Summary- A Long time ago they fell in love, but were cursed to always lose each other. Over his long life Klaus has watched her die many times. Each time her loss takes a bit more of his humanity with her. Every time they find each other they get less and less time in each others arms before she dies. Each time with a new face, but he can always find her because of her eyes they always remain the same. Now it has been two hundred years since he has last seen her. He threw himself in to his life as a monster to forget finding her again, but now it seems he has stumbled upon her again, but has he cursed her to death? And why this time is she so different then all the other times? Why does she hate him when she always used to be drawn to him? Why is she a vampire? Rated T for now, rating may go up.
"It is said some lives are linked across time. There are certain people connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages, destiny."
Klaus sat staring at the fire that roared in the large fireplace scotch in hand. His mind on Caroline he saw her smile heard her laugh echo through his mind. Could it really be that she had come back to him? Could Caroline been the only woman that ever captivated his heart? The only woman he had ever loved? He thought back to everything that had happened in his long life. He heard another laugh and saw another smile, so much like Caroline's. Never had it been this hard before, never had she fought her feelings for him. She had always fallen in love with him time and time again. His hand tightened around his glass as he heard her voice from the last time he had found her gasping for air like ever time he found her over the years.
"I love you, even though you made me forget everything I still fell in love with you, even though my memories were tempered with I kept falling in love with you all over again." Her voice was an echo a whisper. "No matter how many times I'm reborn I'll keep falling in love with you Klaus."
"No please." He heard his own voice began chocking back his tears he knew he was losing her all over again, he had lost her many times but the pain never seemed to get easier. Her hand reached up and touched his face.
"So is that ok Klaus and as I'm reborn I'll fall in love with you over and over again. I'll keep falling in love with you." She took her last breath and as she did her hand fell from his face and hit the ground. She was gone again.
That was almost two hundred years ago and it had been the tenth time he watched her die, a curse his beloved mother cast upon her to keep them apart, to make Klaus suffer. She had always been human and Klaus had learned the hard way every time he tried to feed her his blood it was like poison to her, if he tried to give her his blood she would choke and die in his arms nothing he did could ever keep her alive. She always changed over the years never looking the same and it was always hard to spot her for she never remembered him, the first time he had met her he compelled her to forget him due to his mother's warning and for a while she did. Yet he hadn't had the power to stay away and she fell in love with him again, once his mother found out she had cursed the girl, cursed him that if they kept getting together he would have to watch her die time and time again. He tried to stay away, but never could. The past two hundred years had been the longest that he had spent without looking for her. After her last death he felt the last of his humanity die he didn't want to find her again or rather he couldn't. After her death each time he grew worse and worse. His mother hadn't realized that she had been the only thing in this world that grounded him, he had wanted to be a better man for her and only her with her gone he didn't fight his instincts he let himself be lost in the monster that he was. These past two hundred years he was worse then he had ever been going half mad with finding ways to create his hybrids as long as he threw himself into his work he could ignore the pull to find her.
Now here was Caroline he hadn't been searching in any way he liked being alone. He didn't have to think of what anyone thought he didn't have to be a better man. He wondered if Caroline was truly her come back to him. The thing that puzzled him every other time she had come back to him she had wanted to be with him before she even had memories of him. She had always been drawn to him in the past, all part of the curse. Yet Caroline wanted nothing to do with him, she fought him she hated him. And she was a vampire; in the past she had always been human. He brought the scotch to his mouth he had to stop thinking about his lost love he couldn't find her again; if he did he would lose her. He couldn't do that again he was just coming to grips with it with losing her again.
"Stop it Klaus stop making me forget!" he heard her voice yell.
"Don't you understand you will die!" he yelled back at her.
"I don't care, if I get a life with you no matter how short it will be long enough because I'm with you, because I found you again!" her eyes found his and her voice softened. "And you found me."
"And what about me?" he asked, "What about when I lose you?"
"Just know I will find you again." She placed her hand on the side of his face, "I'll always find you."
"And I'll always look for you." He said as he kissed her, he couldn't stay away no matter how much he tried. He just loved her too much she was worth the pain he would feel when she was gone.
He had to do something, he had to stop thinking about her, if he kept this up he would look for her, he would try and see if Caroline was truly her. No not again. He wouldn't feel that pain again she wasn't here to convince him to keep fighting for what they had. He placed the scotch on a table ready to go out on a hunt, to kill someone to do something that she would never approve of. As long as he acted like a monster it was easy to stay away from his hunt for her if he knew he was doing what she hated he pretended she wouldn't want him to look for her. He went to his front door and opened it ready to leave but as he opened it he ended up face to face with Caroline. Crap. He thought the only girl in town he wanted to stay away from, but couldn't. The only girl that made him feel like that in two hundred years.
"Caroline." He said as he couldn't fight the smile that flew to his lips, "What do I owe this pleasure."
"I." She stopped, "I'm looking for Tyler." She said softly, but something in her eyes told him there was more.
"Is that all?" he asked his eyes locked on hers and for a moment it seemed he could see into her soul and know everything she was feeling just from those eyes. No. He thought. This is her. He knew those eyes, every body she was in, ever time she was reborn her eyes always stayed true he could always tell her from her eyes. "Caroline what's wrong love?" he asked his voice showed his worry.
"Nothing." She said, "I'm just looking for Tyler."
"Is something wrong with Elena?"
"Always Elena everyone always worries about her." Caroline said with a weak sigh. "I have to go."
He didn't like the sound of weakness in her voice, he knew now that she was his love reborn, but now that he knew such her life was a ticking time bomb she was going to die now and all because he looked into her eyes and found her once again. "Caroline wait." He said to her, "I know something isn't right with you, why are you so tired?"
"It's not your job to worry about me Klaus." She turned to leave but stumbled forward catching her self on a rocking chair. He rushed to her side.
"Leave me alone Klaus." She said as she looked up at him. Her eyes showed nothing but hate. How could this be his girl? Every time in the past it had been so easy for her to fall for him. This was good right? A sign that he needed to stop chasing her, to stop chasing the dream of ever being happy.
"I could never leave you alone love." He said softly, "Remember I fancy you." He smirked slightly.
"Klaus-" she was going to say more but she swayed on her feet and began to fall. Klaus moved faster then even he thought he could and caught her before she hit the ground. Her eyes were closed. What was wrong with her? He carried her carefully into his house and up to a spare bedroom. He placed her softly on the bed and sat next to her as he pushed some of her blonde hair out of her face. Was this simply the curse? Was she dying from something unknown from magic all because he knew who she was? Every time he found her in the past years their time together got shorter and shorter together. If she was dying now form the curse this was the shortest they had together. She hadn't even remembered any of her past with him, she hated him. She only knew the monster that he was, the monster he became. She knew nothing of the man he could be with her by his side.
AN- I have no idea where this came from, but if I get a few reviews saying they like this I will continue with flash backs to her past lives that he meets time and time again and falls for each time. Just something short that came to mind when I was watching a bunch of videos on youtube about these two.
The quote in the beginning came from Prince of Persia Sands of Time.