Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, may it be the book series or movie franchise. I make no profit in anyway; this is entirely for fun and for the sake of writing.

An overview:

Wormtail escaped but Sirius went through proper procedure and was given a trial, proving his innocence. Dumbledore listened to McGonagall's warning about Harry's muggle relatives and thus relented; bringing the fifteen month old boy to Hogwarts instead to wait for his Godfather. The official story released to the wizarding community is that their feared Dark Lord disappears following his attack on the Potters. Defeated? Possibly. Dead and gone forever? Not likely. But calm ensues nonetheless. Harry Potter, celebrated heir to the Heroes of the wizarding world; well, at least that's what they agreed to tell people.

November 2, 1981

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly

Headmaster's office

It's mid-afternoon. Even with most of the day asleep, one Sirius Black found himself tired and weary. What was a man supposed to do when he finds out in just a span of forty-eight hours that he's not only lost two of his closest friends, family even; his best friend and his wife but also, that they've been betrayed by one of their closest friends. Not only did said betrayer do such an unforgivable act but also, almost manage to frame him up and get him carted off to the worst prison one could ever think of, Azkaban.

Now Sirius found himself walking on the grounds of 'his' school. After his rather dull and quick paced trial last night, he was cleared of all the charges and opted to go home to mourn for his loss; knowing that once the entire Wizarding world discovered that the self-proclaimed Dark Lord has disappeared, defeated, that his entire kind's community would celebrate without giving a glance back to the people that have sacrificed a lot for them to experience the relief and peace they have now and for the years to come.

Sirius was vaguely aware of the Hogwarts' students that he passes as he walked to the Headmaster's office, his expression dull and eyes red from crying. He sighed. His mind wasn't capable of getting the hang of Occulumency anytime soon.

Barely noticing the stone gargoyle stepping aside to let him through, Sirius climbed the winding staircase up to the Headmaster's office and knocked.

"Enter" he heard Dumbledore from the other side.

Sirius composed himself and enters the office. "You called for me Professor Dumbledore?"

Albus Dumbledore looked up from his desk and it was immediately apparent to Sirius that the Headmaster's appearance was not his usual as well. The headmaster's usually brilliant blue eyes were dull and it seemed at least that the old man was mourning over the many members his order lost to the war that just ended barely two days ago.

"Yes Sirius, take a seat. I'm afraid we have much to discuss; many of which are in regard to you and your godson." Dumbledore motions his palm to the seat in front of his desk.

As Sirius took a seat and Dumbledore started, "To start with, I had asked the Goblins to deliver James' and Lily's will here for convenience."

Dumbledore handed Sirius the scroll of parchment and he went over it without invitation from the elder wizard. "I had originally thought of placing young Harry under the guardianship of Lily's sister Petunia, his aunt." The elder wizard voiced out.

Sirius looked up sharply, "What!? You can't! Lily's sister hates magic to her very core, and hated Lily for it. Think of how she would feel for Lily's son…" uncontrollable rage coursed through his veins.

Dumbledore brought a hand up that silenced the younger man's eventual tirade, "Indeed, I have been made aware; after much deliberation. I deemed it wise to listen to Minerva, having observed Petunia's family prior to our arrival the other night, and follow the Will."

Sirius visibly relaxed and slumped back into the seat. Reading back into the parchment, he found that he was the first choice for his godson's guardianship, followed by the Longbottoms and Remus, their other friend.

After reading the Will for what seemed to be the fifth time without as much a sign of Dumbledore's impatience, Sirius asked, "Where's is Harry now?"

"I believe he is in the Gryffindor's common room much to the delight of most of the sixth and seventh year girls of Minerva's house; I assure you he is taken care of at the moment." The headmaster answered, much of the weariness in his feature now visibly lessened.

"What happened at Grodic's Hollow Professor? I came as soon as I found out Peter's betrayal but when I got there, all I found was James and Lily's lifeless bodies and Harry with that gash on his forehead." Sirius asked, eyes narrowed.

"I'm afraid I can only give you my own theories as to what may have occurred Sirius." Dumbledore offered after a tired breath. Sirius curtly nodded for the elder wizard to continue.

"When Voldemort came calling for the Potters that night, he came with one purpose and one purpose only." Dumbledore paused, "His only intent was to kill James' and Lily's son, your godson, Harry."

"Why? I wouldn't put it past Voldemort to commit murder just for his and his followers brand of entertainment but surely a 'Pureblood' such as him would have some reservations on killing innocent children!?" Sirius asked with all the scorn and hatred he could muster for Voldemort and his bigoted pureblood followers. The entire Order knew of Tom Riddle's origins of course. What none could understand were the reasons on why a practically muggleborn would support the pureblood agenda.

Dumbledore peered at Sirius through his half-moon spectacles with piercing blue eyes, "Information in the form of a Prophecy was leaked to Voldemort regarding his eventual downfall. I'm afraid I cannot disclose upon you the exact wording of the Prophecy…" Dumbledore raised a hand to stop Sirius' protest, "At this current time; for I would want to have Harry present and another who may have been indicated in said prophecy."

Sirius let out a tired breath and conceded to the old man's decision. "How did Harry survive while all I found near his crib was a stomp of possibly Voldemort's ashen remains and Lily lying lifeless a few feet away?"

"I have theory which is very likely seeing as how dear Lily was such a brilliant witch. Lily invoked upon a very ancient magic, her sacrifice it seems is what caused Voldemort's own killing curse to rebound from his final target back to himself." Dumbledore said, but kept a contemplative look on his face.

"I know that look Dumbledore. There is a 'but' in there somewhere seeing as you yourself can't seem to trust your own assessment." Sirius stated.

Dumbledore is pulled from his thoughts by the younger wizard's words, "Yes, quite right my boy. What confuses me is that if Lily indeed performed the sacrifice necessary to bestow upon Harry a shield against Voldemort's evil; the killing curse should have never had the chance to touch the boy and yet it did, leaving a mark on young Harry."

Sirius barely suppressed his shock on what event the old wizard's words implied, "What are you saying? That Harry did what no other has ever done before? Survived the killing curse, and somehow returned it to its owner?"

"One can only ponder at the moment. But at least, the ease in the knowledge is that Harry is in no immediate danger from any side effects of the rebounding curse." Dumbledore calmly offered.

Sirius once again slumped back into the seat and thought of a change in subject, "What are you going to tell them? The ministry as well the whole wizarding community will eventually work it out that Voldemort simply disappeared following his attack on Godric's Hollow. Once they find out Harry is the only survivor of his attack, they're going to dub him with a ridiculous title that will probably be coupled with fame; they're never going to give him a moment's peace for the rest of his natural life." Sirius said with concern for his godson.

"A sound assessment Sirius; I will disclose to the wizarding community of Voldemort's defeat following his attack on the Potters but not of the circumstances of his downfall, we owe James and Lily as much to give their son a normal childhood."

"Which is why you must follow through on the James' and Lily's Will as soon you're able Sirius. And for a time, take Harry away; I hear wizarding France is the leading country on wizarding innovations. And I must impress upon you, that as soon as he is able, you must impart to Harry of your knowledge about his every little inquiries. I have a feeling that Harry will grow into a very remarkable wizard." Dumbledore finished with a hint of urgency.

Sirius smirked, "I plan to even without your permission Professor. I think it's time I take up Lordship of the Ancient and Noble house of Black. I have to make good on James' and Lily's Will; maybe even more."

"Very good Sirius, I believe this concludes our meeting. I trust you remember the way to your old dorm room? Don't worry about the password, Minerva will be waiting for you by the portrait." Dumbledore said with a lighter air about him than when their meeting started.

Sirius stood to exit the Headmaster's office, "One more thing Sirius, Magic is Magic, it is neither light nor dark. In the end, we are all judged by our deeds; that much I learned only after a century of my time on this world."

Sirius partially turned back and gave Dumbledore a curt nod. In no time, he was off to pick up his godson intending to raise Harry the way James and Lily would have wanted him to.

Shout out to the one who took time and edited this chapter Snakefang93. Cheers. :)