AN/- I know it has been a while but hopefully this chapter makes you, my readers happy and hopefully I can get another chapter out before too long. Let me know what you think my lovelies and I will reply back to any messages I can.
They came upon us cautiously, Sam had no doubt explained to them what occurred and parts of my power he had seen. Sam was taking up the front though still in his human form of course but as they came closer I could make out Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett.
The four stopped maybe ten yards from my party and I held everyone back until they could get their words out, I wanted to know what Sam had told them. Maria watched Jasper with love in her eyes. I'd known Maria had a lover in the late 1800's but I never knew him by anything other than The Major. Jasper though, he ignored looking into the Mexican woman's eyes and Carlisle kept a close eye on him. This made me growl because even though Alice wasn't here Jasper was still being manipulated.
"What do you want?" I wanted to get this over with before I figured out what my next move would be after tonight.
Carlisle spoke and Sam growled lowly, obviously not liking the idea but clearly wanting me gone. "I want you to know that I've contacted the Volturi about you and how you've almost exposed us. They are sending three of their special guards to secure you. Caius really misses you." I snarled when my makers name was mentioned and decided I'd best get this over with before the scum showed up.
"When will they be here." It was not a question but a command; I needed to know because I had other things to accomplish before and I wanted everything done on a specific timeline.
"Early tomorrow morning, come, I'm sure things can be easier if you just give yourself up." He tried walking toward me but I also heard Seth approaching me as well. Soon Carlisle came within five meters of me and he was intoxicated by Seth's power though surprisingly I was not. He must have been listening when I'd taught his sister how to control hers. He sure was a smart one and he'd be greatly rewarded when we made it back to my home.
"Jacob takes Sam, Maria you can do whatever you want with Jasper, Seth helps her contain him, Leah and Emily you get Emmett, and I want Carlisle." My words were spoken in rapid succession and as one we leapt.
In a swirl of motion along with my strength and control I had Carlisle face first on the muddy ground. As he squirmed helplessly below me I watched the fights going on around me. Maria and Seth already have Jasper contained though Maria had suffered a few new bites to her arms and neck. Seth stood above them as Maria sat on the ground cradling Jasper like a baby. Jacob was in his wolf form circling a human formed Sam but neither had made a move yet, it seemed as though Jacob was waiting for something. Lastly I zoned in on Emily and Leah as they each tortured Emmett with pleasure and then pain. Soon Emily moved behind Emmett as he fell to his knees under Leah's power. He began clawing at his chest and Emily took hold of his hair and pulled his head back, whispering something I could not hear into his ear. His hand shredded through his shirt and soon his was clawing through his own chest wall. Emily pulled herself from his ear and cackled like a deranged killer, her hands on his shoulders moved up until they were on either sides of his neck. Leah hit him extra hard with her gift and his hand came out holding his heart and covered in thick venom. Just before he drops lifeless to the ground Emily twists his head from his shoulders.
She looks towards Sam, her eyes flat black and she flings the head in his direction with a cruel smile on her lips. Just before the head makes contact with his back I give back his ability to shift. Emmett's head connects with Sam's back and he turns his back on Jacob for a split second, his body blurring and finally shifting. He swings his head back around but it is too late, Jacob pounces Sam and has his shoulder torn to shreds. Sam's black wolf body is indented into the muddy earth and even with his shredded shoulder he still tries to put up a fight. Jacob snarls and swipes at Sam's face with his white paw. Emily and Jacob's eyes connect and I know that he is silently telling her that this is all for her. She smiles tightly and nods, and Jacob growls before biting deeply into Sam's neck, holding there until Sam's heart stops.
I look back down at Carlisle and wrap my hand around his neck and pull him to his feet. "I have other means of use for you before I kill you. I'm going to send you back home and tonight you will bring your coven to the reservation when I call you." He shook his head violently.
"No! I won't let you kill the rest of my family!" I snarled and dug my nails into his marble skin. "You will do everything I say because I'm not going to give you a choice."
Looking into his eyes I found his essence and I stripped him completely of it. He would now do everything I say; he was now my helpless pet. "Now, you will do everything I tell you to tonight when I make the call. When you go home tell them the meeting went well and that I decided to go to the Volturi myself. Tell them you called Aro to give him notice of my arrival and you saw me off yourself. Don't tell them of Maria or my children. Tell them Jasper and Emmett went with me to make sure I was being honest." He nodded his head and replied with a curt, 'Yes, of course' and I sent him off.
Turning I eyed my children and Maria. "Leave the wolf and vampire, I want the humans to see for themselves what this world is made of tonight, Maria, why don't you and Jasper head off and I'll meet you there later after this is taken care of? Don't worry, I'll warn my brothers of your and The Major's arrival." She nodded and took Jasper's hand. Together they walked toward the beach and I headed for Sam's home and the phone inside.
I dialed the number and after two rings someone picked up. "Hello?" The voice was masculine and deeply accented with a very ancient tongue.
"Vladimir, where is Stefan, I have something important to discuss with you two."
"I'm right here sister," the cheery voice of the black haired Romanian spoke loudly and I had to pull the phone away from her ear, I always forgot how phones were made for human hearing and not vampire hearing.
"First I should tell you that Maria and The Major are on their way to you, they just left the West coast of the United States." Vladimir answered first but as they were privy to do, Stefan completed his sentence with a question. "She finally got her love back, how sweet-""-after all this time?"
"Yes brothers, after all this time. The other thing I've called about-""Are you finally coming home, we miss you so sister and so do our little pets." –"If you'd let me finished brother..." I was met with silence so I continued.
"I have made my first children, four of them and they are more powerful then I'd ever seen before. I think we can attack those Italian scrums sooner than we thought."
"A newborn army, Isabella how naughty of you-"" Yes, very naughty sister, so when are you coming home?" I sighed but smiled how I missed those two. "I just need to deal with another Volturi detail and a few humans and I'll be heading up by late morning tomorrow."
"Good sister, we will see you then-"" Yes, we shall see you, bring a tasty villager up with when you come sister, I'm thirsty-"" Make that two sister!" I chuckled out a reply and hung up. Now I just needed to burn down this reservation, kill a few more Cullen's and deal with those three guard members and I'd be home free to plan out Aro and Caius' end.