Reid's Revenge Part 1: Morgan

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds, wish I did but I don't

Reid woke up with a pounding headache and a text on his phone from a guy in his Philosophy class telling him to check out you tube. Awesome job he read, didn't know you could sign.

Reid moaned and got to take care of his hangover and walked over to his laptop and saw what his classmate was talking about."What the Hell, Garcia, Morgan you guys are going down along with Hotch for not helping him out and ordering him to sing that stupid song."

Reid walked into the bullpen the next morning, Morgan came in a few monutes later"Morning Pretty Boy,how was the rest of your weekend?" Reid ignored him purposefully as he went to get a cup of coffee. "Come on Pretty Boy, your not still mad, are you? We didn't mean anything by it" Reid snorted and went to his desk opening one of the files and started his paperwork.

Revenge came for Reid a few days later on the plane on the way back from Mississippi. He and Morgan were playing cards. Morgan's ego caused him to make bets that he shouldn't have. It was the last bet that put Morgans humiliation in Reid's grasp. "O.K. kid, I win this and we go clubbing for two weeks, if you win, I will do whatever you want to do without complaint." Morgan put down three queens, Reid had all four aces, winning the game.

It was that weekend that ComicCon was happening. Reid was dressed like Han Solo and Morgan Princess Leia. " Really Pretty Boy?' I am not going dressed like this Morgan complained. "Oh yes you are, you made the bet you pay the price of said bet, unless of course you want to welch on it."

"Derek Morgan is no Welcher" Morgan grumbled and went and changed into the costume. Reid and Morgan arrived at ComicCon an hour later. Reid was looking relaxed and in his element. Morgan feeling foolish and out of place.

A couple of hours later Morgan heard his name being called apparently Reid had entered him in Karoke. He went up to the stage and saw the song that was picked out for him. " I Feel Pretty" from "West Side Story". As Morgan sang his song he did not realize that Reid had recorded the whole thing. After Morgan sang, reid and Morgan left.

"Pretty Boy, I am NEVER NEVER playing cards with you again" Morgan said as he dropped Reid off at his place. It was the next morning that Morgan checked his cell phone for messages when he saw over 100 missed calls and 50 of those being voice mail. Morgan checked his voice mail and heard his mother's voice."Derek Morgan, what in the world has gotten into you", and in case you don't know, look on youtube. Morgandeleted all his voice mail and went over to his laptop and typed in youtube. When he saw himself on video, he dropped his head in his hands and thought to himself, NEVER mess with Pretty Boy.