This is my 1st fanfic on this website so don't hate me if i totally mess up

I slowly opened up my eyes, and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 6:30. I hated never being able to sleep in. For some reason I always woke up super early. I hoped out of bed and gabbed my gray hoodie. I slowly walked down the stairs not wanting to wake my family. I had two younger brothers, Zack and Conner, and my parents were probably still asleep too. I walked into the living room, turned on the T.V, and sat on the couch. I looked at my phone. 7:36. I stood up to get some cereal turning off the T.V as I did so. When I was done it was only 7:50 and I heard my brothers coming down the stairs. As they came into the kitchen I sat in a chair in the library and thought I could get a little rest. About an hour later my parents came down stairs. My brothers were so loud I hadn't been able to fall asleep yet. "Is Katie still asleep?" I heard my mom ask. Zack answered. "Probably. We didn't see her this morning." at this my eyes shot open. They had been in here at least 7 times. How could they not have seen me? "Well go wake her up. We're going to grandmas house soon." I heard my dad say. I stood up and walked into the living room just as my brothers came back downstairs. "She's not in upstairs mommy." I heard Conner say. "That's cos Im over here." I said walking toward them. "What?" my dad asked. "I said im over he-" but I was cut off. "What do you mean shes not upstairs?" He asked. Zack answered. "We mean, shes not upstairs." every one started to panic looking around for me. "Oh you gotta be kidding me." I mumbled. "Guys if your trying to make me laugh it's not going to work." I started to walk toward them. "Were could she have gone?" my mother asked. "Mom?" I waved my hand in front of her face. Nothing. My parents looked at each other. "We were pretty harsh on her last night." my dad stated. The memory flashed through my mind.


"Kate your grades are getting worse every report card!" my dad boomed. "Are you even trying?!" A tear slid down my face. "I-I am trying. Honest I am." he glared at me. "Well obliviously you're not trying hard enough. I am so disappointed in you Kate" I was full on bawling now, but at that moment something inside me cracked. "I'm trying my hardest! Don't you see that?" I screamed. "Maybe if you guys were home more maybe you'd see how much I struggle, that I don't like any of this stuff you make me do! Violin, ballet, let me have a say in what goes on in my life! I just wish you would at least act like you care about me! Even a little!" I ran up stairs crying as my mom tried to calmly call me back. "Kate." I had no idea that a ceratin winter spirit had heard the whole thing from the open kitchen window.

My mom covered her mouth and choked down a sob. Conner pipped up with his squeaky voice. "Mommy. Did Kate run away?" my mom picked him up and held him close

"I don't know but we will find her." she whispered. They all got grabbed their winter coats and boots and headed toward the door. "Guys this really isn't funny! Please stop!" My dad was the first out the door and I followed him out. "Dad! Please! Please look at me!" I reached for his arm thinking I'd feel his padded coat but instead passed through him with a blueish light. I gasped. It felt so cold. I just froze and my eyes got wider as each of my family members passed through me on the way to the car. I was slouched holding my hands on my stomach, gasping and starring at the ground. I looked up at them as they drove off in the car. I backed up to the closed front door and slid down and hugged my knees to my chest and cried.