Rating: K+
Leave an "Zip Me" in my ask, and I'll write a drabble about your character dressing mine, or the other way around [this can also be used for shutting them up as well, but feel free to specify.]
A weak smile rested on the red head's lips as he helped the albino out of the bed. His drifted to the bandaged left shoulder of the albino, setting clean bandages on the bed. With steady hands, Enma slowly undid the bandages, his eyes held a guarded gleam.
A flicker of pain shown in the male's eyes as he stared at the damaged shoulder and the missing arm, a soft sigh almost escaped his lips, but he held it back. His hand gently reached forward and touched the stitches, causing the albino to release a soft hiss in pain.
"…Sorry…" Enma whispered as he removed his hand and rewrapped the injured shoulder.
Enma blamed himself for the albino's missing arm; Gale had protected the red head and lost it upon doing so. An enemy had charged Enma with a large sword while the Shimon Boss' back was turned. The white haired male had jumped in the path of the swinging blade and it had connected and cut through his shoulder cleanly. It had removed his whole arm, leaving a bleeding gap, where it used to reside.
Enma had seen red and easily overpowered the man, before running to the albino's side. Luckily for them, Gale was taken to the hospital fast enough, but his arm could never be reattached and it ripped at Enma's heart. Especially when the twins had rushed forward and tried to get Gale to pick them up, he could see the pain that swirled in those red depths.
Luckily, Asuka had hurried forward and picked them up, saying that that Gale needed more rest before he could do anything.
Enma had even seen the albino reach to scratch the missing arm only to look down with a frown. But Gale was braving through it and it devastated when the twins hurried forward to hold Gale's hand, only for one to grab the empty sleeve and the other to hold his hand.
A soft sigh left Enma's lips as he did up the buttons of Gale's shirt.
"…Thanks, Enma. Sorry to make you do this…" Gale spoke, sorrowfully, before a kiss was pressed against his lips.
"Don't Apologize, Gale. I love you." Enma spoke, with a small smile.
'…It's my punishment for not protecting you.' He thought as he watched the assassin stand.