A/N: I'm soooooo sorry about not updating! School has been really hectic, and then I got my wisdom teeth out and couldn't' concentrate on anything! I will try to update more regularly, but I don't know my work schedule yet. Please Review! They really make my day!

Chapter 7

Katara sat in a chair, looking into her vanity while Suki did her hair. Sokka was over at one of his friend's houses, doing whatever guys did before dances. He would pick them up on his way to the dance, along with Aang.

"You're going to look beautiful," Suki said, shaking Katara back into attention. "Who ever your mystery guy is, he won't be able to keep his eyes off of you." Katara looked in the mirror and smiled back at Suki. She was right, and she had done her hair wonderfully, adding her mother's blue necklace, which accentuated her blue eyes.

"Thank you," Katara said, turning to Suki, who was dressed in a simple green gown, wearing make up that made her brown eyes pop. "Neither will yours, though I'm not sure he's a total mystery." There she went again, hinting that she knew who Suki's new friend was. But that was because she did, even though Suki didn't even know.

"Will you stop pretending like you know who it is?" Suki said with a laugh. "I know will be both be equally surprised to find handsome men waiting for us at the dance. Hopefully they are taller than us," she added as an after thought.

"Don't worry, he is," Katara said quietly with a small smile. She had pieced it together and concluded that Sokka was the person Suki had been talking to. While she thought that Suki could do better, she was happy for Sokka. She had never thought he would actually be able to charm a girl. He was funny and everything, he just always had an air about him, like he knew what he was doing, but you could tell that he really didn't.

Suki pretended like she didn't hear Katara, and just kept talking about what she hoped her mystery guy looked like. "Who do you think is your mystery man?" Suki asked Katara, a sly grin on her face.

"I don't know," she said with a sigh. "But I know who I hope it is."


"I really hope that it's Jet," Katara said shyly. Suki just squealed. She knew that Katara had had a crush on him for the longest time.

"Has he given you any reason to?" Suki asked, wanting to analyze everything and come to the right conclusion, but the girl side of her just wanting to think that it was Jet.

"He hasn't given me any reason not to," Katara said with a mischievous grin. For all she knew, she could be right. It could be Jet, just acting slightly different because no one was watching him.

"That's enough reason for me," Suki said with a laugh. "I don't know who I want my guy to be. I mean, it would be nice if I already knew him, but then the mystery aspect of it was also really great. Like, what if knowing him makes me not like him anymore?" There she went again, ranting about her fears. Suki usually wasn't one to crack under pressure or get nervous, but this dance really had her on edge.

"Whoever it is, I'm sure you'll have a great time tonight," Katara said with a laugh. And she meant it. Especially if she was right, Katara knew that Suki would enjoy her date. Just then there was a honk from outside. "Sokka's here," Katara said, slipping on her shoes and rushing downstairs, Suki right behind her, moving extremely quickly and gracefully for being in heels.

"You both look great," Sokka said with a smile as they got in the car. "Now hurry up, I have a date that I have to get to." He said it jokingly, but Katara could hear the worry in his voice. He tried to play it off, but Katara knew him too well. He was nervous. And scared.

"I bet you do," Katara said quietly, smiling to herself. They drove to Aang's house and picked him up.

"Are you excited for the dance?" Suki asked Aang.

"Yeah," he said with a goofy grin. "It'll be my first one."

"Rule number one of being a high school guy," Sokka said with a fake serious voice. "Never say you are excited for a dance. It makes you sound girly." He laughed after that, and Aang half-heartedly joined in.

As they pulled up to the school, Katara took a deep breath. For better or for worse, the dance was about to start.

So, again, should Toph and Aang get together? If not, should I create Oc's for them? Please, give me some feedback! That's why we haven't seen much of them. I just don't know where I want their relationship to go.