This is the my first Fairy Tail fan fiction
(I don't in any form or fashion, own anything of Fairy tale)
High School Days
Lucy Heartfilia is the sole heir to the Heartfilia Konzern, the richest compound known in Fiore and because of a new business offer her father and her are forced to move to Magnolia where Lucy has to attend public school for the first time and encounters a barrage of new people, including a certain pink-haired boy that has a strong hatred for anyone rich. Will Lucy survive her High School Days!
Chapter 1:Same Old Story
As sunlight beamed against the curtains in a certain blond-haired girls room, she couldn't help but turn her back to try and block out the sunlight and continue to rest, but as soon as she starts to get comfortable there's a knock at the door.
"Princess Lucy it's time to wake up" said the maid Virgo
Lucy groaned and continued to snuggle deeper into her bed acting as if she didn't hear Virgo and continued to try and sleep and block out the noise of the constant knocking.
Virgo continued to knock at the door, which only made Lucy go deeper into her bed and just as she finally drowned out the noise, there was a loud crashing sound that make Lucy shoot up from her bed in terror.
Virgo had done it again; she had punched a clean hole through the door and opened it herself
"Good Morning, Princess Lucy" said Virgo as she smiled liked nothing had happened
"Good Morning! Is that all you can say!" said a very startled Lucy
Virgo titled her head to the side, "Is there a problem Princess"
"Yes there is a problem! Screeched Lucy, "you punched a hole through the door, again! "What have I said about doing that!
"But Princess, you didn't answer me, It's a possibility that you could have been kidnapped" said Virgo
"If I were being kidnapped, I would be screaming! Yelled Lucy
"But Princess, you are currently screaming and not being kidnapped" said Virgo sweetly
"Im screaming beacu-" Lucy stopped mid sentence and thought about it, there's no way to avoid a back and forth with Virgo and decided it was just better to drop the subject, "Huh, never mind Virgo" said Lucy rubbing her temples in an attempt to come down, "What did you come for anyway".
"Well" Virgo started "It's your first day of public High school and I don't want you to be late" she said "And, breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes, so when you get dress please come down stairs" and with a curtsy Virgo was out the door.
"My first day of public school, Huh" thought Lucy, she hopped out of bed and continued to get dress in her schools uniform which consisted of, a blue skirt with a white button up shirt under a tan sweater and a blue neck tie.
As Lucy looked in the mirror adjusting her tie and couldn't help but let her mind drift off to what it was like at her old school, a highly prestigious boarding academy where only the highest class of citizens could afford, how the only topics that went on were how could the next person out class the last and whose family could afford what and so on.
"But, that's how the world works, right?" thought Lucy, "The person that has the most money can control the world "Lucy cringed "And why should this be any different, once people find out who I am, all there going to do is try and be my friend just to get to my money" Lucy know that everyone wasn't like that, but in the world of money people she knew that people will do just about anything to get ahead.
"If only" Lucy looked in the mirror at her reflection "If only I wasn't me, then maybe I could finally have a true friend," Lucy hoped that maybe someone would truly be her friend for who she was and not for what she could afford,
Lucy sighed; she knew she shouldn't get her hopes up
After completing her tie she grabbed her hand bag and started down the stair, not knowing what was in store for her.
Well what do you guys/gals think so far!
Please R&R Honestly, your opinions matter