~ The Legend of Zelda: Re-Imagined ~

~ Prologue ~

There's a tale of a mystical land... A land with a Golden Power.

This isn't just any old tale. This is a legend.

A Long time ago, in the beginning, the world was chaos.

It was then that the gods of old, the three golden goddesses descended from the Distant Heavens.

Their mission: to bring harmony in the midst of the chaos.

Din, the golden goddess of power, with her own hands crafted the solid foundation of the Earth. From the highest of mountaintops, to the lowest valleys. Her powerful flaming arms carved out the crimson land.

Nayru, the golden goddess of wisdom, bestowed the land with law. With her vast understanding, she brought all forces of nature into balance, bringing about a natural unity to the land.

Farore, the golden goddess of courage, created life that would uphold the law.

When they all saw that their work was complete, they descended into the heavens, leaving in their place the sacred golden power.

This power was called the Triforce! A True force consisting of three separate pieces representing each goddess; The Triforce of Power, the Triforce of Courage, and the Triforce of Wisdom.

Legend said that when one whose heart was in balance touched the Triforce, it would grant his heart's desires. The Triforce itself does not pick who uses it, nor does it choose what wishes it grants. It grants whatever desire it's user has, whether good or evil.

It brings reality to both benevolent passions, and malevolent lusts.

In sight of the Triforce's neutrality, where a malevolent being may have whatever he desires granted, the humans came together and formed a people that would stand together and guard the Triforce from those whose hearts are impure and vile. The group of humans chosen specifically for the task of guarding the Triforce were known as Hylians. A characteristic of the Hylians were their pointed ears, allowing them to hear the voices of the gods.

The Hylians formed the Kingdom of Hyrule, forever guarding the Triforce.

Years would pass, the times would change. And all too soon, the darker nature of the human heart would soon reveal itself. One day a member of the ruling family of Hyrule made the mistake of not being watchful of his words, and he had foolishly spoken about the legend of the Triforce in the midst of mixed company. Some of those people had intentions that were, at the least, questionable.

Word soon spread like wildfire. And in no time at all, the land of Hyrule was suffocating from rumors of Golden power, and a multitude of innocent minds were deluded with false ideals of glory and corrupted with visions of grandeur.

The corruptible human heart was the fuel, and word of mouth sparked the flame; Hyrule was at war, with itself.

It was every race, people, and belief to fend for themselves. Best friends turned on one another, enemies found their opportunities to be at each other's throats, and those who desired not to be involved were caught up in unfortunate disaster.

The shroud of greed and malice over Hyrule was like a sweet aroma to creatures not natural to the land, and it called out to them. Abominations of nature invaded Hyrule from places unknown, and their presence caused an even greater uproar than was previously thought possible. These monsters held nothing in their hearts that had the even faintest clue of compassion or righteousness.

When all was thought to be lost, a hero of men appeared! The hero wielded an otherworldly weapon, which possessed an unearthly light that caused the dark forces to flee when shone forth.

The hero rode forth, casting these monsters away from Hyrule, to ensure that the land would be at peace for ages to come. When his work was done, the hero vanished into regions hidden from human eyes. What happened beyond that is unknown, and those who knew him never learned of his fate. Whether he died of old age, or by fighting a powerful foe; it is only speculation.

Yet, all was still not well within Hyrule. Unrest still existed among the people, having gone through a war amongst themselves, and against beings that disobeyed the laws of existence.

A new king of Hyrule rose and stepped forth, taking the reigns over the land. He, against the wishes of the previous generations before him, used the Triforce to unite all the people of the land. The dark clouds that brooded over Hyrule faded into nothing, and the radiant sky was once again ruling over the land of legends.

Towards the end of his reign, the king decided it was best that the Triforce not be kept in its entirety. It's power was too precious, and the lust for power could be too great. He took a piece of the golden power that was once sought after, and he traveled to a small isolated location just outside of Hyrule. Surrounded by mountains and a valley, the king found himself at a spring watched over by a Light Spirit; a being whose existence was appointed by the gods to watch over the people.

The king offered the spirit his piece of the Triforce; the Light Spirit saw the heart of the man when he gave his plea, and received the piece from him. The king would go on, back to his home, and rule Hyrule righteously until he passed.

Generations would come and go. Eventually, a humble people group would settle in a small, uninhabited grove, further into the region by the Light Spirit's fountain. The region's serene beauty came from its close intimacy with the Light Spirit's fountain.

The Light Spirit witnessed these people as they went on their daily lives, and secretly blessed them with the possession of the Triforce piece. To this day, they've held that piece without their own knowledge.

In the tradition of Hyrule's Royal Family, the legend of the Triforce would be passed on to the Princess of Hyrule. And she would in turn guard it for the next generation, and so on.

Hundreds of years have passed since then. Life has continued in much the same way as it has before; peaceful, and undisturbed.

Until now.

The princess of this age, named Zelda, was given the knowledge of the Triforce by her father, the king. When the king had suddenly fallen ill, he feared for his life, and relayed the precious knowledge to his daughter. But not his son, the prince. For the king had felt the prince had become too arrogant to use this knowledge wisely. The prince, became envious that his sister was given something that he'll never obtain: Knowledge, and power.

In pure jealousy he made an attempt at the throne against his sister. The attempt failed when Zelda's attendant, Impa of the Sheikah, allowed her to flee and go into hiding.

This is where our story begins. And where the legend unfolds.

~ End of Prologue ~