A/N: Hey Auslly fans! i absolutely love Austin & Ally (the show), it's the best! I also love Auslly (the couple). THey have to get together soon! So this is an idea based on when they go to New York at Christmas/New Year's time. Two-shot, first chapter will be the scene in Ally's POV, the second chapter will be the same scene but in Austin's POV, so you can get an idea of what both of them are first Auslly fic, so enjoy!

Ally's POV

My jaw dropped as I stared at the huge, white mansion in front of me. Austin, Trish, Dez and I were invited to one of Jimmy Starr's mansions for a while as we stayed in New York over the Christmas break. The front garden alone was spectacular. There was a water fountain right in the centre of the walkway, and on either side of the path was a small lawn lined with hedges.

"Whoa, this is Jimmy's house? That's so cool!" Austin exclaimed and ran up to the front door. We all followed him and we were let in by the housekeeper. As we walked through the entrance hall, my expression of shock just got bigger. The hall was big and spacious with high ceilings. There was a grand piano in the middle of the living room, and there was a hall to my right which led to some rooms. We walked up to the first room, which happened to be a lounge room. It had a large, white, 6-seater couch, a marble coffee table, a fireplace, and a big, green, Christmas tree which was decorated with red and gold ornaments.

"SWEET!" Dez yelled and he ran around the room. Austin and I had stopped at the doorway, just admiring everything. Trish was standing in front of us, frowning at Dez.

"Don't you dare break anything! Jimmy trusts us to take care of this place" Trish scolded him.

"Haha, what? Of course I wouldn't break anything!" Dez said defensively as he leaned on the mantle of the fireplace, knocking over an ornament and shattering it. He squealed and quickly picked it up.

"Oops" Dez said sheepishly. Austin chuckled as Trish and I gave him a disappointed look. Dez sat on the couch, embarrassed.

"This place is amazing!" I said in awe and looked up at the ceiling. There was a giant chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. My eyes travelled further and I noticed that directly above Austin and I was... mistletoe. Oh no.

"Uh..." I sighed and my amazed expression turned into a worried and nervous one. Austin, Trish and Dez followed my line of sight until they spotted the mistletoe. Trish and Dez immediately grinned, while Austin's happy face fell.

"OOH! Mistletoe! You guys know the rules..." Trish's smile continued to get wider.

"I don't know the rules! What game is it?" Dez asked, excitedly standing up. Sometimes I really just don't get him.

"No, when two people stand under mistletoe, they have to...um..." Austin trailed off and he looked at me nervously.

"Kiss!" Trish filled in the blank. Dez smiled knowingly at us. My stomach began to churn; as much as I love Austin, he's my best friend! I shouldn't kiss him. I just don't feel that way about him...do I?

"Uh, I don't think so" Austin said unsurely. He looked at me, "unless...you want to?"

"No" I shook my head. However, I was sort of considering it...

"Aw come on. Where's your Christmas spirit?!" Trish asked us.

"Um, look. I don't really feel-" I began.

"-Rules are rules!" Dez said. Suddenly, Trish grabbed my shoulders and Dez grabbed Austin's shoulders, and they both pushed Austin & I towards each other. Instinctively, I moved my arms up in front of me to prevent a collision, but they ended up on Austin's chest. Austin's arms caught my waist as we bumped into each other. I looked up at him nervously and I mumbled an apology. Trish and Dez looked at us expectantly.

"Come on. It's just a little kiss" Austin said and he shrugged. I realised his arms still hadn't let go of my waist, but I didn't really mind. I decided to go with it. I mean, it was just a kiss, right?

"Okay, yeah. It's just a kiss, it won't mean anything. It's not like we're gonna end up da-"I was cut off by Austin's lips pressed against mine. At first I was shocked, but I soon relaxed. My heart was beating so fast I was sure Austin could hear it, and my stomach was twisting. Is that a good thing? This was my very first kiss. Ever! It was hard to believe that all these thoughts happened in only 4 seconds.

We pulled away, and I looked into his eyes and blushed. I don't know why, but I just couldn't look away. Austin's brown eyes were just so mesmerising. My breath was a little shaky and I realised that...I actually liked the kiss. Did I like Austin? I think there was only one definite answer to this: yes.

Austin's lips curved up into his famous smirk. I couldn't help but smile back. My heart rate got even faster as he leaned in again to capture my lips with his. He pulled my waist closer to him so that we were pressed closer together. My arms slid around his neck, my fingers in his hair. There were definitely sparks flying between us, a strong connection keeping us together. We kept kissing for a while until we parted for air. As we pulled away, we were both smiling like idiots.

"Ally" Austin breathed.

"Yes?" I whispered in reply.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Austin asked; his eyes almost hypnotizing. My smile got wider and I nodded, unable to speak. He grinned and pulled me into the biggest hug ever. I buried my head into his chest and he kissed my forehead. My life honestly couldn't get any better at the moment.

It was then when I remembered Trish and Dez. I pulled away and looked to where they were standing before, but to my surprise they were gone.

"Where'd Trish and Dez go?" I asked, my eyes searching the room and the hall behind us. Austin shrugged.

"Who cares?" Austin chuckled and pulled me into another breathtaking kiss.

A/N: Aww :D I thought it was sweet! How'd I do?

So you've seen what Ally's feelings are, next is Austin's. Stick around!

Reviews? xxxxx