Disclaimer: None of the characters or original storyline belong to me.

The following weeks passed quickly. The palace and surrounding villages celebrated the coming of a new heir. As Loki made his way through the streets, merrymakers laughed and jostled each other, spilling their libations on anyone near enough to be in their way. His quick reflexes kept him from being targeted but he couldn't drown out the sounds of enjoyment. For the most part, he closed his senses and slipped through the crowds like a ghost. It wasn't too difficult. Senan still viewed Ajin as lesser beings and Loki refused to hide his identity.

Adele returned to the palace a week after Nakaba delivered the news of her pregnancy. Although a part of Loki wanted to steer clear of him and, in turn Nakaba, he was like a moth drawn to the flame. The primal part of him saw Nakaba as his and he warred with it daily. He knew what the consequences would be if he and Nakaba were caught or even if it was suspected that he longed for the princess. Still, he could not avoid her. Of course, it didn't help that she felt the same way. Loki found himself wrapped around Nakaba much more than he should have been.

For her part, Nakaba played the dutiful wife. Her and Adele ruled the country together and the people began to love her. Against Adele's wishes, she often went out into the villages to spend time with her people. Adele said it was too dangerous but Nakaba argued that the only way the people would trust them, is if they saw them. It is hard to trust a leader who hides behind walls. In the end, Adele conceded, but only if he could accompany her.

As the days passed, the prince grew more excited about the child growing within Nakaba. Loki began to curse his sharp hearing. He returned to his perch on Nakaba's balcony during the day. While he played the silent sentinel, Adele would often have quiet conversations with Nakaba in her room. Despite the princess' excellent health, Adele insisted she spend as much time resting as possible. This stemmed from the fact that his mother had lost many children in her womb before having the prince.

Loki tried to block out the conversations but sometimes, it was too difficult a task. Thoughts of his child being raised apart from him ate at his insides like a cancer. Nakaba understood this and as soon as Adele left the room, she rushed to reassure him. One particular day, when Nakaba was nearing her second trimester, Loki found it especially hard to pretend disinterest.

Nakaba lay stretched out on a lounger in her room, pillows piled behind her. Adele sat at her feet, massaging the pads of her toes. Loki had fazed out their conversation by thinking of something else. Nakaba gasped without warning and brought her hands to her stomach. The sudden noise caught Loki's attention and the Ajin turned to her, moving a foot into the room to rush to her aid. He stopped himself before raising Adele's suspicion. A genuine smile stretched across her face and she looked at the prince in wonder. Loki's heart twisted. He wanted her to look at him that way, even though he understood why she couldn't.

"The baby is moving!" she said. "It feels like butterflies in my stomach."

Adele beamed at her and stretched his hand out over her belly. "May I?" he asked.

She nodded and he rested his hand against her. Loki watched, heartbroken, as they shared the tender moment. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he turned back to the balcony and stepped to the edge. He was only torturing himself by staying there while Adele occupied the room. He leapt over the balcony wall and headed into town.


"I'm sorry about earlier," Nakaba said, walking up to Loki. "I should have been more discrete with you so near."

"It's fine, princess," Loki reassured. "I understand. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt. But, I do understand and I wasn't mad at you."

"Still, I wish it had been you."

Nakaba wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. Loki returned the gesture, burying his hand in her hair and tucking her head into his shoulder. He breathed in her scent and closed his eyes. They stood that way for several minutes before he took a step back. Her rounded belly was just starting to show under her robes and his eyes looked longingly at it.

"Would you like to?" she asked, hesitant.

"Please!" he gasped like a fish out of water.

He hovered his hands over her a moment before gently placing them against her belly, as though afraid she would break. A shuddered gasp left him and tears formed in his eyes. Without warning, he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Nakaba's waist. She watched, speechless, as he pressed his ear against her stomach. A moment later, he closed his eyes, the tears slipping free and running down his face.

"I can hear the heartbeat," he whispered. "It's so fast!"

Nakaba brought one hand up to her mouth to suppress her sobs and buried the other in his hair. A soft laugh left Loki as he continued to listen. Nakaba watched him silently, amazed at this hidden side of him. Loki was always so reserved. To see him vulnerable and open was something Nakaba would never forget.

"Life is so amazing," he said, pulling his ear away and looking up at her. "Thank-you."

The words threw Nakaba off. "For what?" she asked.

"For this." He leaned in and kissed her belly, cradling it between his hands.

She put her hands on either side of his head and tilted his face up. Without saying a word, she leaned over and kissed him.

"Thank-you, Loki."

He stood up and kissed her deeper. Nakaba sighed into his mouth and swayed.

"Is Adele coming tonight?" he asked, a heat burning in his eyes.

"No. He is worried that being together will harm the baby."

"I'm not."

Nakaba giggled as Loki swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bed.


Spring came to Senan in all its glory. The weather warmed and the country flourished. Flowers and trees that had been dormant through the harsh winter opened and bloomed, filling the air with perfume and beauty. The palace and surrounding villages aired out their dwellings and opened shops to the warmer air.

Loki was in good spirits. Although he had to keep his distance from Nakaba during the day, at night the princess was all his. For a time, he could pretend that there was no Adele. During the day, she would sometimes throw yearning looks his way and he would find his body heating with anticipation. Adele was none the wiser, believing his wife was totally and completely his.

One day, when the weather was especially warm, Loki lounged under a tree in the courtyard, daydreaming of his tryst later that evening. He had a surprise for Nakaba and he looked forward to giving it to her. His ears twitched at a sound moving quickly toward him. The messenger, a young boy from the palace, approached the Ajin with caution. As Loki opened one of his eyes, the boy froze. They stared at each other for several seconds. For some reason, the terrified look on the boy's face amused Loki and the Ajin smiled, flashing his sharp canines.

The boy gasped and jumped back. Loki could see the boy's internal struggle on whether he should deliver the message or flee. Closing his eyes, Loki sighed. It wasn't right to purposely terrorize the boy. Opening his eyes agin, he addressed him.

"You need not be afraid, child," he said. "What is it you need to say?"

"Prince Adele needs to speak with you," he answered barely above a whisper. If not for his superior hearing, Loki may not have heard him at all. "He insists that you come imm…immed…"



"So be it."

Loki hadn't moved since the boy's arrival. As he went to stand, the child turned and ran as fast as his legs would carry him. The Ajin chuckled to himself. There really wasn't anything intimidating about him but he knew that some human parents used the fear of Ajin to control their children. Sure, Ajin were stronger than humans and they had better senses but overall, Ajin were more afraid of human. After all, Ajin were seen as little better than slaves.

Loki pushed the thought away and made his way to the palace. He wondered idly what Adele wanted. Did he suspect something with him and Nakaba? If that were the case, Loki was sure Nakaba would have called him first. Then again, if Adele were protecting Nakaba, he may not have confronted her at all.

Despite Loki's dislike for the prince, it was clear, even to him that Adele worshipped the princess. When Nakaba gave herself over to him, Adele focused his entire being on making her happy. Loki knew he loved her and would do anything to protect her. In the back of his mind, the part he had to constantly suppress, Loki feared this devotion would eventually win Nakaba over. Already, Loki could see the princess warming up to the prince. But Loki ignored the signs, choosing instead to focus on his nights with her. If Adele suspected Loki's "infatuation", he would probably send the Ajin away. Of course, he could always have Loki imprisoned or sent to the slave camps but Adele knew he would lose Nakaba if he did that.

Adele waited in the throne room where he met with his advisers and answered those nobles who needed a moment of his time. At the moment, the room was nearly empty with the exception of a couple advisors and Adele himself. Loki stood straight as he approached the prince. He refused to cower before anyone.

Adele looked up from a parchment as Loki neared the throne. "Hello, Loki," he said in an unusually friendly mood. "I need you to go on a mission for me."

Loki stood, dumbstruck. He had never taken orders from anyone other than Nakaba. As far as the world knew, Loki was the princess' personal servant and did not answer to anyone else. Even Adele knew this.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Because you are the most qualified." A pregnant pause filled the room as Loki narrowed his eyes. Adele sighed and continued. "There is a disturbance near the border. A village of Ajin have been beset upon, some disagreement over land or something. While the humans in the area have a representative to hear their case, the Ajin do not. As it stands, I will have to tell the human spokesperson to push the Ajin back and take the land he believes is their's. However, if you go as a representative of the palace, you can assess the situation, determine who the land actually belongs to, and come to a peaceful resolution. If you do not, it is very likely that violence will break out and a lot of people and Ajin will die."

Loki glared at the prince. Would the humans even abide by what he says? The humans along the border were notorious for their hatred of Ajin. Even as a representative from the palace, it was unlikely they would respect Loki's decision. Still, Adele had a point. If he did nothing, many would die. And if a human representative went to solve the issue, the Ajin would not cooperate and it was very likely they would not even be heard. Loki pinched the bridge of his nose, realizing there was no way around it.

"What if the human spokesperson sees me as just another Ajin and refuses to listen?" he asked.

"I will send a document with you containing my seal telling everyone involved that you are there as a royal representative. If they refuse to follow your orders, they will be arrested."

A moment passed while Loki sighed and closed his eyes. "Alright," he said, opening his eyes. "I will leave in the morning."


Loki turned and marched from the room. He would need to let Nakaba know when he visited her that night.


"Do you really have to go?" Nakaba lay curled against Loki's side running her fingers over his bare chest.

"Unfortunately," he answered, planting a kiss on her head. "This could actually be a good thing."

"Why do you say that? I'm going to be so lonely with you gone and the border is weeks away. If everything goes smoothly, you'll be gone for over a month."

Loki chuckled and kissed her again. "One of the reasons you are trying so hard to take over the throne is so that you will be in a position to change the way Ajin are treated. When you become queen, you will need someone they trust to act as liaison between you and them. Your family has made it very difficult for the Ajin to trust you. With me going out there and performing these types of missions, I will start to build up their trust so that when you are queen, they will be on your side. Adele may not realize it, but he just made it easier for you to accomplish your goal."

"See, that's why I love you."

Nakaba lifted up on her elbow and leaned over Loki. His scorching grey eyes was all the invitation she needed as she bent down to kiss him.

"Oh, I nearly forgot." Loki turned and leaned over the side of the bed, fishing for his belt. In one of the pockets was a small wooden charm, a wolf that he had made a few nights earlier. He'd even painted it to make it look more realistic. As he returned to his position on the bed, he handed it to her. "I figured, when the child is old enough, you could give it to them."

"Loki, it's beautiful! I didn't even know you could do this."

"I couldn't. It took a lot of practice and patience. I nearly gave up on it several times."

"I'm glad you didn't. Thank-you so much!"

"Maybe it will keep you company while I'm gone."

Nakaba smiled her breathtaking smile at him and he pulled her down into his arms, cradling her against his chest.


As dawn approached the next morning, Loki slipped out of Nakaba's bed hoping not to disturb her. However, Nakaba woke the minute his weight left the mattress.

"You weren't planning on leaving without saying goodbye, were you?" she asked, her eyes still closed against the early morning light.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He bent over and kissed her temple. "Listen, I won't be here to protect you so I need you to be extra vigilant. Stay close to Adele as much as possible. He will keep you safe. And although I'd rather you not go into the villages with me gone, I know you're going to anyway. Take Adele and extra guards. Protect yourself and our child. I don't know what I would do if I lost either of you."

He rested his hand on her belly and stroked the soft skin. Nakaba watched, fascinated, as he placed a tender kiss on her baby bump.

"We will be careful, Loki. I will protect our child."

Loki kissed her deeply before turning and slipping over her balcony. He made his way to the stables while most of the palace slept. He had already prepared his provisions the night before and stored them in the stables. All he needed to do was saddle up and be on his way.

As he entered the stables, he realized he wasn't alone. Two people, a royal guard and a boy waited for him near three saddled horses. The boy was maybe fifteen summers old but stood tall and proud. Loki walked up to them, confusion clearly evident on his face.

"Good day, Loki. His Majesty Prince Adele has ordered that we accompany you on your mission. I am Sir Byron and this is my squire, Huntley. Prince Adele asked me to deliver this to you before heading out."

Loki narrowed his eyes. He would make better time alone. What was Adele up to? Taking the sealed scroll from Byron, he cracked it and unrolled the pages. The first page was a letter from the prince.

Loki, take this document with you to the border. It will give you passage through any towns you go through and it should help you gain access to food and accommodations. It will let people know that you are not some rogue Ajin but a member of the royal guard. I trust you will use this to your advantage. I have sent along my best knight to lend assistance when you need it and he will report back to me everything that happens.

Although I know you will, you need not worry about Nakaba. I will take care of her in your absence. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my wife. I hope that I can eventually gain your trust and that you will decide to help me heal this country. Nakaba isn't the only one who needs you.

Good luck on your mission and safe travels.


Prince Adele of Senan

Underneath the letter was a notice stating Loki as a representative of the royal court, giving him authority to act as a royal official to make decisions in the prince's absence. The royal seal at the bottom marked it as authentic. Rolling the scroll back up, he tucked it into a pocket within his robes.

"It appears we will be traveling companions," Loki said, holding out his hand to Byron.

The knight did not smile but he shook Loki's hand once. As they turned to mount the horses, a falcon flew through the barn door to land on Byron's arm. Loki cocked his head to the side. Well, that must be what Adele meant when he said Byron would report everything that happened. Dismissing the bird and his unwanted companions, Loki clicked to his horse to get it moving. Byron and Huntley followed behind him.


Nakaba rolled out of bed not long after Loki left. There really wasn't any point in sleeping in if he wasn't laying next to her. The swelling of her stomach made life interesting. She always prided herself on her flexibility and agility, especially given her human status. But, ever since the baby started growing beyond her natural bounds, she found both of those difficult. As she made her way to the bath, she heard the servants slip into the room. They would have it tidied up before she finished.

The midwife, Margery, entered Nakaba's chambers just as the princess left the bath. The older woman tutted as she took in Nakaba's wet hair.

"You're going to catch your death walking around like that," she admonished, grabbing a nearby towel and scrubbing Nakaba's head.

Nakaba endured it all in silence. The women meant well and it put Adele at ease to have her there. When she was satisfied that every strand was dry, Margery stepped back.

"Good morning to you, too, Margery," Nakaba said, flashing the midwife a smile.

"What's so good about it? I've already had to save yur life and the sun's barely up." Margery never smiled but Nakaba had hope that one day she would break through the woman's hard shell.

"Don't be so dramatic. The weather is wonderful today."

Margery humphed and moved over to Nakaba's wardrobe, pulling out the clothes Nakaba was to wear for the day. As she dressed, Nakaba went over everything she had planned for the day. Staying busy would keep her mind off Loki. Without realizing it, her fingers moved to her neck where she had hung Loki's charm. Margery noticed and humphed again.

"Is something bothering you, Margery?" Nakaba asked, dropping her hand.

"I just noticed that you have a new charm, is all. Seems kind of a strange thing to wear around yur neck."


Margery finished with Nakaba's dress and stood back. "Well, it's a wolf and wolves are dangerous. Why anyone would want to wear something portraying something so dangerous is a mystery to me."

"Wolves aren't dangerous. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. I think they are magnificent creatures who are unfailingly loyal to their families."

"Isn't your servant a wolf?" she asked, almost accusingly.

"Loki isn't a servant, he's a friend and anyway, what's your point?" Nakaba narrowed her eyes at the midwife. She was out of line talking to Nakaba the way she was. Unfortunately, many people treated Nakaba such since she had red hair. It meant that her blood wasn't completely royal.

"Apologies, your highness," Margery said, chagrined. "I meant no disrespect."

Nakaba dismissed the midwife and went out to her balcony. A warm breeze lifted her hair and Nakaba took in a deep breath. It was going to be a glorious day.


Loki, Byron, and Huntley traveled most of the day, stopping only long enough to eat and water the horses. The journey was quiet other than the sounds of nature around them. Loki reveled in the spring. The land flourished with flowers budding and animals sprinting here and there. Birdsong filled the forest with life and love.

Having left the palace so early, the streets were vacant. Loki preferred it this way. By midmorning, the palace gates were crowded with all manner of people and conveyance. Loki picked a route that took the party through the woods. At first, Bryon balked at the idea, saying it was too dangerous. Loki simply glared at him and continued on his way. Byron had no choice but to follow or stay behind.

A couple hours before dusk, Loki stopped to make camp. He knew these woods like the back of his hand and he chose a spot that was near good grazing and water for the horses. Huntley removed the tack from the horses and led them to the river. The knight pulled a small scroll from his pack and began writing. Dismissing him, Loki left to find firewood. When he returned to the campsite, Byron's falcon disappeared through the trees, a small scroll case attached to its leg.

"Why did prince Adele send you?" Loki asked.

"To assist you on your journey."

Loki suspected the knight to be less than honest. He studied the older man for a few moments before looking away. It didn't matter the reason. He was saddled with his companions and he would just have to learn to get along with them. After a quick meal of dried meat and bread, Loki leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes, thoughts of Nakaba filling his mind.

Nakaba tossed and turned in her bed. No matter which way she lay, she just couldn't get comfortable. After sleeping with Loki for the past several weeks, her bed seemed too big for her. She would reach across the sheets looking for him only to be greeted by cold emptiness. After hours of this, she decided to use her Arcana of Time. If she could just see him for a moment, maybe it would be enough to allow her to sleep.


Nakaba found herself in Loki's past. A young Loki sat playing just outside a small house. He must have been around six or so. His midnight hair fell over his eyes as he bent to retrieve one of his toys. So engrossed in his play battle, he did not notice the person coming up behind him. He crashed two of his toys together making the sound of an explosion and threw himself back as through he were caught in the blast. Before he could fall onto his back, he bumped into the person behind him.

"Daddy!" he cried, jumping to his feet. A tall man who looked strikingly similar to Adele bent over to pick him up.

"How's my little man?" he asked, wrapping large arms around a tiny Loki.

"I missed you. You were gone so long." Loki buried his head in his father's long black hair.

"I know. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. I couldn't leave the palace in time."

"I's alright, daddy. I'm not mad." Loki pulled away and flashed his father a huge smile, his canines glinting in the sun.

"Such a brave, little boy."

At that moment, a woman approached them. She was a wolf Ajin with silver fur and grey eyes. Nakaba found her breathtakingly beautiful. She smiled at Loki and his father.

"Loki guarded the house the whole time you were gone," she said, her soft voice caressing Nakaba's ears.

These were Loki's parents. As Nakaba watched, the scene changed. A few years had passed and Loki had grown a bit. A skirmish broke out in the middle of the village and Nakaba moved closer to see what was happening. Loki fought off five other Ajin boys, all older and bigger than him. The other boys were pure Ajin and taunted Loki. Off to the side was another child crying. This one was much younger, maybe four or five with hair as red as an apple. Loki stood between her and the older boys, his face bruised and bloody.

"Get outta the way, halfbreed!" one of the boys taunted. "Why would you protect a human? She doesn't belong here."

"Yes, she does!" Loki shot back. "She is my friend and y'all can just back off!"

One of the boys, a lion Ajin, charged Loki and knocked him over. The younger boy fell hard and hit his head. The sound echoed the courtyard and Loki grimaced in pain. The little girl jumped to her feet and ran to him. Nakaba stood, dumbstruck. The girl was a young Nakaba but she had no memory of the incident. As her younger self hovered over Loki, a woman ran out of one of the shops.

"Nakaba!" she cried, running up to the fallen Loki. She had black hair like Loki but emerald eyes like Nakaba.

The older boys ran away as soon as the woman reached Loki.

"Mommy!" the Nakaba child cried. "Loki's 'urt!"

Loki laid on the ground with his eyes closed. The woman lifted him up and carried him away. "Come, Nakaba. He needs help."

Nakaba followed her younger self to a small building on the other side of the village. As they entered, a wolf Ajin with red hair came out from the back. The younger Nakaba began crying even harder when she saw him.

"Loki!" the healer cried. "What happened?"

"It was the other boys again. Something has to be done, Sia. Loki was protecting Nakaba."

"Karie needs to know her son is here. Please go fetch her and take Nakaba with you. I will do what I can for Loki."

The woman took young Nakaba and left the building. The child cried even harder when Loki left her sight. Sia's hands hovered over Loki as he chanted words Nakaba had never heard. A soft glow filtered down from his hands and onto Loki. A moment later, Sia stepped back.

"Come on, Loki," he said, softly. "Nakaba needs you."

Loki gasped and opened his eyes. Blinking back his disorientation, he turned to find Sia smiling down at him.

"Is Nakaba okay?" the boy whispered.

"She is fine, thanks to you. But you need to be more careful."

Before Loki could respond, Karie burst into the room. "Loki! What have you gotten yourself into?"

Sia stepped back to allow her to reach her son. "He's going to be okay, Karie. I have healed his injuries."

"What is happening to this village, brother? I've never known our people to be so aggressive."

"You can't really blame them. The Senan king is instigating violence against Ajin, especially considering that his two children are Ajin sympathizers. It only makes sense that Ajin would be hostile toward humans."

"It's those same sympathizers who are feeling the Ajin's wrath! They are biting the hands that feed them."

"It isn't all of them, just a handful of children. I will let the council know next week and maybe we can stop this."

"I hope so. If anything ever happened to Loki, I don't know what I would do."

She gathered Loki in her arms and left the building. Nakaba left Sia and followed Karie. Loki tried to get down but Karie would have none of it. Resigned to his fate, Loki leaned back and pouted.

"I know you care about Nakaba, Loki, but you need to be careful. You could have died today."

"Nakaba needs me, Mother. No one else plays with her and I don't want her to be sad. Besides, the children aren't that much nicer to me."

"Loki, the others are mean to you because you are always protecting her. They don't understand what she is. I don't even know if she understands what she is. All I'm asking is that you be careful."

"I will. But I will also always protect her, for as long as I live."

Karie sighed, defeated. "I know you will."

The Arcana of Time faded and Nakaba returned to the present. She had no memories of those earliest days but she knew that she and Loki moved to the Palace soon after. What was it that prompted them to leave their home and what happened to their parents? She made a mental note to ask Loki when he returned. With her mind filled with unanswered questions, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.