Chapter 3

Had Isabela seen the covert glance that skimmed between Anders and Fenris, she might have missed the foreman Darnell, striding out of the warehouse and peering around with nervous eyes. The urchin had gone, fled back to wherever he'd come from, and Isabela ducked out of sight, unwilling for Darnell to catch her crouching in the shadows. The man's beefy-necked face scanned the area, and then he turned and marched back into the warehouse.

"Rivaini," Varric repeated, his tone tinging on annoyed. "Will you tell us just what's in that addled brain of yours?"

Isabela sighed and threw him an impatient glare. "Castillon told the foreman not to load a specific box on the ship. I figure there's a good chance Castillon wants that crate for some reason - and the foreman knows where he lives. So... 'Castillon' just requested a special delivery."

"And we're supposed to follow him?" Anders asked, his pale eyebrows lifting. "And... you think this is a good idea?"

"What've you got, sparklefingers?"

Anders shrugged. "I just don't think it's a good idea, that's all."

"Well, I don't see any of you doing anything," Isabela muttered, turning her focus back to the warehouse. "None of you even spoke up while Aveline was prying the book from my hands. Some friends you are."

"That book belongs to the Qunari. The right thing to do was give it to Aveline," Fenris groused.

"It's a book, Fenris! We're talking about Anna here. I can't believe you think Anna, our friend, is worth less than a book." She didn't bother sparing him a glance, just studied the doors, watching for the crate.

"Anna is a mage. She belongs in the Gallows," Fenris growled.

Isabela turned a dark gaze on the white-haired warrior. "Say that to my face."

Fenris' eyes hardened, smouldering with righteous anger. "Anna Hawke is a mage - unpredictable, unreliable. The very fact that she's taken up with... you," he sneered, "proves that she can't be trusted. Aveline was right - do you know how many people would have died, if she hadn't gotten that book away from you? All you ever think about is yourself! Has anything ever mattered to you, Isabela? Or is life one grand game of chance, and this is just another all-or-nothing bet for you?"

Isabela rocked back, her bare hand striking across Fenris' tattooed face in a sharp crack. The elf didn't sway, only shut his eyes as his head snapped to the side with the force of Isabela's blow.

"Get out of here," Isabela snarled through clenched teeth. "I don't need you. Or you," she whipped her head toward Anders. "You talk about freedom for mages, about justice, and yet you did nothing to stop Aveline from stealing that book. As broody here reminded all of us, Anna's a mage." Fury choked her tone, her low voice contorting as she fought to keep from drawing attention to their hiding spot. "Suddenly she's not good enough for your rebellion? And you," she rounded on Varric, her eyes narrowing. "I thought you, of all of them - I thought you were her friend."


"With friends like you lot, Anna might be better off dead," she hissed, then stalked forward as the warehouse door opened, leaving her - former - companions in the shadows of the wall. She would do better without them, anyway - no one could sneak through a crowd like she could. The others would only slow her down. A painful lump filled her throat as she trailed the crate and its bearer through the city, agate eyes burning.

It was surprising when she was led to Hightown, to a posh mansion not far from Hawke's own. Castillon can't live here, she thought, perplexed. And yet, the delivery boy carted the box up to the door and pulled the bell.

No time to consider - Isabela slipped into another shadow, wrapping the cool darkness around her like a cloak as she watched the messenger enter the house. Right place, Isabela thought. She inspected the property for her way in. A trellis ran up one wall, wreathed with roses and looking flimsy enough to snap under a child's weight. Nope.

Isabela ghosted around the side of the manse, eyes lighting when she spotted a stairway leading down to a basement entry - a servant's passage, no doubt. She stole down the steps, her hands filled with her blades. A small part of her wondered just what she was doing, but mostly, she was living in the moment, making it up as she went.

Her first victim was more surprised than afraid. "Hey, you're not supposed to be-"

Isabela's blade slashed across the servant's throat, dropping the poor man with a liquid gurgle. If she had to kill everyone who got in her way, she'd happily leave a trail of bodies across Kirkwall. Saving Anna was paramount, and she'd be damned if anyone was going to stand in her way.


"Just get out," Castillon snapped, staring at the note in his hand. The delivery boy fled, probably terrified of being blamed for something completely beyond his control. Isabela brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, watching from the balcony above in the safety of the shadows. Behind her former employer was a door - a door she was certain led to her heart's desire.

"I don't understand," Castillon continued, his fluid voice puzzled. "Darnell should know this wasn't my handwriting."

"And it's not mine," his companion said in a syrupy Orlesian accent. "Though I suppose you needed the box anyway?"

"That is hardly the point," Castillon replied. The note crumpled in his fist, his eyes wary. "Guillaume, you have guards at each entrance, yes?"

"Of course. Though Dulci pesters me about the expense." The man paused, then his eyes widened. "You fear a breach?"

"You take the south entrances, and I shall take the north," Castillon ordered, and the two of them stalked from the room. Isabela scowled - she had minutes now. Seconds, possibly, when they found the bodies she'd left on the stair. Follow Castillon and kill him, or slip through the door and hopefully find Anna on the other side?

With a last, longing glance at the door, she vaulted over the balcony, landing in a graceful tumble and rolling to her feet. As much as she wanted to grab Anna and run for it, it was unlikely the two of them could make it past Castillon and his companion, not once they realized they'd been invaded by a murderous pirate. Cat-light, she stalked after Castillon, determined to gut him before he'd taken another ten steps.

If it weren't for the housecat that spotted her and hissed, she might have managed it, too.

Castillon's head whipped backward at the sound, eyes widening in shock. "Isabela!"

Shit! she thought, her plans changing in an instant. "Miss me, boss?" Isabela sashayed forward with what she hoped was a confident expression, cocking one hand on a hip. "You've got something that belongs to me. And I've come to get it back."

Ice-cold eyes stared in amusement, the surprise fading as quickly as it had bloomed. "You owe me a book."

"Plans change, little man. The Arishok had a better offer."

"Bullshit," Castillon spat. "You lost it. Again."

"I might be willing to cut you in on my profits," Isabela continued, mind racing. "That is, if you give me the girl."

A bright laugh fell from Castillon's lips, his frightening eyes raking her body with casual disdain. "The value of that relic is greater than you can possibly imagine... I doubt you have close to the coin you would need to buy your way back into my favor."

"Then I guess I'll have to kill you," Isabela said with a sigh. "Pity." Her hand flicked forward, a dagger slicing through the air-

-to bury itself in the doorframe behind Castillon's head. Isabela ground her teeth in irritation, wishing the ass wasn't so fast; he'd ducked out of the way almost casually. And it would have been so wicked to have killed him that quickly.

Castillon raised a hand, snapping his fingers. A score of armed thugs unfolded from the woodwork, slipping out of hidden niches and from around corners.

Isabela's heart sank... she was so outnumbered, it was stupid.

Go down fighting, she thought recklessly. Don't let the bastards see you blink.

Giving a rakish laugh, she moved into a fighting stance and twirled her daggers. "Let's see, so there's at least twenty of you, and one of me... what's a poor girl to do?"

The men grinned at each other, creeping forward like mist over the farmlands of Ferelden.

"Not to worry. I can take you," Isabela continued airily, backing up a pace as they closed in.

Quiet snickering rippled along the line of attackers, their eyes growing menacing as the distance grew less and less. Perspiration broke out over Isabela's palms, the hilts of her daggers slipping in her grasp. A tremble swept over her, but she kept the same roguish visage, refusing to let them see her sweat. I'm sorry, Anna, she thought, regretting the rash decisions that had put her in this impossible situation. Anyone else would have handled it better - anyone else would have succeeded. Anyone else, who wasn't Isabela.

"Well, come on then," she goaded, figuring she had nothing left to lose. "Who dies first?"

"Pretty big talk for a lone woman," one of them sneered.

"She isn't alone," a feminine voice slurred, and enchanted bolts of lightning danced from body to body, Castillon's men howling in pain as they were electrocuted.

"Anna?" Isabela gasped, her head spinning toward the door. Against the jamb leaned the woman she loved, her golden hair disheveled, dark circles shadowing her expressive eyes. The skin of her wrists was an angry crimson, rubbed raw - rope burn, Isabela thought, and from the corners of her mouth, reddened creases showed. Bound and gagged, then - likely smited, as well. Amazing she managed that spell at all. A fury Isabela had never known welled from her core, filling her with ironclad determination .

"Behind you," Anna gritted, her voice weak as she hugged the door frame.

Thus warned, Isabela spun, sinking her blade into the neck of the closest attacker. The man grunted, choking on his own blood, and she planted a boot in his gut to shove him off into two more. They collapsed in a sprawling heap, their jerkins catching fire with the blaze of Anna's next spell.

The lightning had done its job, having downed three-quarters of Castillon's thugs. From the back, Castillon shouted instructions, cursing and urging his men to their feet once more. Two who had been near the back rushed her, and Isabela dove away, rolling back to her feet in a slick tumble. It bought her the second she needed to drive her blade through the closest one's gut, giving a lethal twist. A pained moan fell from the poor sod's lips, and Isabela pulled him in front of her, feeling the life go out of his body in a heavy slump.

"You know what you need?" the other sneered as they pivoted. Isabela tightened her grip on the dead man, using him as a shield. Her remaining attacker growled, growing frustrated with their cat-and-mouse dance.


"A good fucking," the bastard hissed.

Isabela guffawed, unimpressed with his crudity. "And I suppose you're the one to give it to me?"

"Come and find out," he leered, and with the speed of a demon, Isabela whirled from under the body, letting it thud to the ground as she slashed a new smile into the fool's exposed neck.

"Pity," she said coolly. "Looks like you're too dead to be having anyone."

"Pirate bitch," Castillon said in low, threatening tones, then shouted at the top of his lungs. "Guillaume! Get in here!"

Isabela leapt into action, dancing along the staggering line of men who were only just finding their feet again. Her blades flashed, slicing through leather and finding the weak spots in their plate. She'd gutted another three before anyone threatened her, and the toe of her boot bloodied the nose of the first who came close to rising. It took mere seconds before she was surrounded once more, the remaining twelve having regained their feet and begun backing her against the wall.

"Could use some help, Anna love!" she called, fending off a few badly-placed blows. Her gaze swept toward the mage, but Anna was engaged in her own battle, having snatched a decorative sword off the wall to defend herself with - not all that skillfully, but well enough to keep herself alive.

The telltale thunk of a crossbow, and a single bolt whistled past her head, slamming into the wall at the back of the room with an explosion of splinters.

"Maker!" Isabela gasped. Too close for comfort. There were archers now? Her newly-brightened confidence in their chances dimmed in a heartbeat.

But when the sound came again, the bolts bloomed in the bodies of her aggressors - and not herself.

"What in the name of Andraste's maker-damned ass is going on?!" Castillon roared.

"Nothing a few arrows won't cure," a familiar voice grunted, and Isabela's heart sang.

"Varric, you son-of-a-bitch!" she crowed, renewed spunk flooding her. "You showed up!"

"Can't let you have all the fun," he called back, releasing another flurry of bolts. From the top of the balcony came streaks of fire, and then over the banister tumbled Fenris, his great bastard sword making short work of the ones Varric and Anders missed.

Just like that, it was over - except for Castillon. His noble companion had rushed into the room, taken one look and rushed back out again - So much for loyalty, Isabela thought with an inner chuckle.

"So. About that deal we were making," Isabela drawled. "The one where you give me your ship, and I let your sorry ass live." She sauntered toward him with a triumphant smirk.

"Siren's Song..." Castillon considered. "You'd take that broken down tub, in exchange for my life?"

"Well, if you'd rather die," Isabela said carelessly, then leapt forward to slide her blade against his throat.

"All right!" Castillon shouted, his icy eyes flashing with rage. "Take the damned ship. I want a guarantee that I'll get out of Kirkwall alive."

"Oh, I'll guarantee it," Aveline's low voice said. Isabela's eyes flew wide, darting to the back of the room where Aveline stood with her hands clasped behind her back, a hard look on her face. Her guards flowed in around her, clapping an incredulous Castillon into irons.

"Man-hands!" Isabela cried. "Never thought I'd be glad to see you."

"I got a tip that the man behind the slaving ring could be found here," Aveline said. "I might have known you'd show up as well. Can't seem to keep your nose clean, can you?"



"'Bela," Anna's voice mumbled, and Isabela forgot everything else. The bodies littering the floor became nothing more than obstacles, just things in her way as she skirted across the room to pull Anna - her Anna - into her arms.


"Let's just get out of here," Isabela said, lacing her fingers into Anna's. "Leave Kirkwall. Anywhere you want to go - say the word, and it's yours. We could sail up and down the coast, winter in Antiva, spend the summer in Orlais. I'll show you the world."

The two of them were curled into Anna's bed, freshly bathed and having finished the enormous dinner Bodahn had carted up the stairs for them. Anna had shut out the rest of their companions, assuring them that she was fine and they would all hear the entire story in the morning. Varric, to their surprise, had assisted, herding everyone away to Maker only knew where - probably with the promise of some lecherous tale, no doubt involving the two of them. The kind of ideas that some people had about women. It was laughable.

"I don't know, 'Bela," Anna murmured, studying the bedspread. "I've got commitments here in Kirkwall. I just got the estate back, and the Viscount's gotten rather fond of me."

"He can suck it," Isabela grinned. "Let him find a new hero."

"If either of us is a hero, it's you," Anna's eyes rose to lock with Isabela's, her voice softening. "I can't thank you enough for coming for me."

Isabela brushed a strand of hair from Anna's cheek. "What else would I do, silly girl?"

"Oh, I don't know," Anna sighed. "Take up with some other foolish woman, maybe even another one who's silly enough to think that maybe we-"

She was cut off by the warm press of Isabela's lips, a sigh echoing between them as the kiss deepened. Isabela slid her hand through Anna's hair, caressing the nape of her neck as their tongues twined together. Her other hand rose to cradle Anna's cheek, and Anna's hand lifted to clasp Isabela's.

The moment drew out, and then the pirate brushed her lover's nose with her own, closing their hands together. "I'm going to tell you something I've never said to another, Anna Hawke. So listen, and listen good."

"Really," Anna whispered. The pure bliss on her face melted Isabela's heart, her wide green eyes as lazy as a cat's, a blissful smile teasing the corners of her mouth. "Is it that you love me?"

"See, now you've ruined it," Isabela complained, affecting a pout. "I had this great speech planned, and you just - ugh! You always do this, you know. You're such a brat. Stealing my thunder, once again." She huffed a sigh, and this time it was Anna who cut her off with another kiss.

A delicious tingle flooded Isabela as the realization of what was occurring sank in to the fullest. This was the closest she'd come to any kind of commitment - ever. Even a hint of forever sent her running for the hills - Varric could detail the string of lovers she'd left in the dust. But rather than being scared, she found the feeling... comforting. Warming. Like she'd come home, in from the cold, to be gathered into arms more precious than any she might find anywhere else. She would never, ever leave - and Anna would never make her stay. It was the weird, strange way of it; she was willingly caging herself, because she knew the key was always right there should she need it.

"I love you too," Anna whispered, her forehead leaning against Isabela's. "I don't care what we do now - as long as we're together. If you want to leave Kirkwall, I'll go with you - if you want to stay here, or at that disgusting room at the Hanged Man-"

"Corff needs the income," Isabela insisted.

"Sure he does."


I hope you've enjoyed this! I've had a few people ask me if I plan to continue Isabela and Hawke, beyond this story - the easy answer is no, but who can really tell? If I do release another short of them in the future, it will be as its own story once again. These two stole my heart, and I thank WhatComesToMind for asking me to write it. :-D It was pure pleasure, and Isabela really spoke up throughout and helped me tell the story she wanted to be told.

And now, leave me a review, please? :-D