I don't want a lot for christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the christmas tree
Piper felt the christmassy vibes. It's christmas day and waking up with the radio playing her favorite carol is a great start.
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I Want for Christmas is you
Piper wasn't only anticipating for the presents. She wanted to know who has been giving her all these gifts during December. Lacy promised that he will be revealed today.
"Lacy!" She shook her friend awake. "Wake up!"
"What?" Lacy muttered and turned over.
"Wake up!" Piper yelled.
Lacy rubbed her eyes sleepily and looked at her watch. "Piper, it's 5am. Give me some time."
Oh right, Piper never wakes up early except for christmas day. Every single christmas, she always wakes up especially early without realizing. Never mind, Piper wanted to know who her secret admirer is at 5am in the morning. "It's Christmas Day!"
"And 5 am." Lacy argued. "It's not really christmas at this time."
"Yes it is." Piper insisted. "Come on! I bet I'm not the only one up."
"You actually are." Lacy murmured half-asleep. "Except for me but seriously, nobody wakes up this early."
"Well, it is Christmas Day so tell me who the admirer is." Piper whined. "Tell me and I'll leave you alone."
Lacy let out a small giggle. "Me? Tell you? No! No, no, no. He is going to tell you, silly. Where is all the magic if I tell you?"
"Uh…so I'm guessing he's from the Hecate Cabin? I don't think anybody else would incorporate magic into telling me he likes me." Piper guessed.
"Gods, get a clue!" Lacy rolled across her bed. "He'll tell you when he's ready. I'm pretty sure it's not now since he's probably asleep. Now leave me alone!"
"Katie Kat!" Travis grinned. "I knew you would be up at 6am in the morning!"
"Great." Katie muttered. Great. What a great way to kick off christmas morning. Seeing your crush whom you are not suppose to like standing there is overwhelming. She couldn't stop her heart from beating two times faster than it is whenever she see him.
"Only you would be up at 6am on Christmas Morning."
"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" Katie frowned as she turned to face him.
"I guess so." Travis shrugged. "However you take it as."
"Listen," Katie said knowing that she'll have to tell Travis how she likes him in some time. She decided to do it now where they are alone and it's Christmas.
"I got to tell you something." Travis stated almost in the exact same time.
"Yeah?" They both asked in unison.
"Wait, okay you go first." Travis said.
"No, you can." Katie blushed. She knew she wasn't prepared but something in her body wanted her to tell him so bad.
"So..I was wondering if you want to go catch a movie or something." Travis muttered casually.
"Just the two of us?"
"Yup." Travis clarified.
Katie giggled. This was a lot easier than she thought it would be. "Sure." This doesn't exactly mean that Travis liked her back, but it was a start. At least, they were beginning to be friends.
"So what were you about to tell me?"
"Oh, uhm..it's nothing." Katie answered hastily. "Nothing important anyway."
"Whatever." Travis shrugged. "So I'm thinking we should watch Twilight."
"No!" Katie protested. "Not twilight! Anything but Twilight!"
"Why not?" Travis asked.
Katie wrinkled her nose in disgust. "That movie is for girls like Drew. I hate Twilight and for some reason, why am I not surprise that you want to watch that?"
"I'm unique." Travis grinned as he accidentally stepped on some strawberries.
"Watch out!" Katie screamed. "Strawberries! You killed strawberries!"
"I won't exactly use the word kill." Travis retorted. "You're making me sound like a mass murderer."
Katie couldn't help but smile. Sure, they could be friends but even despite the fact Travis just asked her out, they would always argue and become enemies in their own sense.
"Oh hi, Leo." Piper greeted. "You know who my secret admirer is right?"
"Of course I do." Leo grinned. "I see he still haven't revealed himself."
"So yeah, either you tell me who he is or can you just tell him to hurry up this whole revealing thing? It's driving me nuts." Piper demanded.
Leo laughed. "Okay, you look like one of those, I don't know, amateur detectives desperate to figure out the culprit on TV shows?"
"Leo, tell me."
"Fine." Leo glanced around and whispers "It's not me."
"And?" Piper raised her eyebrows.
"Shhhhh!" Leo shrieked. "I'm not telling you."
"Hey Piper!" Jason tapped her shoulders gently.
"I suppose you know who my secret admirer is, don't you?" Piper muttered without even being bothered to greet him back.
"Yeah." Jason nodded. "I do."
"It seems like everybody here but me knows who he is." Piper complained.
"Well he is-"
"Jason," Piper looked at him sweetly. "Would you tell me who he is?"
"It's me." Jason confessed.
"Oh my gods," Piper froze. "Really?"
"Yeah…" He looked down at the ground and almost on cue, 12 campers appeared behind him and started banging on their drums without any guidance.
"Jason, when can we stop?" Will Solace called out but were ignored Jason and Piper.
"Mistletoe." Jason pointed shyly above them and their lips collided. According to him, the sensation was amazing, better than he would have imagined. The moment touching her lips was magical, something Jason won't mind doing for the rest of his life. The drummers stopped drumming to stare at the couples as if they were lions stuck in the zoo cages.
When Piper pulled away, Jason felt a little self-conscious about himself. Was he doing something wrong? However, when Piper laughed he felt a little less uneasy. "This totally reminds me of movie premiers with my dad. I mean, honestly guys?" She turned to the drummers. "We aren't worth staring at. You're not going get money out of pictures or anything of us."
"Well," Will Solace looked kind of embarrassed. "Come on drummers!
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Twelve Drummers Drumming
Eleven Pipers Piping
Ten Lords a Leaping
Nine Ladies Dancing
Eight Maids a Milking
Seven Swans a Swimming
Six Geese a Laying
Five Golden Rings
Four Calling Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree
AN: I know a lot of you guys want the secret admirer to be Leo but I'm a die-hard Jasper fan so sorry guys! :( I just don't think I'll be comfortable writing a story of two characters I don't ship together.
Anyway, Merry Christmas! What did Santa bring you guys?
~Kisses, Emily
*This is the last chapter of the story*