Scorpius POV

"Why do they have to live with us Dad?" I asked as I sat directly opposite my dad for a 'talk'. I knew that I hadn't been in trouble recently and we had had the sex talk ages ago so I had no idea what it was about till he told me that the Potters were coming to stay. Their house had burnt down and because we had the room dad had offered our house to them which Potter had accepted unfortunately.

"I already told you Scorpius." Dad's gaze bore down on me.

"Yes I know that. But why us? They have family don't they? and surely one of their friends could put them up. We don't even know them."

"Scorp" Dad flicked his gaze over to the side which meant he was looking back on a memory. "Our families have always been prejudiced and I'd like to overcome that. Potter saved my life once, I know this won't repay him for that but it would offer him something of the sorts."

"They could still stay with others."

"Their family don't have the room for them and I had already offered."

"So it's your fault they are staying? You had to take them in first rather then let their friends offer them a place."

"Scorpius they are staying here whether you like it or not and you will not be disrespectful or un-welcoming to them in any way."

I sat back in my seat with a defleated sigh. "When are they coming?"


"What! You couldn't have told me sooner?"

"Scorp there house has just burnt down, I have just offered. They stayed at a hotel last night and they will be coming here before another night is drawn."

"What time?"

"They should be here to have dinner with us."

"And what does mom think?"

"She completty agrees with me on the matter."

"Can I go now?"

"What no. Do I need to make this any clearer to you, today they are moving in. You will help with preparing the house for them."

"But I wanted to go out today with Kasey." Kasey, my girlfriend. Things had been slowed down between us, on my part anyway I didn't think she noticed. I just wasnt interested any more and I had no clue why. She was hot and she was a generally kind fun girl to be with so there was no reason why I shouldn't be. I just was.

"Well you can't so you can just tell Kasey no." Dad got up from his seat and beckoned me to follow him.

He set me the task of getting the rooms ready starting from one end while he did the other, Mom was cooking tonight's dinner which was going to be good considering it was going to take her the whole afternoon.

I wouldn't have to do anything if we had house elves but my mother didn't like them so we had none. First I had to dust, spray, polish and vacuum the rooms by my own hands because dad didn't like us using magic for everything especially for labour. Then I had to change the sheets on the bed which I desisted doing with a passion and last give a coating if needed which I summarised none of them did whether it was true or not.

I was done before dad which gave him immediate suspicious causing him to check out the rooms I did which I was called back repeatedly that I didn't do this right and did I miss a spot or am I blind?, I was exhausted by the time we finished and was only able to lie down on my bed for a few minutes before mom was calling that they were here.

I got up and walked down the stairs to see them all sitting down in the living room. Harry Potter and his wife Ginny Weasley, their children and their godson and his family.

One little boy ran up to me and grabbed my leg, looking up at me with a smile. "Dada."

I was taken back; I just stared at the kid in horror.

"I'm sorry." Teddy Lupin apologised to me plucking his son of me. "He says it to everyone."

"I'd appreciate if he didn't."

"He can't help it" Teddy said hesitantly.

"I'm sure."

"Scorpius why don't you show the kids around while I talk to Harry and Ginny?" Mom said smoothly but I could heed the warning: be nice.

"Sure." I mumbled as their kids got up to follow me.

"Just tell me where I'm staying, I don't need no tour" James, the oldest said to me after we had left the room.

"I wasn't inclining to give you one. Second floor take your pick apart from the last one at the end that's my parents room."

I went to lie down on the sofa in the back room till I was shaken awake by my mom. "Quick tour?"

"They just wanted me to show them to their room."

"Well dinners ready help me and your father carry it in."

"I hope your happy with the rooms?" Mom asked once everything had started eating.

"There great." Ginny answered.

"Oh Scorpius" My dad called. I looked up instantly knowing I wasn't going to like what he was going to say.

"Albus is going to be sharing the third floor with you."

My mouth dropped open. "Why?"

"Because it's the last room. Honestly Scorp it's a spare room your not of use of it."

"He cant have that one, he can sleep with his brother."

"Scorpius" Dad said sharply. "It's final and I don't want you saying anything else about it."

This couldn't be happening. The top three rooms on the top floor were all interlocked.

Albus freaking Potter of all people. It wasn't bad enough that his family were staying with us but now we had to share the same bathroom!