
Summary: First kiss - in the rain beneath Archie's umbrella.

Author's note: Thanks to shewolf-in-red on tumblr for the prompt! :D


In retrospect Archie couldn't say precisely how it had happened; there wasn't one unique thing he could put his finger on that had set that particular walk apart from all the others, and he couldn't say to himself with certainty that 'it was the atmosphere', or 'it was the terrible joke', or 'it was the rain'. Then and there the mood had not struck him as any more or less special than any other night. He had offered to walk Ruby home after her closing shift at the diner, just like he had so many times before, and she had accepted with a smile that had made his heart race. But then again her smiles always made his heart race. It had been just the two of them out and about since the dreary weather and the late hour had driven the other Storybrookers inside, leaving the streets quiet yet oddly idyllic in the pouring rain.

He still didn't know what had changed between them, or if it had happened before or after, or even if anything had changed at all really… Maybe some elusive something had just shifted, clicked into place properly.

But he knew with perfect clarity what had happened.

She had laughed at his silly joke and he had felt that strange, heady mix of pride and elated surprise that never failed to bloom in his chest whenever he managed to make her laugh. She had stepped closer to him, so close he had almost imagined feeling the warmth of her even through their outerwear. He had thought to himself that he was happy Pongo was not with them because the lack of leash allowed him to hold his hand over Ruby's in the crook of his elbow while still holding onto the umbrella shielding them from the rain. He had thought to himself he was happy it was raining because it let him be so close to her.

Then she had stopped him with a tug on his arm and when he had turned to ask if anything was the matter…

She had kissed him.

Archie didn't know how it had happened, or why, but as he stood there in the middle of Main Street being kissed by the woman of his dreams… he didn't much care.

He kissed her back.


More one shots to come...