When they all sat enjoying the delicious birthday cake for dessert Sheila chimed in, "Teresa, you never got around to telling us about the case Patrick solved involving that Shakespeare misquote. Care to elaborate?"

And so Lisbon summed up the events surrounding the murder of the woman from the Shakespeare chat room, concluding with, "Cho is our best interrogator and we had pulled every trick we could think of. Nothing seemd to crack that bastard. He laughed right in our faces instead and threatened us with lawsuits to boot. And there comes Patrick Jane, drops one line from Macbeth including a well-placed mistake and the culprit sings like a bird. And that's how our smart-ass here closed the case even though he hadn't actually been working on it." She rolled her eyes. "He was insufferably smug for days afterwards. Sometimes it's really hard to put up with him, I'll have you know."

The others laughed and sported knowing looks. Jane just smirked and added fondly, "Yeah, and just to show you what I have to put up with: as the only reward for my extraordinary efforts she actually punched my shoulder." He pointed at Lisbon with a pout.

The others laughed again and encouraged Lisbon to recap some of their other more recent cases and she obliged happily. Spirits were high, the beer was flowing freely (or the tea in Jane's case), and everybody was listening with rapt attention. Her narration was interrupted on a regular basis by Patrick,who would add amusing details or smug remarks emphasizing his brilliant deductions.

In the process of telling about all those events Teresa couldn't avoid touching parts of Agent Darcy's involvement, mentioning LaRoche and Wainwright, or hinting at the underlying Red John case. It hadn't escaped the others' notice and Andy finally voiced what the rest had been thinking as well, "How the hell did you get involved with the FBI, Rick? And what's been going on with all those strange subterfuges?"

The blond man looked rather uncomfortable at the question. "Let's leave that for another time, okay? It's a long story and, alas, in actuality it's not quite finished yet. If I'm still standing when the last chapter's been written, I'll give you the whole tale. But until then you're better off not knowing too much. Please let us just leave it at that, alright?"

Everybody nodded albeit hesitantly, a feeling of unease settling over the whole party.

"Sorry for spoiling the mood again," Patrick said but without being apologetic in the least. Then he got up from his chair and added in a huff, "I'll go and get another round for you. In the meantime do yourselves a favor and get over it. I'll not be painting smiley-faced targets on your backs just to satisfy your morbid curiosity." He stomped off after that.

"Wow, that was down-right creepy," Andy uttered perturbed. "Rick really peeved? That's a new one. I guess this is truly serious, Teresa?"

The CBI agent nodded with a grave face. "Yes, indeed it is. You have no idea just how serious. And I have to agree with Jane: don't ask questions about it. I'm all for him sharing his burdens but this is really dangerous information. Let's just say that Red John has taken a very personal interest in Patrick. And it endangers everybody in his social environment. I guess you should have been made aware of that before you decided to get involved with him again. It's one of the reasons he's been keeping just about anyone at arm's length. But that killing bastard has so many connections..."

She sighed heavily. "If he wanted to hurt Patrick like that he'd probably manage to find people from his past anyway even if he kept his distance. And if you ask me it's playing much more into Red John's hands that Jane's been isolating himself like that. I've tried to tell him this. Many times. But try to convince that stubborn mule about it and see how successful you are gonna be."

Her tone softened when she continued, "I'd understand it if you might not want to see him again knowing how dangerous it could be. But I'm so very glad he's started to get close to people again. This self-enforced loneliness has nearly broken him."

Andy and his wife shared a long look until they seemed to have reached some kind of silent decision with a nod. Sheila was the one to vocalize it, "We could die in a car crash tomorrow or next week or we could grow old and gray. Who knows what life has in store for any of us? But one thing is for sure: we won't let some sick bastard dictate our lives. We won't ask anymore questions about Red John. But Rick is family and we won't abandon him just because there is a vague chance some deranged serial killer might take an interest in us."

"Well, that's good to hear, my dear," Jane whispered into her ear from right behind her, making her wince in shock because she hadn't realized he was back already. With an almost desperate look he added, "I'm not sure I'd be able to give you up again so soon."

Addressing everybody on the table he continued with determination, "But make no mistake: should I ever get any information indicating that you're in any tangible danger from him, I'll not hesitate to break my ties with you again on the spot. I could NEVER live with myself if anything happened to you as well because of me!"

He put the four fresh bottles of beer on the table a bit too forcefully causing a rather loud clatter, as if he wanted to close the subject with a final stroke. His face on the other hand was completely shut off now. It didn't give away even the slightest hint of emotion, signaling all too clearly that he'd reestablished full control of his faculties. "Enjoy your last drinks – Sam's about to close up shop for the night."

The last round was consumed in silence after that, everybody deep in their own thoughts. But it wasn't an all out awkward silence, more a companionable one. Fifteen minutes later Sam came over grunting that they had to leave now or he'd be only too happy to help them along with a good kick in the ass. Andy made to pull out his wallet intending to pay but Sam shook his head no. "Blondy here has already picked up the tab for you."

They got up smiling, wishing the pub owner a pleasant night, and cast inquiring looks at Patrick who only shrugged his shoulders. "Least I could do."

Andy patted his back. "It wasn't necessary at all, Rick, but thanks anyway. Though I'll rather consider it a birthday gift if you don't mind."

"Suit yourself," was Jane's deadpan reply.

Outside the pub they went their separate ways after a very warm good-bye. Sheila and Andy intended to grab a cab and decided to take Ben along to drop him off at the fairground as it was in the same direction while Patrick and Teresa made their way over to his car.

The End – to be continued in "Making A Night Of It"