Yep, again another Veela story since we can't have too much of them 'sigh'. Some stories I read about them, actually inspired me to write this story or the one that is developing in my mind but I am also open to suggestions and things to put, or make it happen, if the idea is good!
I actually was tired of stories where they made a Veela an insecure whiny crybaby and not the biggest sexual predator, which they are from the magical creatures.
Sadly the stories about Veelas that I liked, which contain Hermione and Fleur, I can count on my fingers and some that are actually really good are not updated for a really long time. -.- And I hate when they put stories with only conversation or copy a lot of words that are used from the book or the movies.

I haven't decided on the pairing yet. I am still between Hermione/ Fleur, Hermione/ Gabrielle and maybe both. xD I guess the reviews will help me know what is more desired and will add more Veelas, because it's fun watching jealous Veelas - teehee.
Our bookworm will have one hell of a year... again.

I am open to suggestions on a plot which I may add so feel free to comment or send me a private message with ideas, Thank you =)

Warning: English in not my native tongue so mistakes are inevitable!^.^

This is my 1st story here so sorry if it fails. I hate fails! GRR

Chapter 1

It was a warm summer... scratch that, it was a really hot summer and a girl with bushy brown hair was wondering how nobody was noticing it. Guess the people in France were use to high temperature. Weren't places near big puddles of water supposed to be somehow cooler? Guess living in England all her life made her tolerance towards heat, low.

For years her parents wished to visit another country but their work always messed things up. Until one of them finally put his foot down and said that they are going on a vacation out of the blue. They have saved money each year for such trip so money was not an issue at all. The hard part was deciding where to go. Surprisingly neither in the family desired and place with too much tourists or constant shouting which would make rest difficult. In the end they had decided to go to the Languedoc's Mediterranean beaches in France since the only kid of the family always wanted to visit the country.

The girl with brown, curly hair and hazel eyes, named Hermione Granger was more than amazed at the sight before her, the golden sands, the clear like crystal water, the fresh air and the carefree atmosphere around her were a nice change for the young 14 soon to be 15 years old witch.

She needed a little bit of normality in her life and summer was probably the only time when she could have it. Don't get her wrong, she loved her life and wouldn't trade it for the world, or her best friends Ron and Harry, whom always seem to find themselves in trouble inside and even outside of school. And the worst part is that she always somehow ends up there, trying to help them not to get killed and in the process her, or worse- expelled! But that's what you get for being friends with "the boy who lived", who seems to be like a magnet for bad and crazy people.

Good thing his luck or should she say, her intellect were at his disposal when both of the boys needed it, or they would have been dead in their 1st year. But she owed them. If it wasn't for them she would have been dead long ago, squashed like an insignificant bug in a dirty toilet floor by a troll . She was so depressed that day, that it took her a few seconds to realize that there is a big ugly troll, no more than three steps away from her stall and was more than glad that she was able to react fast enough. Though it's more accurate to say that it took forever for the troll to think what to do with her before spinning that enormous wooden bat. Something Hermione never wants is to spend an eternity and lifeless "quality time" with moaning Myrtle.

Hermione shuddered at the thought of it. She would rather do a staring contest with a Basilisk (The giant snake in their second year) or play fetch with a werewolf than listen to Mirtle's whining. And like almost everything in her life, she was hit with the realization that her childish attitude will be the death of her and worse, the people around her. Like her best friends, whom showed her first hand the bravery of a Gryffindor. That was the day she grew a backbone. And in third year her "favorite" Slytherin by the name of Draco Malfoy (the blonde git) experienced just how much of a bone, when Hermione broke his nose with her fist.

She hit him so hard that her hand was hurting a whole week but it was worth it. Too bad that his father wasn't there too so she could hex him right into Azkaban. Also the day she wished there was no such thing as healing magic because Madam Pomfrey, the healer of Hogwarts was able to heal Malfoy's nose in an instant. The remaining year him or his gorilla friends didn't dare bother her or her friends.

Now Hermione Granger was lying on a sandy beach with a book in hand, at one of the best countries in the world, having the time of her life and most importantly, it didn't endanger her well being. Nothing in the world can convince her there is something better then what she was doing right now. Hermione looked over her right shoulder and saw 5 kids playing volleyball on the sandy beach, laughing.

"Okey, maybe there was." Hermione murmured under her breath thinking how nice it will be if her school friends were here with her, getting sand everywhere and playing ball on the hot sand or water. She shook her head and murmured 'one day' if they were still alive before returning to her book. She blinked a few times when she saw the page, she was still 'reading'. One bookworm she was. Laying on the beach for probably 2 hours with a book in hand and still at the prologue. But Hermione couldn't help it, this place was gorgeous and it would be a sin to replace the view with something she can do every day.

The brunette huffed, laying the book beside her and sat up to admire the beach scenery. It was only the beginning of her two week vacation in France and she wanted to enjoy everything this place had to offer. Books be damned for the rest of her vacation.

Great, now she sounded just like her red haired friend Ronald Weasley. Hanging with Harry Potter and the Weasleys most certainly do miracles to your character and Hermione hoped she haven't caught some of Ron's manners or she will die from embarrassment. But who was she kidding, she would most likely rush to the first bookstore or library and won't be able to take her eyes of the shelves, full with books and knowledge for the rest of the day. The only trouble will be that she won't understand most of them. Her French was pretty much basic. She could greet, ask for help and directions but that's about it. Old habits do die hard or in her case, not at all. Luck was on her side and she hadn't seen any bookstores since she arrived here. Maybe she was just too distracted by everything else.

Hermione and her parents were going to spend their first week in this paradise and the second week in Paris. Her parents wanted some time alone since they barely had any time for each-other, because of work. When they go to Paris, they would spend it together, admiring the big capital. The bushy haired girl understood them completely, she was more than happy to have some time on her own since she barely had any at school. So she was going to hold on to this moment like a drunk a bottle of alcohol before going back to the mad house, aka - Hogwarts.

Hermione's mind drifted yet again, wondering why she accepted to go to the Quidditch world cup. She didn't like that blasted sport and couldn't see what people find so interesting about it. Not to mention it was a dangerous game, unless they enjoyed being hit by bludgers and pushed off their brooms from incredible heights to certain death. Yes, there is nothing wrong with that sport... Hermione though sarcastically. Just like giant magical chess. As mush as she didn't like the sport, she decided to go and try to have fun, for her friends. Not that it will be difficult with all the Weasleys there. It would be nice to spend some time out of school with her friends, and help Harry have some good time.

Hermione shook her head and returned back to reality. She's been spacing out a lot this past few weeks. She looked at her watch and saw that more than 2 and half hours have passed since she arrived. Deciding to stop thinking and worrying about this and that, she sat up, observing the muggles and the gorgeous view of the hotels in the distance.

While enjoying the view, the young witch sensed a gaze upon her and wondered how she didn't felt it before. Hermione looked around her not seeing anything out of the ordinary. When she was about to shrug it off, Hermione found the cause. There in the water was a girl, probably her age with blonde, almost silver hair and piercing grayish-blue eyes, who was staring right at her. By the looks of it for quite some time. Hermione stared back for a few seconds and then looked behind her to see if she wasn't just imagining things. No one seemed to be paying the swimming girl any mind which made Hermione shift uncomfortably under that gaze that seemed to be dissecting her. It felt like the girl was trying to uncover all the little secrets in her life and somehow succeeding. The brunette stared back in hopes that the girl will realize she was starring and embarrassed, turn away. What she didn't expect is for the girl to smirk at her. Seems like the blonde was doing it on purpose which was totaly not creepy or anything. Hermione didn't know what was happening but she didn't like it. She took the discarded book to use as a shield while ignoring the gorgeous girl.

Hermione was successful for most part until someone screamed as if a tsunami was heading their way. The witch jumped in fright and looked at the crazy woman who was pointing at the sea. Turning her gaze to the water, she saw a guy on a jet, looking confused as to why someone was yelling at him and Hermione realized that he was standing on the spot where that strange girl was moments brunette was amazed at herself by the speed she got up and into the water. Thank Merlin for her best friends and all the dangerous moments they have experienced for she was able to reach the girl fast enough before she drowned herself. Hermione grabbed the young girl by the waist and pulled her towards the shore. The stranger seemed dazed, her hand reaching to the back of her head where Hermione could see was bleeding.

Hermione swam back to the shore and when they were finally on land, the not so bushy haired girl helped the blonde in a sitting position so she could scan the wound on the back of her head. The witch was relived that the wound didn't look that bad and without even realizing what she was doing, placed her hand behind the girl's head, muttering a healing spell, holding her so she won't move. Having friends with dangerous enemies meant you have to be better than them or you will die and Hermione hated not being prepared when something dangerous happens. So to make sure that won't happen at all, she started practicing wandless magic. Even though she only could do small spells without a wand. Hermione was satisfied with what she could do till now because for less than a year, she was actually able to perfectly cast some spells though not as powerful. But doing so took a lot of energy and it wasn't as efficient as having an item to channel it through.

A crowd was starting to gather so Hermione had to stop what she was doing, hoping that she have at least closed the cut on the blonde's head. She looked at everyone around who started asking the girl in her hands if she was alright. Not hearing any reply from the said girl, Hermione looked down to see her starring at her yet again. maybe she is in shock. Hermione thought.

"You should be okay now, just don't move too quickly." said Hermione in a soft voice and gave a small smile, hoping that the girl didn't see what she was doing with her hands. "You should be more careful where you swim next time."

"Merci..." said the blonde in a small voice and returned the smile.

If the beautiful blonde could devour things with her eyes, Hermione would have been long gone. Did she have some kind of mental problems or something? It made Hermione want to just turn around and run away, never to look back.

But now Hermione was actually able to look properly at the girl and what she was seeing, wasn't possible to be described with words. The brunette was trying to find words to describe this angel with long, wavy blonde hair and light blue, almost gray eyes. Hermione have never seen eyes with such color on a human being before. And again something distracted her when she saw white or bright silver light start to surround the girl, which made her look even more godlike. Hermione was confused and wondered if she was actually seeing it. Looking around, the brunette found out they were surrounded by a hand full of people, who were staring at the glowing girl as if hypnotized and drawing more attention to them by the second.

The goddess like girl didn't once avert her gaze from Hermione and when it looked like, she was going to say something, they both heard a shout from afar, which finally made the blonde to turn around.


Hermione was startled by the sudden shout, getting on her feat and fast as lightning, dashed in no particular direction, without once looking back.

When the silvery-blue eyed girl turned to ask the brunette something she realized that the girl had disappeared and frowned with disappointment. The girl named Gabrielle turned her head to the direction she thought the girl run off to and murmured.

"You can't run away from me, now that I have found you."

2015 - Edited

Have a nice day. ^.^