh," he said.

Merlin reached for the nearest weapon which happened to be Arthur's sword Excalibur and pointed it at him. Although he had no real need of the sword, he thought it best to look threatening in this situation.

"Who are you?" he asked, hating the way his voice trembled.

"Oh, I'm no one," the man with the box replied, beginning to step hurriedly back inside the box.

"Doctor, what's going on?" a girl with a Scottish accent and a mane of red hair asked, appearing at the man's shoulder.

"Bit of a malfunction, we seemed to have landed a little off course," the man replied, trying to push the girl back inside. However, then a third person appeared in the doorway of the box, a man dressed in bright gold armor with a red cloak fastened around his shoulders.

"Doctor, what happened to Rome?" he asked.

The man who Merlin presumed to be the Doctor hurriedly stepped in front of the girl and the other man.

"Excuse us," he said, "we were just.. um..." His eyes had alighted on the sword in Merlin's hand and at once sparkled with recognition.

"This is the castle of King Arthur in Camelot and ask you again, who are you?" Merlin growled, trying to sound authoritative.

"Did he just say King Arthur?" the red haired girl asked, pushing past the Doctor eagerly.

"Well that's ten times better than Rome," the armored man added, stepping out of the box after the girl.

"Now Ponds back in the T.A.R.D.I.S., we have unattended business in Rome," the Doctor ordered, trying to get his companions back into the box he called the T.A.R.D.I.S.

"My name is Merlin, I am servant to King Arthur and I command you tell me who-" But Merlin sentence was drowned out by a loud mechanical voice from behind him.

"We have found him! We have found the Doctor! Exterminate!"

Merlin spun around to be faced with a gold metal … thing, just shorter than himself. He jumped back in surprise and bumped the table, sending Arthur's armor crashing to the floor.

Behind him the Doctor and his companions yelled out in shock at the sight of the monster. The Doctor shouted out something that sounded like "Run!" but Merlin wasn't sure what to do.

In his confusion he raised Excalibur, intending to attack the monster. Then there was a flash of blue-white light and Merlin felt like he was falling. Then his vision turned black and he knew no more.

Note: This is my first fan-fic. Please send me reviews and tell me what you think. Chapter 2 will be uploaded soon!