He let it happen again.

They had been at the meeting, fine, until he got that look. Crimson eyes dug into his soft pillow-like ones, and continued to overlap layers of lust, want.


Japan sat and quietly said nothing as ruckus raged around him, caused by the other nations, as eyes continued to stare and gaze, as though asking a question, but not really. It was a demand.

You know where. You know when. No suggestive raising-of-the-eyebrows tone of voice...look...?... there, it was a command. He knew where to go after the meeting was over, he knew when to show up.

The little bird chirped, and rubbed against Prussia's cheek, causing him to look away from the (obviously avoiding his gaze) Japanese man, to close his eyes and rub his cheek against the bird, as though in apology.

And here they are now.

"Kesese. You know you like this, you dirty little whore." Prussia continued to pound his thriving need into Japan's spent body, who took it with compliance.

Well, mostly because he was handcuffed to the bed, mouth gagged, and a vibrator set on the highest level shoved far up his ass as Prussia slammed along side it, into the depths of the creamy skin that Japan had. He stayed still, letting his body be brutally abused by Prussia, who gripped his hips, leaving already painful bruises there; that showed up dark on his fair skin. He yelped when Prussia abused his nipple again, taking it in his teeth and biting painfully, then sucking on it. They were bruised too. Anywhere he touched, or laid his mouth on, became bruised. He liked it rough, taking complete control over his prey, and marking the body as his own work. His own creation. It was brutal, and painful, but Japan had to do it. Why though?

Easy. He was just as lonely. And if he said no, the Prussian would come after him anyways, tie him up much more brutally, and blood would shed, along with the bruises that littered his body. So, Japan complied. When Prussia would stare at him, or show up at his doorstep with a bag, he knew he couldn't stop the others strength. The other liked to see him squirm, to come quietly, and to writhe in pain as well as pleasure as he invaded what he could. Why he went after Japan, was a mystery. They had never really talked, and still haven't, and yet, Prussia used Japan as a little fuck toy, whenever he wanted to.

Japan half sighed, half moaned, as he came, his white seed shooting onto the Prussian's toned and sweat covered chest. He closed his eyes, as he felt himself become less aroused(Although, he never had felt aroused at all. More...numb. His body just reacted to the actions done to it.) and his manhood softened and he groaned, pressing his face into the sweat covered pillow beneath him. That had been the third round the Prussian had abused on him, the third time he had climaxed, the third time that night the Prussian emptied himself into the already full cavern of Japan. Japan felt numb, like he always did after this happened. Prussia finally pulled out of Japan, as slightly pink colored cum dripped out of his hole, the vibrator still going off deep inside him. His white linen shirt, now soaking with perspiration and reeking of the smell of sex, clung to his back. Before, Prussia had chained him up and ripped the buttons off, not caring about the shirt as it hung loosely from Japan's shoulders as he began his attack. He had also been gagged the minute he had stepped into the threshold of Prussia's hotel room.

Prussia walked around and placed the key to the handcuffs on Japan's burning chest, a contrast to the cold metal of the key, laying it in the slight crevice between his pectoral muscles(Yes, Japan has a toned body as well... but Prussia's is manlier and waaaaaaaay more buff) and smirking, as he walks into the bathroom to clean himself off, as Japan is left on the bed. The vibrator is still going off, as it slowly inches its way out of Japan. It hits his prostate, and agonizingly moves past it, making Japan see white, but not hard surprisingly, as it finally slides out of him, along with a lot of excess cum, onto the bed, making a slight buzzing noise as it moved around on the last open foot of the bed, trailing Prussia's seed along with it. He closed his eyes, and wished Prussia would hurry up. His wrists hurt, his back hurt from the position he was brutally forced in, his skin burned with bite marks left un-soothed, his entrance hurt, from the way Prussia forced himself and the vibrator in at the same time, shoving it deeper and turning it higher with each thrust, his mouth hurt, from being rubbed against the rough fabric, that eventually moistened and left red marks along the corners of his lips. He felt dirty, and used. He wanted out. But the damn Prussian who took him so forcefully, left him tied up on his bed as h went to go clean himself thoroughly. Meaning, he wouldn't be out of the bathroom for a while. Japan sighed and closed his beautiful amber eyes, feeling the slight pain in his backside as he shifted, and fell into a spent and numb sleep.

He woke when a wet towel snapped against his cheek, leaving a red mark as Prussia stood above him, in his wet and naked glory. He took the, now warm, piece of metal from Japan's chest(who had not moved an inch in his sleep, and had only been asleep for half an hour) and unceremoniously unlocked the tight handcuffs, allowing Japan's arms to fall down, seeing as though they had less blood in them now, and ripped the gag off Japan. He took the hints and stood up, only to be pushed back down again, and bitten on the throat as the smell of Prussia's breath wafted around. Stale beer.

"Little whore." He towel flicked him again, and Japan got up, wincing as he did so, the ache in his back and hips being let known, and walked into the bathroom. He peeled off his disgusting shirt and got into the shower (cold, Prussia purposely used up all the warm) and started to scrub himself absent-mindedly as he thought, the cold water waking him up a bit. Why did he let this happen? Why did he let the Prussian take his body so forcefully? Why was he so compliant to let the man do whatever he wanted, however rough he wanted it. He... he didn't really know, himself. He reached behind and, painfully, wincing as he did so, pushed a finger into his entrance, scraping out the cum(which might have been useless, because fairly enough, there could have been a full cup of Prussia's cum inside of him) that he had been so very full of. He watched as it trailed down his leg, down the drain, a little pink. He fingered all the cum out, then proceeded to use the hotel soaps to clean himself up, leaving him to smell like green tea.

He, achingly, stepped out of the shower, and into the room, to find the lights off(Though, they were off before), and Prussia snoring loudly underneath the cum soaked sheets, the vibrator laying on the nightstand next to him. No lube, no condoms. Prussia always went in dry, hard, fast, and rough. Always making sure Japan remembered every detail of every time he was invaded my Prussian cock. He gathered his clothes and put them on, sighing softly, disgusted with himself for doing this again and for putting horridly dirty clothes back on his body. His spine crawled, and he shivered, pulling his jacket around his arms, and leaving, looking at the Prussian as he softly clicked the door shut.


Japan walked down the street, his backside hurting tremendously as he urged himself forward. He finally reached his house and unlocked the door, slipping inside. Once he did, he locked the door and leaned against it, sliding down to the floor. He finally got to looked at his wrists, to see that they were red, and chaffed. He rubbed at them and sighed, silent tears started to trail down his smooth cheeks, and he wiped at them angrily. He got up and went into his room, stripping down to his boxers and falling asleep as soon as he stopped shifting under the covers of the bed.


Japan woke up the next morning to sunlight hitting him dead in the eye, he was blinded momentarily, and instantly sat up to get out of the light's way, only to have a shot of pain shoot up his spine, to cause him to fall back down on his pillows and groan. His black hair, now very messy, splayed out under him, brushing against his cheekbones and slightly covering his eyes. He laid an arm across his forehead, and allowed his eyes to be kept closed. He thought about his actions last night, and the meeting. To him, it was nothing. It was meaningless. It was sex. And he thought he could use Japan whenever he wanted to. Japan, really, could've -shoudl've- ended their continuing (more frequent than usual) sex meets, but he didn't.

He couldn't.

He didn't know why, but he just...couldn't.

He had no feeling towards any of it. He did not like Prussia in that way at all, he didn't like sex (not the way Prussia did it, the only way he knew of)

and he didn't like having to scrape cum out of his asshole every time, and the aches that accompanied sex.

To have sex with Prussia... it was like a blizzard raging around and inside of you. He did it unexpectedly, but with hints and warnings of future outcomes ahead, and he came for his prize quickly after that. He raged on you, making sure that if you were caught in the storm, to have a mark (or marks) that resembled that you did. He would draw it out, then, make it slow, agonizing. And he did it all with no emotion.

He was cold.

And Japan felt like the little white rabbit caught in the storm.

Nobody could see that he was there, and nobody cared. All they cared about was their own safety. And the blizzard would rage on him, taking him when it wanted to, and leaving when it was done.

Japan soon realized that more tears were running down his face, and swiped at them. He got up, ignoring the aching protests of his back and hips, and walked to his shower, feeling like a dirty whore.

"Little whore." Japan winced, and stepped into the hot, comforting water of the shower. He, again, scrubbed furiously at is body, wanting to get rid of all evidence that Prussia had been there at all, even if the dark bruises were still there. Stepped out, and dried off, going back into his room to get changed. Even though there was a meeting yesterday, they separated the meeting into different days, depending on the topics and if they got anything done that day. He cringed. That means he would have to see Prussia again. He walked out of the room, and regained his posture, ignoring how his body pleaded with him to let him slouch, to lie down, he stood as strait as a board. His back ached, because he had to arch it for (Two? Three?) hours as Prussia fucked him, then left him hanging there, due to the damned handcuffs.

That was the thing with him, too. He liked bondage. Never, ever, was Japan allowed to touch the other man's body. He was tied up, in various ways, and would be left immobile. Letting Prussia do as he pleased. They had never even kissed. Not once. Prussia never made a move to, and Japan didn't really want to.

And know, Japan walked into his kitchen, and made some green tea. He sat down and checked the time, sipping on his matcha quietly. The meeting started at 10 AM. He had an hour. He got up and put his empty cup into the sink, washing his hands and was about to sit down again, only to hear the doorbell ring. He looked in the direction of the door with questions pondering in his eyes, as he walked over to the door whose doorbell was being abused, and he knew who it was before he opened the door.

"Herro, America-"


And Japan was promptly sent tumbling to the floor as the American glomped him.