A/N: This is my first fan fiction and I'm really excited about it! I promise I'll add more chapters regularly... still figuring out how to use this, but it won't slow me down! Please review!

Was it true? Had just a little mischief led to this? I didn't even know what had happened; I was just… just having fun…

Jane had fired me from being her intern today. I couldn't believe it. I had been working for her for two years! I had dealt with her mopiness after Thor left; I had gone to get Erik aspirins for his headaches because of her. I had done so much for them, yet they just threw me away like a piece of garbage!

It didn't matter now. Jane was Jane. Erik was Erik. I was me. I was driving angrily along the road, my radio at full blast when a brilliant flash of green boomed to the right. I turned and saw something human sized fall out of the sky.

Thor! Was my first thought. If I brought him back maybe Jane would take me back! Without thinking I turned and drove at full speed to the light. Suddenly, the green light was gone replaced by darkness.

I kept on driving in that direction, hoping I would find him. I slowed down so that I wouldn't hit him if I saw him. My car started slowing down because of the sand. He couldn't be that much further, I thought, foolishly turning of my car and getting out. I locked my car, even though no one was out here, and put my keys in my pocket as I walked up the sand hill.

When I reached the top, I saw someone lying on the floor with a green cape covering them. I could tell he was definitely Asguardian, and without thinking, I slid down the hill and ran to him.

"Thor, thank you so much!" I called as I ran to him.

I reached him, and he didn't move. Was he dead? I pulled the cape over to show him. I gasped, this wasn't Thor.

In the Asguardian clothing, there was a man, not older than me, with black hair that reached the bottom of his neck, but not quite his shoulders. He was pale, and his eyes were closed. He had a beautiful face, and he looked quite muscular, not as muscular as Thor though.

I knelt down and shook him gently. He stirred, but did not wake up. I shook him again, and he stirred some more, opening his eyes. He sat up quickly and turned to me with a confused expression. He had brilliantly forest green eyes. His eyebrows were raised while a million emotions washed through his face; anger, sadness, triumph, anger, disappointment, then confusion again. He calmed his expression and looked back to me.

"Who are you?" he asked in the sexiest voice I had ever heard.

"I, um, I'm Darcy Lewis…" I said softly.

"What realm is this?" he demanded, getting to his feet.

His posture said a lot about him. He stood up very tall, with his back very straight. He seemed to think he was important, and well, the shit, and I believed him. He spoke with such confidence, how couldn't he be?

"Um… are you asguardian?" I blurted out.

He turned quickly and his green eyes flashed anger at me. He glared and said, "I asked you a question! How dare you respond to me with such, such disrespect?"

His eyes shut quickly as if he were thinking about something. I stood up, put my hands in my pockets and watched him.

"Am I on Migard?" he asked.

"I think so…" I said remembering that Thor had used that word for Earth.

"Damn." He muttered.

"Do you know Thor?" I asked.

"Never say that name in my presence," he said glaring at me.

"So you do know him?" I concluded aloud without thinking.

He gave me an outraged look and turned around, ignoring me. He started walking in the direction of pure desert, so I stopped him.

"Dude, you're headed straight for the middle of the desert!"

"Be quiet you insolent mortal!" he said, but he stopped.

"You don't look so good. Do you need a place to crash? Or… well, spend the night? I have food and stuff if you need it," I offered.

"I do not need the help of a migardian!" he huffed, storming off.

"Fine." I snapped.

I climbed back up the hill and walked into my car. I sat down, just thinking for a while. Jane would never take me back. I would have to create my own career instead of just going the easy way with Jane. But, most importantly I had lost my best friend!

Wait! Maybe I hadn't, maybe there was still hope to save our friendship! She would do anything for information about Thor, maybe even forgive me! This man obviously knew Thor. Even if he was his enemy, he must have found some way to get here from Asguard and if there was a way here, there was a way back!

Quickly, I buckled myself up and restarted my car and drove up the hill. It was pretty hard, and when I got to the top, I saw him, the dark haired Asguardian walking to his death. I drove after him, but suddenly, the car went down at an enormous speed! I was speeding down, and I couldn't find my brakes.

I screamed as I went driving down, my car flipped, but thankfully I was wearing my seatbelt! It flipped again and I was back on my wheels. I pressed the brakes, but the car shot forward. I screamed, I had pressed the gas! I stomped on the brakes a second too late. I hit the stranger and he flew forward.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed unbuckling quickly and jumping out of the car

The stranger was on the floor again, unconscious. I ran to him, screaming the entire time and shook him. He wasn't stirring! I put my ear to his mouth, he was breathing!

"Wake up!" I cried shaking him.

It was no use! Had I knocked him into a coma? Had I given him a concussion? Had I killed him? Hyperventilating, I picked him up. He was so heavy! I dragged him into my car and closed the door. I jumped into the driver's seat and rushed on home.

As I drove, I realized something.

"I think that was legally my fault," I whispered.