Hey everyone so this is a bit of a crossover but barely. Yes, the lovely folks from Pitbulls and Parolees are in this and it takes place in the Villalobos family but this IS a SOA-Happy fanfic so no worries. It was just an idea that I had and really wanted to test out so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me some feedback and let me know how you feel about me continuing. So of course, I do not own ANYTHING except Madison and anything pertaining to her history unless otherwise stated. Love you!

It hurt. It hurt more than anyone could ever describe. The pain that just took over was like nothing Madison James had ever gone through in her life. A bullet, meant for someone else ripped through her lower abs and into the muscle there. It was as if the trail it had made was on fire. She screamed, she yelled. Nothing helped with the pain. Everything was in white and black and red.

"Madison! Hey! Wake up!" Madison twisted awake, breathing hard from the dream. No, not a dream, a memory. Finally realizing her surroundings she found Tia Torres staring at her in concern.

"I'm fine. Just...just a memory." Her hand automatically went to where the scar still sat raised along her smooth skin. A reminder of that one day her whole life changed. Pushing herself up from the rather uncomfortable plastic chair Madison stretched, careful that her shirt didn't move up too much. Working at Villalobos Rescue Center had become the young women's only concern. Her entire day was made up of cleaning the kennels, feeding them, walking them and going on rescues when asked. Everything else came second. Even when moving to New Orleans there hadn't been a doubt in her mind that Madison had to make the move with the rescue center. Tia had given her a reason to keep on with her life when she felt like she had nothing left. As a thank you she threw herself a hundred percent into the rescue center.

"If you need some time off, a couple of hours of something..." Tia was always offering Madison time off, even fifteen minute breaks but it felt like everytime she took even a second to herself those memories resurfaced.

"No, I'm fine. I just dozed off. I'm good now. Anything need to get done?" She was eager to toss herself into work and forget what had just happened. Tia knew better than to push the issue and sighed.

"Yea, some new guy is coming in. Show him the ropes; you know cleaning kennels, walking, feeding." Maddie nodded and headed for the office door. "Oh get this, his name? Happy."

Madison stifled a laugh and shook her head. "Guess he doesn't want anyone to know his real name. Let's just hope he works out. Joel and Cameron didn't work out." She could see the look of disappointment on Tia's face. "No worries, I'm sure he'll do just fine."

Three kennels were now scrubbed clean and occupied by the dogs. Madison was about to start the next one when she heard someone calling out. A bald man in a leather vest stood by the gates smoking a ciggarette. Letting the bucket of soapy water hit the ground with a thud Madison walked up to the gate and pushed it open. "Can I help you? The visitors gate is on the other side and we usually prefer an appointment for an adoption." She spoke politely. He was a little intimidating with his dark, almost souless eyes. She watched silently as he took another drag of his ciggarette before tossing it down on to the pavement and snubbing it out with his boot.

"I'm here for work. I was told to ask for Tia." His voice was rough like sandpaper and a little gutteral.

"So you're Happy?" Even saying his name made the corners of her mouth tilt up at the corners.

"Yea. Problem? I'm sure yours is just as great." He had taken a step closer and there was very little distance between them now.

"Nope. I'm Madison." She could feel his eyes moving down her body where the white tank she had underneath the flannel was soaked through and showed her pale pink bra clearly. Clearing her throat Madison stepped back and motioned for him to come in. "I'll take you to the office." He didn't respond but followed her closely. Nearing the office Madison stopped and turned around to address him when he walked right into her. Grabbing his upper arms for support a blush scattered over her face and her breathing became labored. "S...sorry." She whispered. Happy's hands moved from her arms, over her shoulders and down her sides to her waist.

"If you wanted to touch you only had to ask." He muttered before pushing her back a little by her waist. Regaining composure now that she was no longer touching him Madison opened the door and walked in. "Tia, Happy's here. I have to get back to work. Nice to meet you." Madison spewed out in a jumped stream of word before scurrying back out of the office and to her abandoned bucket of water. She had just started to scrub the floor of a kennel when she heard footsteps behind her.

"You girl are a total mess." Looking over her shoulder she found Tania standing in the doorway of the kennel with her arms crossed over her chest. "You come in with that total hottie with your shirt see through, hair a static mess and face red as a tomatoe." She teased. Madison was close to Tia's two daughters, Mariah and Tania although she was closer to Tania. With a huff Madison sat back on her heels.

"Just...he reminds me of that night a little. The cut on his back, it's just too familiar to what I have been running from. He's not very nice either. He's kind of rude." Tania nodded before stepping through the doorway and grabbign an extra brush to help.

"Maybe you could describe the patch and he could tell you who it was?" Madison looked at her with wide eyes.

"No. I...I don't want to talk about it anymore." She focused on one spot for a little while.

"You know, he's kinda hot. And he was def watching your ass when you left the office." Madison looked up at Tania and gave her a look. "What? I'm just saying. I'd jump on that ass in a heartbeat."

"Tania, he's a coworker and a stranger. I think I'll pass. Even if I did get to feel those muscles on his arms..." She trailed off with a smile. Tania halted in her work and stared at her with her mouth wide open.

"You what? When?" Work abandoned the girls began gossiping.

"Right before we came into the office. I turned around to say something and he walked right into me. I almost fell so I grabbed him. Oh god Tania, his hands. I can't even...they were on me for all of ten seconds and I can still feel them." Madison gushed. It had been quite a while since a guy had their hands on her.

"Girl you better scoop him up before I do." She joked. Madison just shook her head and started scrubbing the floor again.

"Madison can I talk to you for a second?" Madison turned and found Tia standing where her daughter had been a little bit before but Happy stood beside her. He was staring right at her and it made her a little nervous. Tossing a quick look to Tania Madison stood and wiped her hands on her shorts.

"Yea sure, whats up?"

"I want you to show Happy what we do around here, let him shadow you today, show him the ropes." Madison nodded and cleared her throat.

"Should I..." She motioned at the work she had just been doing.

"Let Tania finish this one up and just start showing him what he is expected to do tomorrow morning when he comes in. After you are done go get something to eat. And I mean eat Maddie." The last bit was said lowly. Tia knew Madison barely ate since her accident. It wasn't that she didn't want to, she just couldn't stomach the food. With a nod Tia walked off leaving Madison to show Happy around.

"Okay, so I'll show you where we usually put our stuff before a shift. You might want to put your cut in there. It will definitely get ruined here." At the word cut Happy's eyes widened just a little.

"You know what this is?" He asked.

"Yea, just...a little bit of knowledge I guess." Her face was burning now and her heart thudding too hard in her chest. "So let's start." She tossed a look at Tania and Tania offered her a sad face in return.

"Welcome to Villalobos Happy!" Tania called out as they walked away.