Baby boy…

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Asami/Akihito

Contains: mature language

Summary: Asami is forsed to take care of his uncles baby boy when he dies, what will happen?

Disclaimer: I don't own the viewfinder series Yamane Ayano does.

My note: I don't know if I will add another chapter, it depends on if anybody likes it…

Asami lit a cigarette while looking at the delicious sight next to him. His pets legs were spread, as if inviting him to ravange him again, his skin was shining with sweat and he was still slightely panting. But the boys face was the most arousing. Both of the brats cheeks where flushed bright red. His soft kissable lips where slightly parted, and his hazel eyes where still filled with lust. Asami smirked he hadn't planned to go for another round knowing that his lover would normaly be out cold, it was a surprise that the kid was still awake. Asami moved on top of his kitten, flipping him over and kissing him on the lips again. The door opened and Kirishima appeared. Asami cast his assistant an annoyed glance, he had ordered his men not to let anyone in or disturbe him unless it was urgent. "what is it this time?" he growled.

Kirishima didn't even flinch; he knew his boss would be angry, the man did not like being disturbed while making love to his kitten.

Asami quickly dressed himself, the sooner he would be at his office the sooner he would be able to get back in bed and continue where he left off. He bend down to kiss his kitten's head. His lover cracked one eye open and softly wisperted "where are you going Ryuuichi?" Asami smirked, the kid rarely called him by his first name. He moved on top of his lover kissing his ear and wispering "I will be right back don't you move… I will rape you until your desire is fulfilled…"

The kid shot upright, screaming "WHAT THE FUCK YOU BASTERD! I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO BE RA..." The rest of his words were smorthered by Asami's kiss, he quickly avoided his lovers eyes, blushing.

Asami glared at the men standing by the door, Kirishima had just coughed to get his boss's attention. They needed to leave. Asami hoped whatever was so importend he needed to get out his house at this time would be handled without any problem. He looked at his pet one more time before leaving his room to deal with the matter at hand.

Akihito woke up noticing that his lover was still gone. He sighed this meant Asami's job was troublesome, so he would probably take his stress out on Akihito tonight. Akihito got up and imidiatly felt the pain in his lower back. He cursed Asami loudly, because he e didn't have anything to do today, he decided that putting on clothing was not needed. He showered quickly and stole one of Asami's shirts as well as a pair of boxers, his own of course. His whole appearance was quite alluring: Asami's shirt hung around him like a dress covering his upper body and tights. He walked into the kitchen to make breakfast, wondering when Asami would be home.

Today was their third anniversary, last year they had gone to Thailand. Akihito had looked overjoyed. He had taken pictures of everything and ran around like a three year old. But the best thing had been the nights; the kid had been more than willing to have sex; a present for Asami he had said, blushing. Asami growled at the thought. He had planned to take Akihito to Italy this time. But now he doubted they could go he had worked hard this week to make time free. This sudden important matter was screwing up his planning.

He opened the screen that separated him and the driver "What is this important matter Kirishima?" He hadn't asked yet, his assistant always made sure of everything, if anything popped up Asami just followed him. Kirishima met his boss's gaze in the mirror "Your ante died, you have to be there for the reading of the will, sir."

An irritated expression settled on Asami's face, he had to leave his bed and his lover for his dear ante. He had only seen the woman 3 times in his entire life. Like he cared she had died or not, it didn't make a difference for him. But why was Kirishima so nervous? Kirishima spoke "We will be there in 4 minutes boss." He desided to drop the matter, it wasn't important right now. He just needed to accept whatever the old hage had given him. Then he would be able to go back to his kitten.