Hi everyone.

If you hadn't noticed from the title, this is going on (official) Hiatus. This is for several reasons.

One, I have no time. I'll let you guys know now that I have several, very difficult classes. Like, I-once-did-four-hours-of-homework-and-I-still-wasn't-finished difficult.

Two, I don't have any inspiration. This story had no plan when I started this; the little plot I put in my summary was just pulled out of my head to make it more interesting that I would incorporate later.

Three, this story was dragged out too long. There was too much effort put into the drama and the society in which they lived in and not as much put into plot development. All this fluff actually drove me into a wall. It's like writing a new story every single time I sit down to write.

Four, there is so much pressure. I don't think you all know this, but writing fanfiction on a site when you haven't gotten a good idea of how this story goes can be so hard. People give their advice, sometimes they like you, sometimes they don't, sometimes they review, sometimes they don't. I keep you guys in the forefront of my mind, and I try to tailor my stories similarly to how other people here do it, which is fine. However, I feel like I'm focusing too much on tailoring to seem like all the others, and not as much on developing my own style. Don't think you guys are to blame. I'm just paranoid that you guys would like something like so-and-so, so I'll write a bit like so-and-so, not me, squirmyorchid.

Therefore, I have a few options here.

1: Keep it on an indefinite hiatus until I can find inspiration to finish. If I do go with this option, it may take years until I update. I may not even update.

2: Offer it up for adoption. Honestly, I'm all for this option. This was something I thought up of in eighth grade. As my preferences changed, I lose a lot of creativity for this choice. Someone may have better luck with this story.

3: Edit it and end it. Probably my least favorite choice. It involves a lot of editing and the story will never be the same. I may also size the story down to maybe... five chapters? A lot of great stuff will be cut out; the election of the heads, the backstory behind Cato's tantrums, the dodgeball game. It'll be a collection of snippets.

Tell me what you guys think!

