Hello readers, my name is Ned (my username, not my actual name obviously), and I'll be the narrator of this story. This is probably going to be brief since I still have two other stories I have to write. However I had to get this one off of my chest and into a computer (or I guess now a lot of them). So I'm going to give all of you a nice story that I thought would be fun to write and that some of you were in the mood to read.
This is going to follow Danny's life for the most part... so in other words his parents and sister are probably going to be the same to some degree, that also counts for Vlad *shiver* however he is not half ghost since there is no technology advanced enough in the story to make a ghost portal. He simply had no chance at getting Maddie to be his wife and still hates Jack for 'taking' her from him.
Sam and Tuck are a different story. Tuck simply won't be in this story at all since there is no technology and I simply can't imaging him without it. Sam is probably my greatest idea yet, but she won't be coming in until the second chapter. So enjoy the story, however...
WARNING! REALLY SAD Character Death! You all have been warned!
Chapter 1- Only One Regret
Danny Fenton had never been considered 'normal' to the people in his village. It was not because he did anything wrong or strange. He had actually tried, for the majority of his life, to be as ordinary and obedient as one could be in his village. However, thanks to his parents, being considered 'normal' to anyone was next to impossible.
Danny's parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, were eccentrics to say the least. Their life goal had always been to reach the spirit world to either talk to or capture a spirit to study on. However, since the only living person in the world that could enter and exit the spirit world willingly was the Avatar. Their goal was a lost effort, but that never stopped them from trying to achieve it.
Thanks to them Danny's family was the laughing stock of the majority of the citizens in their village, and a risk to the soldiers patrolling there. This may come to a huge shock to most, since Danny was such a good kid, but he was born and raised in the Fire Nation. Where, even in school, everyone is forced to pledge their allegiance to a picture of their 'mighty' Fire Lord Ozai.
In the Fire Nation they frowned upon most things involving spirits since they wanted to be an advanced society. Then, for the Fire Nation to advance they burned forests to the ground and polluted seas and lakes with their newly found industries to the point that nothing could live or grow where they treaded. However, whenever they do that the spirits that protect the areas will sometimes attack or even rob the soldier or villages in the area for vengeance.
So when people are actually trying to look for and talk to spirits the Fire Nation could, or possibly, would see it as a threat towards their advancement. The soldier in the area had tried to stop Danny's parents from perusing their goals on multiple occasions, but they refuse to listen. They were researchers after a goal, and knowing Danny's father, they were not going to stop trying to achieve it without a fight.
"Hey Danny!" Jazz ran up to him after he got out of school. "How were your classes?"
"Fine," Danny simply stated as he continued to walk, passing his sister without a second glance.
Jazz was slightly taken back by his attitude, but since he did it regularly, she bounced back rather quickly. "Do you have any planes for this afternoon?"
"Then do you want to come to the circus with me, they are saying there will be a flying bison there."
Danny finally stopped walking at her last three words. "Did you say flying bison… as in the flying bison that the air nomads used to ride one hundred years ago?"
Jazz smiled, happy to finally get her brother's attention, even if it was for a limited about of time that was fleeing before her. "Yeah, there are even rumors going around that it's the Avatar's bison."
Danny let out a sigh as the curious gleam that was once in his eyes vanished, along with his attention. "Then it's probably a fake." He concluded as he started to walk away again. "Flying bison are extinct and the airbenders were practically soul bond to their bison. It's practically impossible for them to be separated, and if they were they would do whatever they could to get back together. And if the Avatar lost his, then the circus is about to have some major issues." Danny finished a smirk pulling on his lips.
Jazz let out a sigh, "You read Mom and Dad's books again didn't you." She concluded, not finding any other reason her little brother would know so much about such a simple topic.
Their parents had piles upon piles of books and scrolls to help them understand the spirits that dwelled in the spirit world, and since the air nomads were the closest people linked to the spirit world, it only made sense to get books about them. All of which Danny read and reread simply out of boredom, since he barely had any friends to hang out with.
"Yep," Danny answered her, his smile turning clever, "and thanks, but no thanks, the circus sounds bogus. Besides, don't you have firebending lessons to go to?" He stated, sending his sister a disapproving look.
Jazz let out a sigh, he had never been a fan of her training, but he had stopped complaining about it after he realized it was futile argument. "Yes, but I planned on skipping to spend the day with you. We haven't really gotten to a chance to talk to each other in months."
"That's because neither of us have the time, like right not for instance." Danny stated in an aggravated voice. "Now if you would excuse me I have to get home before dad decides to blow it up with another one of his weird experiments, again." He finished as he started to walk a little bit faster towards the house.
Jazz let out a sigh as she watched her brother flee from her, he had become very distant in the past few months and she could not blame him.
Either since Danny was little he had the great misfortune of not having the ability to bend fire, like she could. And it did not help him at all that here, in the Fire Nation, firebenders reigned supreme. It also did not help that their parents also had no bending abilities, so he was always considered more like them then Jazz ever was.
Jazz herself was a firebending prodigy; she was gifted with the art from their mother's side of the family; that they have yet to actually meet face to face. Jazz had taken a great pride in her ability, and whenever she had the chance she would show off to her younger brother. When Danny was little, he loved seeing the flames dance across her fingertips.
But now that he's older, he could not help but be jealous of how much she differed from their parents. It was because of her abilities that she was able to achieve more in life then Danny ever could, after all firebenders were on the top of the food chain in the Fire Nation, while being the son of two spirit researchers put him at the very bottom.
So Jazz could not help but feel sorry for her brother, and wish that somehow he could also bend the elements to his will. Maybe that way he could step out from under their parents shadow and get somewhere in life.
Danny let out a sigh as he turned around to find that his sister had not followed him. He loved his sister and all, but sometimes he could not stand to be around her. Actually most of the time he could not stand to be around anyone, so he did what any lonely teen would do, take a nice, relaxing, stroll into the woods.
To be completely honest whenever Danny went in there he felt totally at ease. The forest was one of the rare ones the Fire Nation had yet to burn down to make room for another blighted village or militia camp or industry. So he took whatever chance he had to go in and admire every little detail. After all if the Fire Nation had it their way there would not be any forests left, just ash, fire, and a lot of filth.
Alright, what he was thinking was probably treason to a certain degree, but hey, they were his personal thoughts so he was safe, to an extent. While Danny walked he looked around, trying to find the perfect tree he had become fond of sitting in. It was his personal alone spot that few people would ever find him in; it was also his place to think about life, and his parents.
Finally he found it and quickly climbed up onto this many branches until he found the one big enough to sit on. When he did he let out an exhausted sigh and stared out into the forest, letting the past few days' events play through in his mind.
For the past few weeks the Fire Nation soldiers that were stationed in the village had made it their job to come to his house and belittle his parents about their research. Normally Danny would not mind, after all, everyone in the village did it. However, the firebenders did a lot more than demean his parents, they had threatened them! That, Danny would not stand for.
However he could not do anything. He was just one kid, with no bending abilities what so ever, and his sister had, coincidentally, been practicing her firebending with her master, General Vladimir Masters, every time the soldiers came to the house.
Although Jazz was training with a General of the Fire Nation's fleet, she had no intention of going into the army. She had even told Vlad about her opinions, but he had insisted on teaching her, 'For old friends sake,' he stated.
Danny hated that man, for multiple reasons. One, he was the man in charge of the soldiers that went after his parents, although his parents play dumb and insist that it is a mistake and that 'Old Vladdy' would never do such a thing. Two, he hits on his mother… frequently! And third, he was one messed up fruit loop who tortures innocent people, just like the rest of the Fire Lord's homicidal army.
Danny let out a sigh as he leaned his head against the tree trunks and stared up at the sky that was slowly turning dark with every passing second. He knew he should hurry home before his parents worried, but he could not bring himself to do it. The forest was the one place he did not have to worry about the village's opinion of him, or how stubborn his parents were with something that was slowly ruining their family's lives. However when stars finally started to appear Danny knew he had to leave and get home.
So he reluctantly sat up and jumped out of the tree. He was not scared of heights; after all he had spent most of his childhood in the forest, climbing trees and, on occasion's, swan diving off of cliffs and into the river that ran throughout the forest. The forest was like his second home, if he could he would have ran away into the forest… if he could just learn how to survive in it without starving or becoming something else's dinner.
"There you are Danny, I was wondering where you went." His mother stated as Danny walked into the house. "Why don't you go wash up while I finish making dinner; it should be done soon."
"Alright," Danny said as he walked out of the living room and started to do as his mother told. When he got out he found his father sitting at the kitchen table, his mother was putting some food on his plate.
"Come sit down honey, dinner is ready and I want to hear about your day." His mother said a caring smile on her face. To any outsider she would seem like the most loving mother out there, but to half of the village, she was considered a nutcase, but the other half though of her as headstrong and a little suicidal when it came to her research with Danny's father.
"Thanks," Danny started as his mother put some food on his plate, "My day was pretty normal, nothing really interesting to report." He simply stated as he started to put some food into his mouth.
"Really, did Jazz not take you to the circus?" His mother asked a discouraged look on her face. "She said she would, and that there was a flying bison there to cheer you up."
"I don't need cheering up." Danny almost growled as he gripped his utensil a little tighter. His family had been worried about him for weeks now, thinking that he needed help. "And no, we didn't go. The bison would have been a fake anyway."
Maddie's face became downcast, "Oh, well would you like to go camping tomorrow, Jazz and I planned it and thought it would be good for you."
"Yeah, you have been a little distant since Vladdy came to the village." His father jumped in, a wide smile on his face, but Danny only cringed at the fruit loop's name. "We all think that a camping trip is exactly what you need!"
Danny then abruptly stood up, finally having it with the conversation. "I don't need anything!" He yelled towards his parents. "However our family needs plenty, like two parents who need to realize that getting to the spirit world is an impossibility!"
"But the Avatar can-," His father started, but Danny was not done.
"We also need a daughter, and sister, to be home half the time!" Danny added, "We also need those soldiers that are working for your Friend, by the way, to leave us alone. However, none of that is going to happen because you two continue to chase this fantasy that is only making us exiles to the village, and criticized by the entire nation!" Danny finally finished his breath seizing.
"What do you mean getting to the Spirit world is an impossibility?!" His father yelled, breaking the silence.
"Jack!" His mother yelled, but the damage had been done.
"I mean it is a futile dream that I refuse to be a part of anymore!" Danny yelled as he stormed out of the dining room and into his room and locked the door behind him.
Danny paced around his room for a couple of minutes, debating on whether he should really leave like he had threatened. However after he thought about everything that had been happened he finally came to the conclusion that leaving would be for the best for him. He could not stand being in this messed up village for one more second, he had finally had enough! He quickly gathered all the clothes he thought would be worth keeping, he also got all the valuables he could pack and set all of it on his bed. He had decided to totally ignore the voice in the back of his head that complained about how he could possibly survive in the forest all by himself, but after a while he decided to just wing it.
When everything was done Danny stood over the pack in front of him, staring at it. He did not know why he was hesitating it was probably the best bet for him to leave. He could get so far in life without his parents reputation holding him back. Heck, he could go to the Earth Kingdom and live a normal life. He had the looks to where no one would know where he was from; he might even be able to pass as someone from one of the water tribes.
He took a long deep breath, gathering his courage to leave, and then grabbed the pack and swung it over his shoulder. He was about to jump out of his window until he heard a loud explosion come from the font of the house. Fear found its way into Danny's heart and he immediately dropped his pack and ran to the front door. When he got there he was horrified by the sight in front of him.
He found his parents, standing in front of almost a dozen firebenders that where walking through the burning hole that used to be the front door. The ones that had made it into the door where poised to attack, and all of them where aimed at Danny's parents. Danny stared in shock, he knew he had to do something, his parents lived were on the line!
"Dad!" He yelled, not sure what else to do. However right when he did a few of the soldiers stared at him, but only one made a shiver run down Danny's back.
"Hold him, but remember your orders." The man yelled to his troops, a devious smirk on his face. "We need to keep him alive."
Danny's family froze at his words, 'Hold me?!' Danny though, as two of the soldiers at the front door started to walk towards him.
"You leave him alone!" Danny's mother yelled as she walked away from her husband and started for Danny, trying to come to his aid.
"Oh, that's right we need her out of the way as well." The man stated, a bored look on his face, but Danny could see the glee in his eyes. At his command, one of the two soldiers that headed for Danny started for his mother.
Hatred coerced through Danny as he finally realized what was happening. 'Vlad! That dirty, no good…' he thought but before his tirade could finish his father broke through it.
"Now see here!" Jack yelled, but before he could take a step towards his wife or son fire exploded near his feet.
"I wouldn't if I were you." The man that Danny concluded was Vlad's lieutenant stated. "We were told to keep them out of harms way, but you, well let's just say that that will be the fun part."
Anger pumped through Danny's veins at the all too apparent death threat towards his father. He started to storm towards the lieutenant, but before he could get to close his arms were grabbed from behind by the soldier he forgot had been told to grab him. "Hey!" He yelled, but no one paid him any mind.
The lieutenant then gave Danny's father one last evil grin before he yelled. "Now than men, open fire!" And just like that, the whole house lit up with red and orange flames that burned all in its wake, with Jack Fenton right in the middle of it.
"Jack/Dad!" Danny and Maddie yelled in horror, and when the flames finally stopped all that was left was a burned husk.
A million emotions coursed through Danny all at once, from sorrow, to pain, to fear, to downright wrath! Then just like that Danny made one swift move to escape. He head-butted the solder, that was ironically enough not wearing a helmet, and then stomped on his toe as hard as he could. He was immediately let go as the guard let out his howls of pain. However, Danny did not plan on escaping the man's grip to simply run away with his life. No he was out for vengeance.
Right when he got out he turned to the nearest guard and punched the front of his face as hard as he could. Unfortunately, this one was wearing a helmet, so Danny was not surprised when he heard a few loud cracks. He knew a few had been from his hand, that was now sending a lot of signals to his brain telling him about the pain, and the other was from the nose of the poor soldier that Danny had punched to hard the front of his helmet had dented. But despite the seething pain in his hand, Danny kept going. He ignored the shouts from the soldiers, telling each other not to kill him. However, Danny refused to be captured again as he punched whoever came his way with his good hand and kicked anywhere his feet were able to go. Let's just say a few solders ended up screaming like little girls.
When Danny had successfully gotten almost half of the soldiers in the house to submit, most of which did not really know how to fight in hand to hand combat, fire was finally introduced into the fight. Danny was able to successfully dodge a few, purely out of dump luck, but one finally came towards him dead on.
"Danny!" Maddie yelled as she charged into the fight and attacked the man firing the… well the fire towards Danny. However that still left Danny with the majority of the fire that was still coming towards him. All Danny could really think of doing was pulling up his arms to block the fire. Thankfully, it worked to save his life, but the flame still burned his arms pretty bad. But Danny kept going, and punched the man that his mom was attacking right in the kidney, sending his right to the floor.
However, that still left Danny and his mother against about six well trained firebenders, that had somehow surrounded them, all poised to attack, just like they were for Danny's father.
"We'll only give you this one chance, surrender or be killed!" Vlad's Lieutenant stated, anger clear on his face. Danny could tell that the man had not planned on him fighting back this much and taking down half of his men in the process.
"Never!" Danny stated as he spit on the man's boot, right before he took his last charge, right at the lieutenant. The man was so preoccupied with the spit on the tip of his boot he had not seen Danny until he was right on him. "This is for my father!" He yelled as he grabbed the man's head and slammed his against his knee, ignoring the pain it caused to shoot down his leg.
Danny let go of the man that fell back, blood pouring out of his helmet, where Danny had no doubt broken either a nose or a few teeth. "Kill him!" The man spat through the blood as he back away from Danny, obviously not too keen on being caught in the crossfire. Then just like that the same fire that had erupted not even five minutes ago lit up again, just not as bright since half of the men were either passed out or in too much pain to do anything.
However it was only aimed towards one person, Danny. Who went out with only one regret: Not being able to apologize to his father for discriminating his work and threatening to leave. But now might just be his chance to do just that.
...Did I just do what I think I did... *cried in hands* I'm so sorry Danny! I had to do it! I swear I won't kill anyone else I promise!
Klemper- Don't make promises... *snicker* you can't keep *snicker*
Youngblood- But those are the best kind! XD *burst out into uncontrollable laughter*
...-_- You too watched The Amazing Spiderman again didn't you...
Bones- Yep, but in retrospect it was better than what they could have done.
Youngblood- Hey why don't you have a Teen Titan muse or an Avatar one?
Because I have enough trouble with you two, now stop talking and let me finish addressing the readers.
Youngblood- Fine, but I'll go make some calls for you. I'm sure that someone else would love to come help us make some more ideas for your stories :D
*Sigh* Sorry once again for the chapter, but I promise no one else will die (No Laughing you two!). It was this one time that would just give me a good plot. But rest assured there will be another chapter, but I have one question for you all.
Do you all think Danny will truly die and become a spirit like Avatar Roku, or do you all think I will do something else that will turn Danny half spirit somehow, or make him stay Fenton for the rest of the story, and/or just somehow give Danny bending abilities out of nowhere (although I'm sure I can come up with some explanation)
You can also send me other ideas, but chose wisely. Because the person that guesses right might win a sneak peak into the next chapter that is coming out on sometime either this week or the next, it all depends.
Don't forget to review and give me your thoughts about the story. PMs are also encouraged for anyone who does not believe in pointing out my flaws publicly.