A Bella Swan and Riley Biers Story

In Love and War

Chapter 1

(I don't own anything)

Bella turns on the TV and hears the words "As you wish." This was one of her and Riley's favorite movies to watch together on their date nights "The Princess Bride." Bella turns off the TV and tosses the remote right at Charlie's big screen.

"What the hell Bella!" Charlie yells and Bella storms off to her room.

"I've had enough of this Bella!" He says at her door.

He hears her throwing stuff around.

Charlie sighs and closes his eyes as he hears her breaking down. The sound of her muffled cries into her pillow he quietly opens her door and sits at the foot of her bed.

"I miss him too kid. I've tried and I've still not given up." He runs his fingers through his daughter's hair.

"Riley wouldn't run away dad."

"I know Bella. I know. But you can't go on like this. He's been missing for months. Nancy is beside herself as well. Trust me Bella I'm doing all I can to find him, to give us all some peace of mind."

"It's just so hard. I see him everywhere and in everything I do." Bella rises up wiping her eyes.

Charlie wraps his arms around Bella.

"I hate to see you this way. This just isn't like you. You hardly eat, the nightmares are just getting worse and you're damn near failing this semester. I want you to go out with Angela and Jessica this weekend get out of the house have a girls night or something."

"I don't want to go anywhere dad."

"You may not want to but you will!"


"Not another word against this or I'm calling your mom and Phil."

"That's black mail!"

"No, it's making you act like a normal damn teenager! Riley wouldn't want you self-destructing this way!"

Bella buries her head back into her pillow and Charlie pats her leg.

"I love you Bella." He says with a sigh and exits the room pulling her door shut.

She uncovers her face and looks out her window. She's tried it's not that she hasn't. But there's like a gap in her heart or something that nothing can fill. She didn't just lose her boyfriend but her best friend. Riley and she'd been through thick and thin together. It makes her ill just worrying what happened to him. Bella knew two things for sure Riley would never run away and he wasn't suicidal. So who would want to hurt Riley? She never knew of anyone that had anything bad to say about Riley. He always got along with everyone.

All night like every night since he'd disappeared she's tossed and turned dreaming up the worst possible that could have happened to Riley. The alarm rings and it's as if the doors to hell are opening. She never really cared for school to begin with but now she can't stand it. That empty seat during math haunts her. The fact that Eric has replaced the seat during lunch that used to be Riley's makes her want to lash out and beat him with her tray. Furthermore, the fact that Riley's friends are already laughing and having a good time as if nothing happens makes her hate everyone! How can they act as if nothing's amiss that nothing's happened? Everything in her feels as though she's going to erupt. She's so angry why Riley WHY! Eric high fives Mike as they're laughing about something, Riley's two best friends. Angela and Jessica are gossiping and giggling about some girls outfit they find ridiculous. Bella shakes her head growing angrier by the moment.

She stands up and take my chair tossing it into the cafeteria window smashing it into pieces.

"Fuck you all." She says with hot tears streaming down her face and she runs out of the cafeteria everyone spell bound by what Bella Swan just did. Bella's sitting in class with her hoodie covering her face when one of Charlie's friends enters the room in full uniform.

"Bella Swan?"

She glances up and he's shaking his head.

"Think it's time you come with me. Principal called. Not letting this one go not this time."

The students and teacher watch as the principal and the officer escort Bella out of class.

"Ah, what the hell Bella?!" Her father says as he sees her being brought in.

"She destructed school property. She's got a mean arm that one."

Charlie sighs.


He points to a chair in the corner. Bella goes and sits in it.

"You and I are going to talk about this when we get home."

"The brat needs a good ole fashion spanking." His boss says.

"I'll handle my daughter sir thank you."

"Just saying when they get out of control like that…"

Charlie cuts a look and his boss shrugs and goes back to his office. Bella's attention goes to Nancy who enters the front door. She runs to her and wraps her arms around her.

"Bella dear what on earth are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Nancy." Charlie says making his way over as well.

Nancy still looks to Bella confused but wraps her arms around Bella as well.

"It seems Bella's got a bit of a potty mouth and dead ringer for throwing chairs through windows."

"This Bella?!" Nancy says shocked and cups Bella's chin in her hand.

"What are you doing dear?"

Bella shakes her head and lowers it in shame.

Nancy's lips press together and she looks to Charlie in hopes.

"Nothing yet Nancy hun."

"I'm beginning to lose hope."
"Don't." Charlie says cupping her hand in his own.

The knot forms in Bella's throat as she watches Riley's mother's face. He was all she had.

"Come to my office we'll discuss a few things." Charlie offers.

"Why don't you two come over for dinner tonight?" Nancy says.

Charlie looks to Bella. She nods in agreement with glistening tears in her eyes. Bella watches as Nancy and Charlie enter his office. To be honest it kills her to be in Riley's house. But she loves Nancy and she keeps Riley's memory alive.