I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry to every single person who has ever read one of my stories and liked it and wanted them complete, but I can't anymore. I'm unable to continue writing this.

This same post is going up on nearly all of my stories.

I still love Twilight. I really do. I still read Twilight fanfiction all the time.

I feel really horrible. I always told myself that I would never be the type of fanfiction writer who abandoned their stories. How many times have I told you guys that I wouldn't abandon this?

Here's the thing though: my writing has improved somewhat since the beginning and I can't even look at what most of what I've written without gagging.

I would just edit them, but I simply don't have the time.

So here it is. The end of this story. I'm so, so sorry.

If anyone wants to adopt this, please tell me. I'd be happy to give it to someone to take over.

Here's the last thing that needs to be decided: to keep or not to keep.

I really want to delete this and forget about it, but that's not fair. I hate it when people do that. Sometimes, even if the story isn't finished, I just wanna go back and read my favorites.

I'm not saying that I think this story is anyone's favorite fanfiction, but I do want to see if anyone wants the option of going back and reading this.

Again I'm so sorry. Until a few weeks ago, I truly did have every intention of finishing this. I even had some of it written. But I just don't see an end.

If no one wants this to stay up, I'll be deleting it at the end of the year.

TLDR: I'm sorry. I'm giving up. If anyone wants to continue it tell me. If you want it to stay on the site, tell me or it'll be gone by 2016.