LarryBoy and Batman looked each other in the eyes.

"You weren't bad." Batman said grimly.

"Neither were you," LarryBoy said with a smile.

During this, the Joker, Harley, Awful Alvin, and Lampy were all in Arkham Asylum. Alvin wasn't having to bad of a time as he met a man named Jervis Tetch, but the man prefered to go by the name of The Mad Hatter, who clicked with him very well. Joker on the other hand, was in a straight-jacket having only the awaiting arrival of his theripist to once again see what could be wrong with the Joker, and once again not succeed.

Five days later, LarryBoy and Alfred were sitting in the Larry-Cave watching some T.V.

"So," said Alfred. "What was it like working with this Bat character?"

"It was alright actually," LarryBoy replied. "He is a bit grim, but he is also a very nice guy if you got to know him. I think you would click with his butler.

"Oh really?" Alfred asked. "What is his name?"

"Alfred," LarryBoy replied.

"I asked what his name was, Master Larry."

"Alfred," LarryBoy said a little bit impatiently. "Batman's butler's name is Alfred!" Alfred then gave LarryBoy an odd look, not quite believing what his boss said. They then got back to the conversation.

"Well," said LarryBoy. "I still had a nice time meeting him, other than the catching Joker and Alvin part of all of this...and I have a feeling that we might see eachother again sometime soon." A few seconds after that, the Larry-Alarm started to bleep and blink and Alfred hopped up to the Larry-Computer.

"Oh my," said Alfred. "It seems that the Rumor Weed is striking once again. The only thing is she seems to be much stronger than the last times you fought!"

"I'm on the job!" LarryBoy exclaimed as he ran out into the garage part of the cave and leaped into the Larry-Mobile to drive off and once again see if he could save the city.

So there you have it. LarryBoy & Batman. About halfway through writing it, I noticed that the story more revolved around LarryBoy than Batman. So I took out Alvin earlier to make Joker a more primary villain to please whoever is more of a fan of a certain fandom.

I hope you enjoyed. Larryboyrocks9000 Out-