A/N: Wow, I have the most random assortment of fandoms. Ah well,, we all like what we shall. Most of my stuff has been for Hetalia and I've been slowly fading away from that side and I've been trying with other animes. This has been in my head for awhile now and I've finally decided to put it down! I'm hoping to keep it at a two-chapter fic.

I do not own Junjou Romantica or it characters. Thank you and enjoy~

Akihiko tossed the envelope onto the kitchen table and reached into his pocket for a cigarette. Misaki watched it slide across the polished surface and caught it before it could fall off the edge and onto the floor.

"Watch where you put things," he chided. He turned the letter over in his hands and glanced up at Akihiko, waiting for some kind of explanation. He frowned as the older man searched for a lighter on the table. Rolling his eyes, he demanded, "What is this?"

"A letter."

Misaki bit his tongue before he could snap at him. "What type of letter? For all I know you forgot to pay the rent or Aikawa is yelling at you again or-"

"A best seller."

Misaki waved away the shifting cloud of smoke Akihiko exhaled. "What?" He gave the envelope another look.

"I have another best seller," Akihiko answered.

"Then we should celebrate!"

Akihiko ground the butt of his cigarette into an ashtray and raised an eyebrow at his lover. "Why?"

The brunette turned his eyes to the floor as he felt his cheeks warm. "Why not?" he muttered. "Sure, this happens with almost every book you ever write, but-" He lifted his chin but his stern expression fell when he found Akihiko smiling, his arms crossed as he waited. "Fine! We won't go out! I just thought we could do something nice – go out or something – but fine!"

"Misaki." He grabbed his boyfriend's wrist before he could storm out. Akihiko tugged his closer when the younger man didn't try to rip out of his grasp. "I would love to go out on a date with you." He wrapped his arms around Misaki and squeezed softly enough not to hurt him.

"I's not a date," he mumbled.

"An outing then." A flash of a smile. "I'm surprised. The last time we wanted to celebrate we were very rudely interrupted."

Misaki huffed and squirmed his way out of the silver-haired man's arms. "Then we'll go somewhere where your friends would never show up."

"Oh?" Akihiko asked, genuinely interested, "And where might that be?"

"A place that I can afford."

Of course Akihiko wouldn't let him pay. Misaki shoved his arm through the sleeve of his jacket. Even though he had money, even though they were going to a simple restaurant that even he could afford, even though he was supposed to be doing this for him, Akihiko still refused to let him pay.

He guessed he should feel lucky.

With a firm shake of his head, Misaki shrugged on his coat and stepped out of the room. But not without tripping.

Misaki kicked free of the offending stack of books covering his ankles and rubbed at the start of a bruise forming on his forehead. With a muttered curse, he climbed to his feet and hesitated. This cover looked different, newer.

Was this the bestseller?

Usagi's fingers traced the sharp line of his jaw before dipping down to caress a collar bone and finally to grasp the hem of his shirt. Usagi's fingers were cold but the trail they left burned hot on his skin.

"Usagi…" Tatsuo whispered.

The man above smirked and tugged the shirt off and began to kiss at flushed skin, lips pressed hard on-

Misaki slammed the book closed with a shout. He hung his head and groaned. Of course Akihiko would continue to win titles with books like these. He had gotten used to the fact that he was a master of the art of boy's love novels, but it still unnerved hi that he had published his fantasies with him.


Misaki ripped open and another book and flipped through the pages.

Tatsuo fidgeted. How was he supposed to go for yet another week without Usagi? Damn his needy clients!

He narrowed his eyes. Who the hell was Tatsuo?

Footsteps made him drip the book.

"What are you doing? Akihiko asked, a chuckle in his voice. "Trying to find inspiration?"

Misaki snarled and chucked the book at his smiling face. "What the hell?" How could he just stand there, laughing, as his boyfriend read through books filled with fantasies about someone other than him? "We're not going out!"

"Misaki?" The mirth was gone, replaced with question.

He shoved Akihiko out of the way of the door and dodged a reaching hand. He didn't know where he was supposed to go, but he needed to leave. Misaki slammed the door shut.