Chapter 1

Beware of vampires. Vampires will kill you. They're dangerous, nothing good can come from them. I was cocky though, I was a bad ass werewolf. But that all changed when my brother thought the same thing, he was bit by a vampire and died two weeks later in agonizing pain. I killed my first vampire that day, and it was my first time shifting into my wolf form.

Tonight I was reminded again to watch out for vampires as I left for work, like I did everyday, and I got onto my motorcycle and took off. As if I'd ever forget that they're deadly and dangerous. One bite and I was dead. But that didn't matter to me, all that mattered was that I had a job to do and I was doing it. Standing behind a bar pouring drinks might not be everyone's idea of a great night, but I loved it.

I got to listen to great music, dance, have fun, and not have to worry about a million other people grinding up against me and getting handsy. It was the best job I could have. Tonight I had the same rowdy guys sitting in front of me, always looking to get laid, always flirting for free drinks, and always walking away rejected. I really wasn't interested in males of my kind, let alone human ones. I'd tried that once and was left unsatisfied and hyped up.

When they moved away tonight they left five open seats and four obnoxious blondes pretending to be trashed sitting in front of me, giggling shrilly looking for some guy to take them home. I sighed after making the ninth or tenth apple martini of the night, and wandered away from their end of the bar, forcing the other bar tender to deal with my end. He grudgingly pulled himself away from a pretty dark haired girl and walked down to the blonde squad, but not before glaring daggers at me to which I simply smiled in return.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to get tired of those girls." the dark haired girl said, smirking at me, "mind getting me the rum and coke he forgot I ordered?" she asked, a pleasant smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her dark eyes.

"Not a problem." I told her, preparing the drink robotically, I set it in front of her and smiled, glancing around up and down the bar. Nobody else was filling the chairs between her and the blondes and that left me to do absolutely nothing except listen to the Lady Gaga song blasting over the sound system.

I had about 20 minutes left of my shift, and I was dying to leave the bar and go dance, because I hadn't done so in months and the soundtrack for the night was pretty good. Since our bar back was out sick I busied myself with cleaning up for a lack of anything else to do and danced along to the music, all too aware of the woman's eyes locked on me from the other side of the bar. I can't say I wasn't enjoying it.

When Julia showed up to take my place I went back into the bathroom and pulled off the shirt I was wearing over my tank top, shoving it into my bag which I shoved into my locker before I went out to the dance floor, getting lost in the throng of people and the pulsating beat of the music. I almost didn't notice the dark haired woman dancing near me, and I wouldn't have if she hadn't started singing along, it was quiet and I could only really hear it because of my supernatural hearing, but it was really beautiful almost mesmerizing, like a sirens song.

She looked over at me and smiled, it wasn't really a nice smile, more like an 'I want to eat you' smile, almost like a promise. And that's when it hit me, this was a vampire. A drop dead gorgeous vampire with deadly teeth that were begging to sink into me. I smiled back in the same way, turning my back to her and swaying my hips seductively along with the music, because who didn't love a little danger?, stealthily moving away from her as I did so. As soon as I was sure she was out of range I bolted to the back room, grabbing my bag from my locker before running for my motorcycle, shrugging on my jacket as I did.

It didn't matter to that I'd once killed a vampire, or that she probably didn't know what I was and was probably just looking for a meal, but I was terrified. As soon as I got my bike started I took off, my heart beating in my throat. I stopped a few blocks away at my favorite 24 hour diner and got myself a glass of water and some soup, sitting at the counter with my head in my hands.

She was gorgeous, with long brown hair falling in soft curls across her shoulders, dark eyes that promised sin, pale but still tanned skin, long legs, wonderful cheekbones and that smile. If it wasn't for that look and the way she seemed to glow I never would have known. The waitress set my soup in front of me with a warm smile, "are you alright dear?"

"Yeah, just almost got run over by a huge truck. Kinda gave me a scare, ya know?" she nodded sympathetically and told me she'd be in the kitchen if I needed her, since I was the only one here. I thanked her and turned back to my soup, spooning it into my mouth hastily. When I got closer to the bottom of the bowl I slowed down. They had the best chicken noodle soup in town.

When I was done I sipped my water and checked my phone, because I knew my panic would have been obvious to my pack mates, and sure enough I had 10 messages. I sent out a mass text with my bullshit accident story and said I was at a diner and I'd be home whenever. They all bought it and I put the phone back in my pocket.

"You ran out pretty fast little pup." I nearly jumped out of my skin when the vampire appeared in the chair beside me, she was sitting on the stool with one arm on the counter leaning back and her long legs crossed at the knee. She was in a pair of dark jeans, black ankle boots and her leather jacket hung open to show off a low cut gold sequined top. Her head was tipped to the side like a curious cat as she studied me, "I'm Tori."

I scowled at her, "I'm not in the mood to become dinner." I replied, turning to the door where the waitress was coming out from the back having spotted her newest patron, "thanks for the soup, I'll take my check now." I told her as soon as we made eye contact.

"Alright Jade, can I get you anything, miss?" she gives her an award winning smile and it draws the vampire's attention away from me for just a few moments.

"A glass of water if you don't mind." She replied in a voice as smooth as liquid, with a smile the waitress disappeared into the back. The vampire, Tori, fixed her eyes on me, slowly moving down my body and back up until she met my eyes, "I won't bite you. I know we're sworn enemies or whatever, but I don't even know you."

"So why'd you follow me?" I ask, every bone in my body screaming at me to run away.

"I don't know. Something about you just made me follow." She replied, silencing when the waitress came back and handed her the cup of water along with my check, I paid and got up while the vampire sipped at her water, eying me curiously the entire time. She didn't follow me when I went into the bathroom where I fixed my hair and make-up. I didn't know why I did it, it was kind of impulsive, and when I came back out she was still sitting there, her cup gone.

"What do you want from me?" I asked her my suspicious nature rising up.

"I've never met one of you before. Have you met someone like me?" she asked playfully.

I met her gaze, "I've killed someone like you before." I deadpanned, grabbing my bag before I stalked out, and she followed me a leisurely pace, like she had all the time in the world-which she did.

"What'd they do?" she asked.

"Why do you care?" I turned to glare at her. She was standing by the door, just in the shadows, hands shoved in her pockets eyes studying me with open interest.

"You don't seem like the person to just randomly kill." She said, slowly blinking her eyes at me the way a cat does when they want to convey trust.

"You don't know me." I snapped, slinging my backpack over my shoulders.

"I'd like to." She stepped up to me and ran her hand from one shoulder to the other across my chest. Electric shocks shot through my body as she circled me, stopping behind me to lean across my shoulder. I felt her inhale by my neck, "you'd like it too." She whispered against my ear, lips brushing against jaw for just a second.

"I really doubt that." I forced myself to say, stepping away from her, when I turned to look at her, however, something in me just flared up, "what could you possibly have to offer me?"

"Excitement, danger, thrill." She whispered. She was inches from me now, her breath fanning over my lips with her words, our eyes were locked. I looked down at her lips, they were parted even though she wasn't breathing. They looked soft and pink, I looked back at her eyes and she leaned forward closing the distance between us, "don't tell me you're not interested." She cupped my cheek with her hand and leaned in, our lips brushed as she gently bit my bottom lip with blunt teeth.

The same electric shock raced through my body, like it was telling me no, but it felt so good. It was more a yes, and when she full on kissed me, I caved in, leaning into it and kissing her back. In a blink the world disappeared around us and the next blink we were in a small dimly lit apartment, "that's so…"

"Cool I know." She waved her hand dismissing my words, now in a very big hurry, moving closer and pushing my backpack straps from my shoulders as she kissed me hard, tossing it aside. She roughly grabbed my hips her nails digging into my skin as she shoved me backwards.

My hands grabbed at the hem of her shirt, I tugged it off over her head and threw it across the room, she did the same with my shirt, and she unclasped my bra, her hot mouth on my breast a second later while her hand massaged the other. The electric waves shot through my body like wild fire. I hardly cared when she pushed me roughly onto the bed and my head smacked the headboard, I was too focused on what her mouth was doing.

As soon as she stopped and started moving lower I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed, unhooking her bra and tossing it aside, kissing and nipping down her neck to her breasts, my hand unbuttoning her jeans and shoving them down, she kicked them off along with her boots. I slipped my hand between her legs while leaning up to kiss her again; she makes some animalistic sound that made my stomach twist with pleasure.

I moved back down, trailing kisses down her chest and her flat stomach and across her inner thighs. I couldn't think straight anymore, and in a lust filled haze I somehow ended up on my back with her head between my legs and her tongue doing the most amazing things to me. She has an iron grip on my thighs and the only thing I could do was moan in pleasure and twist my hands in her sheets. It doesn't even matter that I was hanging half off the bed, or that she's a stranger and a vampire, all that matters is it feels better than anything I've ever felt before.

Fingers, tongue, a mix between pain and pleasure, I can't see anymore. I can't think. My nails dig into her hair while I used one hand to hold me on the bed and my toes curl and I just scream as she brings me to the edge and throws me over with that tongue of hers. When I finally come back down to Earth she's kneeling between my legs grinning and licking her fingers slowly.

I jumped up and pounced on her, kissing her hard as she fell beneath me, our bodies flush against each other, hers cold, mine hot. I kneel between her legs and kiss up her thighs slowly until I reach her center, I run my tongue across her folds and she shivers, moaning softly, I meet her eyes. She's hardly got them open and she's breathing hard, something vampires generally don't need to do. I work from memory of what feels good to me with my fingers and watch her closely. Her eyes are closed and her hands are tangled in the sheets and she's arching toward me, her mouth open in a silent cry.

I look away from her and mimic with my mouth what she had done to me earlier and her thighs clamp around my head and her fingers tangle in my hair as she pushes my face closer. She screams with her release almost as loud as I did, digging her nails into my scalp in an almost painful way while I softly kiss her inner thighs before crawling up her body, straddling her hips, when she opens her eyes they're nearly black, "Ready for round two?"

"And three and four." I murmured, kissing her hard.