Author's Note:

D.O.S:I personally wanted to say this came at the top of my head I SWEAR!

Kid: oh so you came up with this story but not the next chapter to Twins of Death?! *Shaking his head in disappointment* thats just cold

Soul: in most cases why am I-


Kid: *in the corner trembling* go to my happy place go to my happy place

Maka: Sorry Kid i didn't mean to scare you

D.O.S: uh Maka he's like that cause you hit Soul asymetrically


D.O.S:... uh i don't own Soul Eater just the plot

Maka needs a Partner

Maka Albarn the scythe miester is not a normal scythe miester, she lost her scythe to a Blair. Soul Eater her former weapon fell for Blair's body and choose her over Maka and left Maka in the ditch. Soon after Maka discovered she was part weapon but wanted a miester she knew she could trust and won't leave her in the gutter like her partner did to her. She vowed to herself that she would not be like Soul nor Spirit also known as Death scythe and her father.

"oh Maka it's alright i'm pretty sure you'll find a miester worth your trust," Tsubaki Nakatsukasa the Dark Arm weapon stated trying to be helpful as possible Maka looked at Tsubaki and sighed

"I know Tsubaki but Soul was the first male I've ever tru-"

"But what about that boy you told me about that was able to gain your trust when you guys were youngr?" Tsubaki cut and apologized for interupting Maka who is now in the verge of blushing from remembering that little boy she could still remember his features and how they met.

~Flashback~ (Sorry if it sucks, Flashbacks were never my forte -3-)

A four year old Maka was walking through Death City since she ran away from her father to teach him a lesson on how much he should be focusing on her and not other women that aren't Mama. However her plan backfired on her due to the fact she's four and her navigation skills are not at it's full potential just yet. As she walked towards the park she saw a boy around the same age as her sitting on a bench play video games, he wore a black beanie with ebony hair sticking out of it, he wore a white short sleeve button down shirt and black shorts with grey suspenders hanging on the sides of his shorts and black and white converse, but, what caught her attention the most was his vibrant set of golden irises they stood out the most. He seemed to have notice her staring seeing he stopped playing his video game and looked at Maka and smiled.

Maka only blushed at his smile and looked away. The boy stood up and walked towards Maka and spread his hand towards her. "Hello nice to meet you I'm Kid what's your name?" Maka looked at his hand hesitating at first but pout.

"Why should I give you my name?" Kid only blinked in confusion but smiled

"It's alright you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but eventually you will tell me your name just not now," Maka felt slight irritation but let it go seeing Kid doesn't mind the fact she didn't give him her name. "say since I don't know your name mind if I call yo Angel?" now Maka was blushing harder then having his eyes on her.

"w-why Angel?" Maka stuttered,Kid grinned

"Because you look nice and won't be bad and Angels are good so Angel," Maka only smiled at his explaintion then giggled

"Thanks wanna play with me?" Maka asked sticking out her hand. Kid grinned and accepted her hand.

"Sure thing Angel" and soon after the two kids played on the play ground Kid swung Maka on the swing and played on the merry-go-round, they even played tag and hide-and-seek. But sadly the day had to end and Maka had to go home."Well I better go Angel it was great meeting you I hope we'll meet again" Kid stated Maka however looked sad she liked hanging out with Kid he was the first male she ever trusted so he diserves to know her name



"Maka that's my name,"

"Maka... it has a nice ring to it well Maka hopefully time will allow us to meet again..." Kid stated with a sad smile Maka looked at him worriedly then asked

"What do you mean Kid?"

"what I mean is that I'm moving to Brooklyn, New York and won't come back in a long time. I'm sorry Maka we met the day I move away ut in the future i do wish to see you once more," Maka held a sad look in her eyes and held a determined expression

"well I swear i will remember you Kid I don't care if you end up for getting me all I have to remember is your eyes and smile and your name see you in the future Kid." Maka stated with a smile as Kid returned the smile about to reply only to be hugged by Maka, unsure of what to do he felt tingly inside and warm and soon hugged her back.

"see you In the future Maka-chan,"

~end of flashback~

And that was the last time she ever saw Kid she still wishes to see him at least to see if he's changed or is still the same.

"So Maka if your hoping to see that boy again you'll have to be patient you'll meet him again when time allows you both to meet might be sooner the you think." Maka sighed Tsubaki always knew what to do and say when she is troubling herself with up coming questions that are flooding her cranium.

"I guess your right Tsubaki you alwa-" Maka was then cut off by Professor Stein who came in rolling on his mobile chair but a student was with him looking a bit agrivated

"Professor I understand you enjoy ding that but I see no reason why you forced me to fall with you on your crash," the boy stated as he stood up dusting off his clothes (don't get me wrong I love his attire i just wanted to change it a bit like in The Twins of Death basically he's wear the atire from there but for those of you that don't want to look here's the link: ?q=exadire#/d5c6ki2) she looked at his hair was strange for the most part, three whit lines on the left side of his head and not the right, but when he looked at up at everyone was when everything stopped Maka froze unable to respond to his eyes

'his eyes... there's no way... could it be?...' Maka thought to herself with pure shock.

"Maka are you okay?" Tsubaki asked But Maka was lost in the boy's golden set of irises that were as vibrant as she remembered. all she could do was stare at the boy she met when she was four thus she thought of one name in her head.


Author's note:

and that's it for now sorry if you guys found any grammar errors but at least it's understandable right?

so... R&R PWEASE! XD