Hello Heroes! Welcome to my second story, called: Sonic Couple battles! My name is The High School Hero! l'll be your host for the first 6 chapters of this story (along with my two friends) the rest, will be hosted by Sonic and the gang!

Oh, i still don't Sonic or the others. they belong to SEGA!

Okay, enjoy the show!


*Thursday, 22nd November 2012*

The three high schoolers, H.S Hero, H.S Zero and H.S Neons, were just ordinary kids when one thing changed their lives forever...

"Guys! I got an Idea!"

"What idea?" Zero asked

"Y'know that there's a lot of Sonic love triangles in the Sonicverse right?"

The other two agreed

"Well, I thought...what if there was something, to deal with those problems?"


"Like a show!"

The others understood what was going on now. "ahh, a show! But what kind of show?"

"A game show, perhaps?"

"Yeah! Now for a title..." Hero got a notebook to write some things down. "Let's see...how about...Sonic love triangles?"

The two high-schoolers looked at each other, and shooked their heads as a 'no'.

H.S Hero groans "This is gonna take longer than I thought"

*Two hours of brainstorming later...*

"Okay...so we need a name that includes these words into one: Couples, Sonic, love triangles, battling...romance-"

"Wait!...that's it!"

"What's it?"

Zero ran to the board and circled those three words, Hero watched for a second and a magical lightbulb appeared under her head.

"Heroes of high school, that's it!" Hero turned to her comrades, "A game/reality show, that's gonna wow the citizens of Mobius, while sorting out these love triangles once and for all, the show would have so many fans, they'll be dying to attend, our catchphrase? 'Let's get battling!' The name of the show that everyone's gonna shout...and we'll call it...Sonic Couple Battles."

* Saturday, December 1st, 2012*

A girl walks to the center of the stage and yells, "Hello, Mobius!" The crowd cheers at her presence.

She asks the audience, "Are you ready for SONIC COUPLE BATTLES?!"

The crowd cheers even louder in response. She cheerfully says, "That's what I'm talking about! My name is the High School Hero! I'm gonna be your host for a period of time! Now, before I continue, I would like to invite one of my friends in! Please welcome my emo twin friend, HIGH SCHOOL ZERO!"

Her twin friend, High School Zero, arrives at the stage not looking at her to an applauding audience. The High School Hero asked, "Zero, why the long face?"

"Hmph! Don't talk to me!"

"Okay, Zero. Don't let me have to call you 'Shadow' again."

Upon hearing the threat, she blushes and responds, "Okay, okay! I'll stop!"

"Uh huh. That's what I thought, I run this show!"

A few people from the crowd laughs.

The High School Hero starts again. "Now,before the battle there should be some sort of prologue; am I right Zero?

High school Zero replies. "I think there is, Hero. Hero and I have decided that the first Sonic love triangle would be... Well you can look over here at the plazma screen

The crowd cheers loudly,anxious about seeing the first sonic love triangle; without further ado,the prolouge begins:

*The prologue*

It was morning and in the bed, lies Mobius' cobalt hero, he was none other than Sonic the hedgehog! Sonic just turned to the other side of the bed but one thing he didn't know,that a familiar pink hedgehog with emerald eyes that were lighter than his, broke his peaceful dream...


Sonic's eyes flashed open, when he realised who was in his bed, at first he didn't notice,

"Oh, its you Amy..." But the second time he got a mega fright. "Wait a second, AMY!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*pants*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AMY! WHAT THE H-E-double hockey sticks ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!? AND MOST OF ALL,HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!"

Amy just answered sweetly:"I just wanted to check on you, silly. Also,your not very house security protected,so it made me go in you house easily."

Sonic was just flabbergasted at what she said.

"Err...I'll just go now." The blue blur slowly exits his house with Amy on his tail. Sonic started to pick up the pace, trying to get away from her as far as he could. When Amy was out of sight, he looked back, then he unexpectedly got hit by someone.

"Oops,sorry Sonic."

Sonic looked up at who hit him and he smiled. It was The princess Sally Acorn.

"Hey Sal,what brings you here?"

"Oh nothing. Just passing by, you want a hand?" Sally asked out stretching her hand to Sonic.

"Sure!" And the blue blur accepted it.

Sonic was lifted up by Sally and when he stood up Sally stumbled clumsily sonic caught her right on time, Sonic started blushing..a bit.

Amy finally got there, only to see Sonic talking to Sally Well... Let's just say that Amy was angry.

"SONIC! What are you doing with...HER?"

Sonic reacted quickly and took a step back.

"Err, Amy, I was just-"

"I heard enough! What, were you doing, with...HER?!"

"Hey! You can't talk to Sonic like that!"

"Listen here Sally, I, am Sonic's girlfriend, not you!"

"You have no authority call yourself his girlfriend!"

"Why I outta-"

"Ladies, ladies, c'mon! Let's not fight!"

They looked at each other with blood boiling death stares in the eye. "Okay Sonic, just tell me, who would be a better girlfriend for you? 'cause I'm getting tired fighting with this squirrel!"

"FYI,I'm a chipmunk!"

"Squirrel, chipmunk,lioness I don't care!"

"Whatever, so Sonic, who do you think should be suitable for you unlike "stalker"?

Sonic was silent for a few seconds before he could answer:"err...give me a few minutes."

Sonic left the two girls fighting, as he went to the only place to sort this out.

*End of prologue!*

The crowd applauded at the very first prologue.

High school Zero started talking. "Okay people, listen up! If you have any ideas for the next chapter please, P.M The high School Hero. she's always there updating her stories... and I mean always!"

High School Zero earned some laughs from the crowd.

High School Hero started to get embarrassed; then she snapped back."I do not!"

"Puh-lease! You go on there 24/7"

"Whatevs! I'm gonna so kill her after this" H.S.H mumbles under her breath at the end.

Then, she started again after the embarrassment "Okay join us next time when me and Zero will reveal a new friend with us."

The audience oohs.

Zero also quoted. "Also next time ,someone special will be accompanying us for the battle, its Sonic the Hedgehog everybody!

The crowd cheers louder than before.

Hero and Zero all said in unison while waving.

"Goodnight everybody!" The show ends with the cheering crowds and High School Hero and Zero still waving.

Okay,so what do you think about the new and improved Sonic Couple Battles? If you like it, hit the review button! I'll be writing more soon!

See ya later!


Remember, if you have any ideas,please pm me via profile I'm kinda on there (not 24/7.)