AN: Wow guys, it's been 4 years since I touched this story. I kinda left fanfic behind all together at the end of high school and didn't come back to it until now (almost graduating college, yikes). I went back to re-read this for fun, and realized I'd never finished it. I totally got the inspiration for it back, so who knows! Here's another chapter for if any of you old-timers are still around.

Tickets booked, bags packed, taxi waiting, a pile of young adults crushed themselves and their luggage into a tiny car. They clamored at the driver that they were heading to the Liverpool airport. The taxi driver wasn't exactly thrilled to have this many people and things in his cab, but he couldn't really complain since four of them were The Beatles.

"All right lads and ladies, we're off." He shouted over the ruckus

"Thank you!" Regina attempted to shout up to him

So much had happened in the weeks following graduation. Polly decided she was going to spend some time at home before leaving and travelling anywhere, as much as she wanted to join everyone in America. Tammy and Regina reunited after cutting ties for most of college, they weren't exactly back at best friend status what with Tammy cheating on Paul and all of that, but they we're working on it. Regina sold most of her college belongings, deciding to start fresh with her trip abroad, knowing there was no room or point in storing anything at her parent's house – they were planning on moving somewhere smaller in the next few months what with both children heading out on their own adventures.

The ride to the airport felt like it took ages, the boys were all being incredibly obnoxious, nothing out of the ordinary, but Regina wanted to take these moments to appreciate Liverpool so she could remember it in more than her photos.

When the taxi pulled up, Regina fronted the bill for the taxi, the boys promising to pay her back in dinner in America!

"All right! Let's do this!" Ringo shouted. He looked quite silly, his small frame lugging around a ginormous suit case.

"Ringo, I really have no idea why you felt the need to bring that much stuff with you. You know they have washing machines in America too, right?" Paul smirked

"I have to look hip and cool! If I'm going to be the short one, I have to show my coolness in some way." He flaunted and danced all the way to the doors of the plane

Everyone loaded their bags here and there and took their seats. They were lucky enough to get ones all close to each other. Paul, Regina, and Ringo sat together with John and George right behind them. It was going to be a long flight, but at least it was with some of the best people Regina knew.

"Hey Reg, can you pass me that extra barf bag?" John queased from behind her. He didn't look so great, so much for Mr. Tough Guy Lennon. Fortunately, he didn't actually lose anything on the flight even he looked like he might waste away.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to flight 692 to New York City! I'm your flight attendant Penny, and we'll be taking care of you during this flight. Our estimated time to New York is 8 hours and 35 minutes, but hopefully with some nice tail winds we can cut that down as much as possible!"

Regina and the boys smiled at Penny as she came by and all thanked her for her assistance and for not alerting everyone to the presence of a growingly famous band.

Four hours into the flight and everyone except Paul and Regina were asleep. All conversations were masked by Ringo's snoring, which was undoubtedly annoying many other passengers.

"Hey Reg, I have a question," Paul began tapping Regina on the shoulder to make sure she could hear him

"Mmhm?" Regina responded

"Did you and George ever figure things out? He told me what happened when we dropped you off at school all those years ago but he never really updated us other than to say things were fine. You don't have to talk about it, but I dunno, I just wanted to ask I guess."

"Oh… I think we're fine. We wrote each other back and forth a little bit, but nothing really happened romantically. I doubt he still has feelings for me anyway."

"Does that mean you have feelings for him?!" Paul asked, getting really excited

"Hey, calm down you, I don't know. We haven't seen each other in person for so long. I think there's always been that hope there, but I have no idea if anything will ever come of it. I kept him waiting for so long, he's got to move on, right?" Regina shrugged, she hadn't talked to anyone about this so she didn't even really understand how she was feeling until she said it.

"Right…. Well okay, I'm going to try to get some sleep." Paul closed his eyes, closing the conversation.

The rest of the flight was uneventful, and they finally landed in New York. Regina filed into the aisle behind the boys and began to walk off the plane. She stopped in her tracks when she heard the screaming. Not like horror movie someone is dying screaming, but like, desperate club screaming that she'd only heard once before… in Hamburg. The boys started looking at each other and at Regina.

"You don't think…" Paul trailed off

"It couldn't be…" Ringo clutched his bag a little bit tighter

"ALL RIGHTIE BOYS LETS GET SOME BIRDS SHALL WE?!" John was obviously well rested

"Good luck boys!" Regia saluted them all squeezing herself by "I'll see ya on the other side, because I sure don't want to get caught in that!"

George gently grabbed her shoulder as she walked past "Wait, Reg, stay with us will ya? This is too much! We need to show that one of us is at least taken, right?"

"Well, ya see Mr. Harrison, none of you actually are taken so I think this would be providing a false sense of security for someone…"

"C'mon reg! I don't wanna go out there alone, at least do it because you're my sister!" Ringo's nose seemed to stick out a lot farther when he pouted.

"Well, ya see Mr. Starkey, technically you're not alone, there are three other perfectly capable men with you! But, if I must, I must."

The five of them walked off the plane and were blinded and deafened all at once. The sun was shining and reflecting off the hundreds of signs being held by hundreds of young American girls.

"Welcome, to America, boys!" Regina shouted. None of them heard her.