Hey look whose back and not being a lazy piece of shit? Mel! But seriously though I wrote the majority of this chapter at some point in the past that I do not recall, so I finished it and edited a little (really I just reread it to figure out where I was) and now I'm posting it so I hope you like it? If any of you are even still around, so here you go!

Chapter 2-

The next morning I woke up to a pair of soft lips pressed against the base of my neck, sending electric shock waves down my back and into my core, waking me up instantly as the fire grew in my stomach. I growled at her playfully and she laughed softly, her arm wrapping around my waist and tugging me flush against her as her fingers slipped between my thighs, teasing me slowly as her mouth moved up the side of my neck, blunt teeth playfully nipping at my skin.

Logic told me I should be scared, or at the very least worried, but my brain ignored such concerns in favor of the pleasure pumping through my veins. I knew she wouldn't bite me and melted into the pleasure her fingers were bringing to me as she rolled me onto my back, getting a better angle for her slender digits as she shifted to lay on top of me, kissing me slowly, her mouth soft and her tongue lazily sliding across mine like silk as her fingers curled inside me hitting just the right spot. I gasped against her mouth, my back arching and toes curling

She chuckled, the sound traveling down my spine like a plucked guitar string, and broke away from me, kissing down my chest until her warm mouth found my nipple, her lips rolling over the hardened bud, her teeth scraping across it lightly, with just enough force for it to slightly hurt. Her fingers worked faster as she began to lose her tenderness, roughly biting and nipping at my skin as she drove me to the edge. My entire body tensing like an over-tuned guitar string, and when she leaned over and roughly bit my neck and curled her fingers I snapped, pleasure crashing through me like a tidal wave.

I wasn't sure how long I laid there after that, my eyes seeing bright spots on my eyelids that weren't really there, before I felt her sit up beside me, "come with me." she purred, lacing her fingers through mine and forcing my eyes to open, she smiled at with promise as she pulled me from the bed. My legs were wobbly and a glance at the clock told me it'd only been two hours since we'd fallen asleep, but I managed to follow her into her bathroom where she twisted the knobs on her shower until a hot spray jetted out, steam curling through the air, and then dragged me into ancient tub with her.

It was the most relaxing shower I'd ever had. She massaged the soap into every part of my body, turning my bones to jelly, and I managed to return the favor, taking a gleeful pleasure in her losing her balance as my fingers worked her to an early morning orgasm, and I took even more pleasure from the death glare I got when I chuckled at the way her composure had slipped when her feet lost their grip. We got out and toweled off with perhaps the softest towels I'd ever used and then I followed her out to her kitchen.

"Breakfast?" she asked, breezing over to the fridge.

My stomach rumbled just entering the room, "You can cook?" I asked, watching as she grabbed supplies for whatever she was making.

"Of course. I eat normal food, too." she laughed, mixing together flour and milk and some other stuff, "I hope you like pancakes cause I have a craving."

"I love pancakes." I grinned, my stomach growling loudly. I also didn't mind the view of her bending down to get the pan out from under the sink. She had quite a nice butt, and I was happy to admire her as she moved around the kitchen cooking without even an apron to cover her skin, which glowed like she was made out of stars.

The words fell from my lips before I thought them through, "You glow like you're made of stars." my comment made Tori falter in her step and she dropped the bowl in her hand only to regain composure and catch it before it hit the floor. I couldn't hide my smile when she turned to glare at me quickly, her boobs bouncing with the rapid motion making my mouth water.

"Chocolate chip or blueberry?" she asked, pointing at me with the bowl warningly.

"Chocolate chip." I replied easily, leaning against her table with my elbows, watching her move around the room. For a few seconds I could almost forget what she was, that she should be my mortal enemy and could at any point turn and kill me, but not for long. Because forgetting could cost me my life, no matter the pleasure she gave me, she was the enemy and this couldn't happen again.

So I needed to take advantage of it while I could. She turned her back on me to continue what she was doing so I slipped off the chair and made my way over to her, wrapping my arms around to her front and resting my weight against her back. She pressed back into me with a sigh, no doubt sharing my thoughts, "gonna help me cook, wolf girl?" she jested.

"I was thinking I could just eat you while I waited for my pancakes." I murmured against her neck, nipping the sensitive flesh gently.

"You just wait for the pancakes." she teased, tilting her head to the side to expose more of her neck in a show of the most trust anyone can have in someone that can easily kill them, it made my heart flutter slightly. I softly kissed her neck, enjoying the smell of her skin and the way she gasped when I bit down on the sensitive flesh, hard enough to leave a mark but soft enough to not break the skin.

"You sure?" I asked my voice noticeably huskier.

"No." she whispered, "I'm not sure of anything."

"Good." I breathed, twisting so I was between her and the oven, "because neither am I." I dropped to my knees in front of her, lifting one of her legs over my shoulder and burying my face in her center, my fingers digging into her thigh as my tongue explored her folds slowly, enjoying the softness of her skin and the sweet but tangy taste of her.

I heard the spatula clatter as it fell next to me, and I couldn't help but grin smugly as she dug her nails into my hair and I felt her remaining leg shaking as she tried to keep her balance before I slid my hands up her ass to hold her up as her body started to quake, "Fucking hell." she growled, her body shuddering as she fell forward, her remaining leg buckling as she reached her climax. Five minutes later I couldn't help the confident smirk playing across my lips when she pushed herself back enough to look down at me.

"You are going to end up tied to my bed and never allowed to leave again." she stated, "now let me make these pancakes, we're both starving."

"I doubt they'll taste as good as you." I teased, standing up and forcing her onto her own legs, she stumbled a bit and I reached out to catch her around the waist, pulling her back against me, "but as you wish." I gave her a quick peck on the lips before she rolled her eyes and knocked me aside, picking up the spatula and tossing it into the sink, grabbing another from the drawer to start cooking again, this time I sat dutifully in my chair and waited, watching her as she moved around her small kitchen, humming something to herself that I couldn't identify.

I just couldn't help it, there was something about her that I just couldn't look away. She gave off this warmth, even though she was quite cold in most places, like nobody I'd ever met in my life, and she just had this way about her that made me feel like I was walking on air and Jesus Christ it was one night, one long wonderful night, and I already felt like some sappy high school girl crushing on the dude that took her virginity in a sloppy five minute race to finish before his mom got home, but I just couldn't help it, and right now I didn't care to try and stop.

She gave me a curious look when she turned around with the plates of pancakes and caught me staring, setting one down in front of me and the other in front of her as she sat in the chair across from me, "some people think it's rude to stare, wolf girl." she joked, using her fork to break off a piece of her pancake.

"I suppose some people do." I replied, breaking off a piece of pancake and popping it into my mouth. I was unable to suppress the moan that rose in my throat at the taste of the pancakes, "these are fucking delicious."

"Glad you like them." she chuckled, and that was the last thing either of us said while we ate.

We both tried to hide it but we were openly staring at each other. I had no clue what she was thinking, but all I was thinking was that I wished things were different, because for some reason I felt like never getting to see her again was going to break my heart. Maybe just because she's the most skilled lover I'd had in years, maybe just because she's dangerous and that makes my heart race even more, or maybe it was something else, there was definitely something about Tori that would make walking out that door later impossible.

But I pushed that far from my mind as I enjoyed my pancakes, and then I kept ignoring it as we started to get dressed, only to stop when she pushed me down onto her couch and her mouth was all over me, making my mind turn to mush, and then again ignoring it when we finally got dressed and we walked out her door and down the street to the tiny diner where I'd parked my bike the night before.

"You know, I've got a few more hours before I have to be home." I started, spinning the helmet around in my hand and staring at the ground, "you wanna go somewhere with me?"

"Where would that be?" she asked in a playful tone.

"The prettiest place there is in this shit hole." I replied, my stomach twisting nervously. That place was my safe haven, and something beyond my knowledge was possessing me right now. That all came crashing down when I felt my phone vibrating madly against my back, and whatever Tori was about to say died in her throat.

I spun my backpack around and dragged out the small ringing device, watching Beck's name flash across the screen popping the bubble and allowing reality to crash around me. I slid answer and pressed the phone to my ear, "the fuck do you want?"

We need you to come to the house, if you're done having your sex-a-thon.

"Jealous?" I joked, rolling my eyes as I walked away from Tori, "why do I need to come to the house?"

Cat found a dead body. Beck's voice took on a serious tone that sent a chill down my spine, and reality slapped me hard across the face, it looked like a vamp. My eyes drifted to Tori who was now talking to some old woman standing outside of the diner and my heart sank, both of them laughing about something I'm sure she'd said.

"I'll be home soon." I tapped the end call button and slowly walked back to my bike, "sorry, family emergency."

"Rain check on the sight seeing?" she asked, walking back over and stopping in front of me, looking down at me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Definitely." I answered, smiling back at her.

She leaned down, cupping my face in one hand and kissed me slowly, her lips melting against mine as my body leaned into hers, my hands finding her hips to keep myself standing up. She pulled away slowly her fingers lingering on my skin before fully stepping away, my hands falling from her hips and swinging like dead weight beside me.

"I'll see you around wolf girl." she winked at me before walking off in the opposite direction.

I watched her until she turned around the corner and was out of sight and only then was I able to snap back to reality. I quickly braided my hair and shoved my helmet on, swinging my leg over the bike and starting it, letting it warm up for a few minutes before I pulled out of the spot and raced down the highway back to L.A. It took me an hour to get home, and when I did the entire pack was at the large house I shared with Cat. Beck was standing outside looking all serious and I could feel the anger rolling off of him.

"Where is she?" I asked, tossing my helmet onto the porch swing and shrugging off my backpack, followed by my jacket, both of which I dropped in the entryway, heading automatically toward Cat's room without waiting for an answer.

I found her, like I predicted, sitting on her bed with her pillows and stuffed animals all around her, face pale and withdrawn, eyes staring like saucers ahead of her, shifting to me for a second as I walked in before flickering back to the wall. I shoved everyone roughly out of my way and crawled into the bed beside her, dragging her small frame into my lap.

She curled up against me, burying her face in my hair and she started sobbing loudly, screaming incoherent words into the curls of my hair. I smoothed out her hair and whispered her favorite song lyrics into her ear until she started to breathe normally, sobbing silently against me, "it was so awful Jade." she whispered, "he just had his blood sucked out, and I could feel the pain as the venom seeped through him, he screamed until he cried and then the vampire just left him their to die from the shock of the feed."

"We'll find the vampire that did this." I promised, stroking her hair, "just try not to think about it, we don't need to reliving it again." she nodded pressing closer to me, tucking her arms between us. I gently massaged her back, humming random notes under my breath to keep her calm. Everyone started filing out, the initial fear of Cat having to re-re-live the mans death had kept them all close by, but they knew she needed her space after an episode.

Most wolves had it easy, yeah we had to change every full moon and that meant every bone in our body breaking and mutating and waking up in the middle of nowhere stark naked covered in fur and blood without any recollection of the night before, but some wolves like Cat and her brother had extra supernatural juice flowing-somewhere down the line a werewolf ancestor decided to hop in bed with another creature and royally fucked their descendants.

Cat's brother had the easier of the two abilities, he saw into the future, which was vague and frustrating, and on occasion horrifying, but generally easier to deal with. Cat, however, got the shit end of the stick. Her power was living peoples deaths. If she came across a dead body-especially one that died of anything but a natural cause- she would instantly be sucked into the persons past, living the pain and suffering of their death without anyway to stop it until the person was fully dead and she snapped back to her body.

So because this guy died of shock I could only imagine the episode lasted quite sometime, and I couldn't imagine having to live through that, and certainly I couldn't imagine the chance of forcing myself into a state where I went through it again, but if she got herself too worked up it would trigger something and she'd relive the death again. The first time it happened we were still little, the curse hadn't woken in either of us but we knew about it, so one night we were out playing before a full moon like children do, and we stumbled a cross a body.

I was interested, and I wanted to see if it was real so I dragged Cat with me to go investigate it, it was never my intention to touch it, let alone to make her, but she tripped over a root and tripped and her hand brushed across the corpses arm and her body suddenly tensed up in a horrible pain, her mouth open in a silent shout. I screamed my head off, shaking her to try and wake her up, all to no avail.

I knelt by her crying, we were too far from the house and I didn't want to just leave her, and I could only count the minutes-twenty of them-until she finally sat up with a pain filled scream and threw herself into my arms, sobbing and trying to talk and it was all no use-I couldn't understand a word, so instead I lifted her and carried her the mile back to my house, screaming for my dad as soon as it was in sight.

He took her out of my grasp and rushed her into the house. I had to sprint to keep up with his fast pace, worriedly watching on as he set her on the counter and smoothed her hair out, looking deep into her eyes to calm her down before he handed her a cup of something my mom made and she took a few sips, and then much to my horror to us all exactly how that man had died. My dad ordered me in his booming alpha voice to take her to my room and not leave her side, so I did just that, and I listened intently as the older members of our pack met, including a vague outside named Erwin Sikowitz who was some what of an expert on weird werewolf extras.

He spent sometime listening to Cat's parents stories about both Cat and her brother and then he came up and talked to Cat for an hour and gave her some herbal stuff to help keep her calm for the next few days "because they very first vision has a tendency to linger, and you should stay close by, Jade." and then he was gone just like that and Cat drank a cup of the herbal stuff and curled up next to me and fell asleep, she told me when she woke up she dreamed of bunnies, and that made me relax for a few days.

And now when she had an incident she'd just sit like a statue until I found her and she'd break down into hysterics until she was all cried out and she'd tell me all about it and drink her tea and press herself against me until I hummed her into dream land and then everything would be okay again. Not too long later Beck brought in her tea and soon she was deep asleep and I tucked her into her bed and arranged her stuffed animals just the way she liked before stepping out the door. I needed to see a vampire about a murder.

"Where are you going?" Beck asked, following me out the door.

"None of your damn business." I replied, not bothering to stop to argue.

"You're really just going to leave to get laid again? After a vampire being in town you just wanna get laid." disapproval dripped off his words, solidifying the fact that I would be doing this.

"What can I say, I've never had such intense orgasms, I'm addicted." I flicked him off, swinging my leg over my bike, pushing the key into the ignition, "you should know the feeling, after all you left me for a good blow job." I started the bike, it roared to life, silencing him and I tore out of the driveway before he could try and stop me again. I rode as fast as I could, dangerously weaving in and out of cars as I flew down the highway in the direction of her tiny little apartment.

My feet pounded as I went up the stairs, echoing through the silent yellow halls, the clanging metal sounding as bad as nails on a chalkboard to my sensitive ears. I stormed down the hallway, eyes scanning the numbers on each door until I reached number 70 and slammed my fists down on it loudly in succession until it swung open and I nearly hit Tori in the face. Luckily she stepped aside and grabbed my fist in her firm grip, dragging me inside and slamming the door shut, "What the hell are you doing here?" she yelled, she looked like she'd just rolled out of bed.

"Did you kill someone last night?" I demanded, spinning and watching her as she walked past me toward her bedroom. I followed close behind, aggravated by her silence.

"Of course not, I was busy eating you." she replied, a hint of laughter lacing through her voice.

"This isn't time for games, did you kill a man last night?" I repeated, my voice taking on a sharp edge. She turned around slowly, fixing her dark eyes on me with such a burning hurt that I flinched back away from her, suddenly she was right there in my face, blunt teeth bared, eyes pinning me to the wall behind me.

"No, if I was going to kill someone, don't you think I would have killed the vulnerable girl in my bed?" she even went as far as to lower her fangs, sharp like razors white and shiny, "now if that's all you came for, get the fuck out." I don't know why, but I believed her, and that feeling was overpowering, and I knew she didn't do. And that was all I needed.

"If you think that's all I came here for you're dumber than I thought." I replied, watching her fangs retract. I grabbed her by the front of her shirt, dragging her closer and smashing my mouth against hers violently. She dug her nails into my hips, dragging me from the wall and throwing me against her bed, I bounced on it so hard I thought it might break but before I could comment she was on top of me, ripping my shirt off and kissing me with violent abandon and before I knew it the sun was down and I was tangled in a pile of limbs with Tori asleep soundly beside me and Beck's seething anger bleeding to me through the bond.

I smiled happily, sitting up and sliding out of her bed as quiet as I could, searching the floor for my clothes. I dragged on the pieces as I found it, glaring angrily at the tattered remains of my bra and tossed it on top of her as I grabbed my helmet and bag, heading out her window so I could leave her door locked. Not that it really mattered, a vampire didn't really need a door lock to keep her safe.

I dropped from the third floor window to the ground in the alley, landing in a crouch and straightening myself. I walked slowly to my bike, stepping out of the alley into the yellow pool from the streetlight, glancing around for anyone else before I fully emerged from the alley and headed toward my bike.

Now the real problem, if Tori wasn't the one killing people, who the hell was?

Sighing I looked around, starting my bike and swinging my leg over it, revving the engine and chewing on my lip, braiding my hair as quickly as I could. I shoved my helmet down on my head and tilted my bike, kicking up the stand and pulling away from the curb and tearing down the street toward my safe place. It was a place far enough away that if I focused really hard I didn't have to feel my pack, and I was in bliss as I rolled up to it, feeling free and alone for the first time in months.

I killed the engine on my bike, kicked the stand down and swung my leg over and off, heading straight up the hill until I reached the top and collapsed happily at the base of a tree, staring up at the dark sky like the black canvas splattered in glitter would give me all of the answers I need in the world ever. Of course, as it always was, the sky remained silent with no wisdom to give me but the twinkling reminder that they were already long dead and had no clue what was going on in the world as I sat on that hill and stared up at them.

"Don't hate me for following you." a voice whispered, it ordinarily would have startled me, but I almost expected it when Tori spoke.

"Not gonna happen." I replied, rolling my head to the side to look up at her. My heart jumped in my chest, fucking Hell she was so gorgeous. I reached up and grabbed her hand, tugging her down into my lap, "I could have sworn you were dead asleep."

"Dead yes, asleep not quite." she replied, adjusting so her head was resting on my crossed legs, "why'd you sneak out?"

"Because this is wrong." I replied, although I wasn't sure that was the answer. It should have been, but it didn't feel wrong. It felt perfect. And that fucking terrified me.

"Liar." she challenged.

"Rude." I teased, glancing down at her, noticing the faint glow in her amber colored eyes.

"It's the truth, you're lying to me and to yourself. This isn't wrong." Tori told me, absently taking my hand and lacing her fingers through mine, "why'd you come ask me if I killed someone?"

"My best friend stumbled across a body that was killed by a vampire." I replied, "I just thought, this had to be too good to be true, something bad had to happen, you know?"

"Do you still think I did it?" she asked, her forehead crinkling as her eyes almost teared up. I felt guilt wash over me, at just the thought that I may have hurt her in anyway by accusing her of killing someone. I never wanted to see that look on her face again.

"Not a chance." I whispered squeezing her hand reassuringly, "I just wish I knew who did."