Hi guys!

So here's the Epilogue. I hope you like it.

Many thanks to Challenger2011!

I, unfortunately, do not own transformers or the characters or anything!

If you have any questions to the story please don't hesitate to PM me or write it as a Review. And if there is something you do not like about this story or if you have some advice for me, or some critic and so on, I'd love to know it :)

And just so that you know, you're Reviews always make my days ;)

It may not be the end of the year yet, still I wish you a happy new year!

Until all are one!

The AllSpark needs a Body


Third POV, three weeks later

"Optimus, the Elite Guard reached Cybertron! Kup, Grimlock and the others are on their way to earth. Shall I transmit landing coordinates?" Ironhide questioned, but, as he did not receive an answer, simply did what he thought was best and transmitted the coordinates. After that he turned around and entered the med-bay where his leader leaned against the wall, drowning in his own thoughts of guilt again about the loss of the human.

"No change in its condition?" the Wrecker asked, trying to sound compassionate. Unfortunately he'd never been the best at faking. Especially not about emotions. After all, he hadn't even known the fleshling lying on the berth, which was like thirty times bigger than its body. Dozens of monitors and beeping machines were hooked up to its frame of which he had, by now, only seen the head, he guessed. The rest of its body was covered by a few blankets. First Ironhide had thought the thing was dead but as he had taken a closer look, the slight movement of its chest was visible.

"No. Still not," Ratchet answered, without even trying to suppress his sadness about that. Who knew, Ironhide would probably be mourning as much as the rest of the team did if he had arrived a bit earlier. But the revival of Cybertron had been the actual thing that had helped him reunite with his old mates, thus coming before the 'incident', as they all called it, would have been really unlikely and completely coincidental.

He coughed, "Erm... Prime, Kup and his team are on their way to earth. I guess you better..."

The Prime separated himself from the wall, his optics still laid on the creature. Ironhide knew how much more it hurt Optimus to see another creature harmed than to feel the pain himself. Even though it was no Cybertronian.

"Yes, I will attend to it," he murmured absentminded. Ironhide laid a hand on his friends shoulder.

"Prime, I may not know the creature lying there, but I do know how much it meant to you or 'Bulk or Wheeljack. If it sacrificed itself so that we could return home, I believe that it would never have wanted to see you all like this. And do not think that it will be forgotten, each of Cybertron's inhabitants knows whom we have to thank for such a great gift. As you said, even Megatron does."

To their dismay, Bulkhead had heard him and though he had chosen to speak very little lately, he chose to raise his voice in that very moment.

"You are talking about her as if she was dead! Do you not even dare thinking about that outcome, Ironhide!" he hissed through gritted teeth, jostling the Wrecker colleague as he walked past. The femme, Arcee, followed Bulkhead closely, sending gazes filled with hate at Ironhide.

"First: she! Miko is a she, not an it!

Second: she had no choice! The AllSpark simply wiped out her will!

And Third: I don't care what you or the rest of Cybertron thinks; she will survive!"

Ironhide's gaze fell to the ground in shame at the words of his former Wrecker buddy. Why did he feel guilty? No one's ever had told him that these things had genders! In fact, no one's ever had told him anything about these fleshies.

The only thing he knew was that it was how Ratchet had put it, surprising, how stable her condition was. The only thing that bothered him was that the chance of her mind still being in her body was so incredibly small. Ratchet had told him that these organics couldn't breathe Cybertron's atmosphere for long without suffering critical damage to their complete system, which could, in the worst cases, lead to their death, as he suspected. They had brought her back to earth as fast as they could, but she apparently had already inhaled too much of the toxic atmosphere. At the base, Ratchet had done anything he could and they had apparently sent her to many organic physicians on this planet who might have been capable of helping her, but none appeared to have a clue. In the end, Ratchet had decided that it would be best to leave her at the base. Ironhide believed that the organic physicians had given up on her, but as he knew Ratchet, no victim was dead to him until it's spark wasn't already extinguished and hers was definitely not. That was, if the organic even has had a spark in the first place...

"Ironhide, we have detected other Decepticon signals entering earth's atmosphere. Prepare to investigate and always keep in mind; we have a truce until things are settled!" Optimus ordered and the old Wrecker transformed, leaving the base behind through the GroundBridge.

It was still an odd feeling not to be able to aim his weapons at every Decepticreep in his range. Apparently, Optimus and Megatron were making some sort of contract to 'settle things'. Ironhide wondered if the war would really be over after that, like the AllSpark had said.

June Darby entered the Autobot base, her son loafing around on the passenger seat. If the Autobots had at first thought the mother would leave them alone, they had deceived themselves. She had also been here as Raf had laid on the berth and she would certainly be here too if it was Jack. But no, if it had been Jack, her son would be in a hospital and not with the Autobots. As much as she liked and respected Ratchet's and Optimus' decisions, they could not decide what was best for the children. Probably if the three had been children of their kind, but they weren't.

Her car came to a halt inside the base and Jack left it, still not saying a single word. He had stayed silent since June has had a little... dispute with the Autobot leader when she had gotten informed about Miko and what had happened. She had to say, that, in the end, she felt a little guilty about talking to Optimus like that. One of her main arguments had been that he had broken his word. After what had happened to Rafael, he had said he would do anything to keep all harm from humanity, but he hadn't done the least. He had even helped Miko to kill herself. Had taken her to a foreign world without any protective gear and had let her sacrifice herself with the full knowledge that it would mean her death. Granted, she could understand him. It was his home and he had to make a decision for a whole race on his own, but sacrificing one of the children - who could also have been Jack! - was simply too much. As a mother, she felt with Miko's family, whom the government still hadn't told the story. The only thing they had been told was that their daughter was critical and that her death was most likely inevitable. They were neither allowed to get her home nor to even see her. How would she have reacted if the government had told her that about her little boy? Her little Jack?

"Hey guys," he muttered and made his way towards the first platform. From there, he could see the entrance including main screen and GroundBridge, just like the medical bay. Bulkhead was sitting on the berth again, staring at his charge while Arcee was talking with Ratchet, or more likely whispering. She had been the first one giving up on Miko, though the two-wheeler still hoped she was wrong.

"Where's Raf?"

"Yes, where's Raf?" Arcee asked, ignoring June as she sat down on the couch next to her son. The black haired nurse felt a bit awkward considering the fact that he was giving her the cold shoulder.

"No clue. I guess he's grounded again." Jack answered exhausted. He could still see how they had come running out of the GroundBridge, Miko's limp frame in Prime's hands. None of them had paid any attention to how shocked and harassed Raf had been at the sight of her. Jack had already seen Raf lying on the berth, Raf had never seen anyone there as injured, except for Bulkhead. But Bulkhead had recovered after a few weeks and woken up after a few days. Miko, however, had not. Did the Bots not realize that the young boy was more than traumatized? After all, Miko had been like another sister to him.

Jack knew that he hadn't been in school since a few days, as everything had become too much for him. Out of compassion, Jack covered that all up. Raf certainly didn't want the Bots to worry about him. Especially not 'Bee.

"Hey...you wanna go out on a ride?" Arcee tried to distract him again. They all had been strangely gentle to them lately, as hard it was to believe, Ratchet too.

"Sure," the teenager mumbled, shambling down the metal stairs.

Arcee transformed so that he could get on and they both sped off, Jack leaving June behind without wasting another thought at his mother. She had the slight hint of cognizance that she might have gone too far this time.

"Hey, you know that Slash Monkey's gonna make a second concert in the US? I'm just saying, you know? They seem to be more famous in the US than we thought! Ratchet said that there's a chance you could hear me. That you were in some sort of waking stasis and that you just can't get yourself to wake up."

"Bulkhead... I said there's a small chance." the medic cut in, desperately trying to keep the Wrecker from giving himself too much hope. He was naïve as a youngling if it was about his human friend.

"Yeah, I know. But there still is one, isn't there? And if there is, I don't want to leave her all alone." he answered, giving the medic a look that would have let June's heart melt if only it came from Optimus...

She pardoned the big, bulky Autobot, seeing that he was suffering more than she did. Somehow, she understood why Jack was so... addicted to their company. They were interesting creatures, though not that kind of alien one would have thought existed out there.

She sighed and noticed Optimus turning from the big screen towards her and giving her a small but noticeable smile. She nodded as an answer, stood up and excused herself. Having their company may suit Jack, but it wasn't really her thing. Probably if she was a bit younger...

My eyes fluttered open and it took me some time to get myself to sit up. I felt dizzy and couldn't really concentrate. It was also kind of pretty hard to move. And I was tired, but I knew I couldn't get myself back to sleep again. It was way too dark and I couldn't even remember where I was. No seriously, it was too dark to see. I couldn't even see my hand when I – with plenty of effort –held it in front of my face.

With a hearty yawn, I let my legs dangle over the rim of my bed, noticing that the wood was strangely cold. This was my bed, wasn't it? After all, what else could I be?

I jumped off and let out a little scream as I fell onto the hard ground. What? There was a carpet on our floor! I was to one thousand percent sure that there was supposed to be a carpet! And since when was the distance from my bed to the ground so long?

I crawled on all four limbs towards the door – or at least where I thought the door was located. It was confusingly arduous and my arms and legs were soon starting to complain. As I had already expected, there was no door. But my head crashed against something else. Solid metal, judging by the temperature of it. I followed it, cautiously stretching out a hand in front of me, in case I would crash against another wall. Granted, I regretted all of those countless horror-movies. My ingenious fantasy imagined some pretty disgusting creepy-crawly things right in front of me, just waiting for me to reach out and touch them...

But as I got to some sort of corner and stairs, I finally had an enlightenment. There was nothing creepy around here! Now I simply had to remember where to go...

My bare knees carried me carefully over the metal ground and through some corridors. Strange, since when did I wear dresses? The last time must have been in elementary school.

I yawned a few times and it got harder and harder for me to keep my eyes open. "First... Second... Third..." I mumbled as I counted the different doors I passed. "Please let it be open!"

To my dismay, the door wasn't open and I unfortunately knew way too well that I wouldn't be able to reach the switch. I wouldn't even try. My body hurt and I was by far too tired. But now that I knew where I was, I could go back to sleep without any worries. Here I was save.

Bumblebee broke off his recharge sooner than the others just like always, though he wondered if Bulkhead was already up. He sometimes was, regarding that his sorrow about Miko kept him restless. So the young scout hopped off his berth and opened the door to his quarters, activating the light on the floor.

Shocked, the scout let a bunch of curses escape his crushed vocal processor. This was the first time he was lucky the humans only heard a few beeps and clicking noises. Also it was the first time he was lucky Raf wasn't around.

Directly in front of Bulkheads quarters, Miko sat leaning against the door, head rested on her shoulders, arms crossed over her chest. He had to confess that she looked cute this way. As if she was guarding her best friend.

Then, Bumblebee panicked. She was unconscious! Her eyes were closed and she'd still been in a deep stasis yesterday! What was he supposed to do? Get her back to the med-bay? Get her over to Ratchet? Was he even allowed to carry her?

The scout tiptoed on the spot nervously, looking towards the medical bay, than to Ratchets quarters. Or should he wake up Optimus? Was it his duty to inform his leader first? With another look at the unconscious Miko, he quickly rushed over to Ratchet's quarters. If he woke him up, everyone else would wake up too. That was for sure.

"R-Ratchet? Are you up?"

What a stupid question. The light was off and he laid on his berth. The scout bravely stepped forward, tipping the old medic on the shoulder.

"Ratchet? Ratchet? Ratchet?"

A heavy bang was heard as a wrench hit the scouts head and he whimpered while holding his head and rocking back and forth, trying to ease the pain.

The medic's headlights turned on and he groaned.

"Bumblebee! Do you have to sneak into my quarters in the middle of the night?! What's with you? Oh, don't you make such a fuss, it's merely a dent!"

The young scout trembled through Ratchet's quarters, not able to think clear at the sudden burst of pain. Then, Ratchet grabbed his arm, holding him still while he examined the dent.

"Hmmm... I still got it," he mumbled to himself. "Naah, you'll life. Now, speak up. What in Primus name makes you sneak into my quarters? You should have known very well that that couldn't end well for you, shouldn't you?"

Bumblebee nodded hectically, reminding himself of the situation's urgency. "Miko! She's unconscious! In front of Bulk's quarters!" he gasped.

"WHAT?!" And suddenly 'Bee was alone in Ratchet's quarters.

"Ratchet! What happened?!" Optimus demanded through the walls, obviously woken up by the medic's exclamation. Heavy steps were heard from the Prime's quarters and a door hissed open. As Bumblebee rushed outside, he saw Ratchet kneeling in front of Bulkheads door and Optimus quickly approaching. The medic lifted a finger, showing them to be silent.

"She's asleep. We should grant her some rest," he whispered and sounded more than pleased as he lifted her up.

"I don't think you should get her to the med-bay again, 'Ratch."


"Easy thing. She apparently already woke up once and tried to get to 'Bulk. I'd say we let her recharge with him."

Ratchet gave Optimus a look and, as he received a nod from the Autobot leader, opened the door to Bulkhead's quarters. Like Arcee, Bulkhead mostly chose to recharge in his vehicle form. Ratchet simply opened the door and laid the girl inside. None of them woke up. Bumblebee snickered. The Decepticons could have invaded Jasper and none of them would wake up, that was sure.

"Now, he hopefully won't freak out when he wakes up," Ratchet muttered, returning to his quarters as if nothing had happened.

Third POV, a few days later

Optimus leaned at the wall of the med-bay, nodding at Ratchets words while he watched Bulkhead and Miko with a small smile.

"In the three weeks of stasis her body grew weak and her muscles atrophied. It is comparable to Bulkhead's condition a few months ago. But it unfortunately will take longer to regenerate her strength."

The Autobot leader laid a hand on his old friends shoulder. "As long as she can regenerate, we are to be glad for that gift. And for such a skilled medic."

On the ground, Bulkhead laid behind Miko on his side lifting his leg up simultaneously with her. But she appeared to have a lot more problems than the Wrecker with that simple exercise. Through gritted teeth and with a big frown on her face she gasped while Bulkhead smiled down at her and patiently counted.

"One... two... threeeeeee..."