This is my cross-over Fanfiction about LarryBoy & The Batman. I hope you enjoy:

I do not own LarryBoy, Batman, or any related charecters.

Also, Even though it has Awful Alvin in it, the LarryBoy setting is based off of the 3-D universe, not the 2-D one.

Chapter One: Alvin and The Joker

Awful Alvin is an onion, Well...his head is. His head is an onion and the rest of his body are roots forming very think green legs and thin green arms. He has yellow eyes and a giant green monocle making his other eye look giant and green instead of yellow. His clothing included of a purple shirt, black pants, and a purple cape. He was walking through a narrow hallway looking nervously at the other corners of the place.

"Where are you?" he screamed. "Who are you? And what in the name of my sweet Lampy do you WANT with me?" Alvin had a cackeling laugh in in his head. The laugh belonged to someone he didn't know. It was high-pitch and he thought he might be doomed somehow. It was a scary thought. He brought Lampy closer towards him.

Lampy is Awful Alvin's only friend, and due to the fact that he is just your average floor lamp with a smiley-face drawn on him, that isn't saying much. But Alvin, even though being a terribly good evil genius, was haunted by the hatred of everyone that the only person he thought was normal was Lampy.

"I'd like to welcome you to the mad-house my friend!" cackled the voice. Alvin got close to a door and opened it, inside was what seemed to be a clown sitting on a throne. His name was Joker, THE Joker.

The Joker has an appearance of a clown. His hair was slicked back, and was also green. His clothing including a purple suit with a pink flower on his lapel. He also had purple pants. His nose was very pointed also...but the weirdest thing about Joker is that his body was bleached white. This is the cause of him falling into a vad of chemicles. Since then, he worried less and seemed to almost always have a smile on his face. He was pretty dang happy tonight alright.

"Hello," he said. "You are looking dashing today. One question for you, you seem pretty angry right now. What is that all about?"

"You must be the voice haunting my brain," Alvin said. "Stop it now!"

Joker burst into laughter. "Oh must understand that I am just here to make it all better. I have been doing my research, and you seem to be the man...I mean onion...I need!"

"What are you talking about," said Alvin. "I wan't nothing to do with you."

"Oh come on Al," said Joker. "Look at us. He both are very pale, both wear purple apperal, both have quite a high-pitch voice, and both both of us fight an annoying vigilante who uses gadgets and refuses to kill his villains. Also, we both like to do our crimes in very creative ways."

"How do you know who I am?" asked Alvin.

"I like to do my research...he he he!" laughed the Joker. "I read your profiles, your blog, and also, I read up an awful lot about your annoying nemesis LarryBoy."

"Ahem," Alvin cleared his throaght. "LarryBoy?"

"I've also read newspapers from the city Bumblyburg," said Joker. "It seems to me that your plots, and a lot of the other crimes from Bumblyburg...have an interesting pattern."

"What is that?" asked Alvin.

"It is that you seem to base your crimes on morals, something you don't belive in. I must say, it is pretty interesting. But the pickle-boy is probably too used to it. I have my own little enemy. His name is Batman! Ever hear of him?"

"No," said Alvin. "He doesn't sound to bad."

"WHAT?" yelled Alvin. "This coming from someone who fights a person with the phrase "boy" in the title, even though he must be over twenty years old."

"Why does that make a difference?" asked Alvin.

"FORGET IT!" yelled Joker. "The point is that I think you might be able to help me with my little Bat problem."

"What about it?" asked Awful Alvin.

"Your schemes are enforcd in a way that Batman is not used to. He uses brute force and detective skills, you use morals. Also, while the pickle is used to morals, he isn't used to my kind of shemes."

"Go on," said Alvin, getting interested in what Joker was saying.

"We will both get eachothers enemies, and then once they are out of power and at our mercy...we will get to kill the other player of the game. Deal?"

"Deal." They reached to shake hands, but once Alvin put his root to Joker's hand, a shock wet through his upper-body. Joker was using a joy-buzer.

"He he he he he," Joker laughed. "Aw, come on Al, can't take a little joke? You are obviously no fun."

"You...*gasp* are my kind of person," Alvin said. "Later, come one Lampy." Lampy didn't move. "Lampy...move already!" Lampy still just stood there. "OH!" Alvin ran up and plucked Lampy from where he was "standing" and left the room, the building, and the town.