What happens when the lieutenants are introduced to laptops.

Chojirou Sasikibe: He goes to see if his captain has been informed of this "laptop", and upon seeing Yamamoto is not interested, he does away with it.

Marechiyo Ohmaeda: "I'll pay for one for each member of the stealth force and my family!"

Izuru Kira: He doesn't realize there's a power button and stares at the black screen, depressed. "Not even this device wants to work for me..." He goes back to his emo corner.

Isane Kotetsu: She gets really excited over it and goes to show Unohana and Isane.

Momo Hinamori: She Googles Aizen.

Renji Abarai: "What is it? How does it work?" He goes to find someone who will tell him how it works.

Tetsuzeamon Iba: He waits for his captain to tell him what to do with it.

Nanao Ise: She catches Shunsui on the diting sites and takes the laptop away from him...but not before thoroughly beating him with said laptop.

Rangiku Matsumoto: "Oooh! How cool! Captain, come look at this! You're on Wikipedia!"

Yachiru Kusajishi: "Baldy, what is this?" Yachiru asked Ikkaku. He propped his wooden sword on his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "It's a laptop, twerp. Which reminds me, the captain said to dispose of it."

"Okay!" Yachiru chirped, and threw the laptop into Ikkaku's face, breaking his nose.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Ikkaku screamed as flood gushed from his nose. "WHAT IN BLUE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?"

"You said to dispose of it, so I threw it away!" Yachiru giggled and flash-stepped down the hall with Ikkaku hot on her heels.

Nemu Kurotsuchi: She throws it in the trash at Mayuri's request.

Rukia Kuchiki: She's seen these things in the world of the living. But she gets excited anyway and goes to show it to Ukitake.

Kaien Shiba (former): "How unusual...What's it s'pposed to do?"