To Avoid Confusion :
Out Of Sight, Out Of Time never happened
Instead of Joe Soloman being in a coma, it's Cammie
Zach and Cammie are a happy perfect couple and are a lot closer than in the book.
Sorry of any OOC!
Please do not mind my epic fail of humor. I know it sucks.
This is a complete fluffy ZAMMIE story
Disclaimer : I'm obviously NOT Ally Carter…Or am I? JK. Don't sue me Ally, I'm just a mere Fanfiction author!
Beep. Beep. Beep.
God what was that noise?
It was so annoying and not to mention disturbing my peaceful slumber.
My hand reached over to blindly punch the snooze button of my alarm clock. Scratch that, my hand tried to reach over.
I willed it to move but it felt like a thousand pound weight was holding it down. My fingers felt numb and as heavy as stone. My brain was seemed to be all fuzzy and malfunctioning, random bright spots dotting my black vision.
It was beyond irritating and to add the icing on the top, the beeping won't go away! Where was Bex when you needed her? Or Macey? Liz? Hello, anyone?!
I didn't want to open my eyes. I really didn't. I wasn't this comfortable in my entire life, my mind floating on the clouds of dreamland. All I wanted was to stay here forever and reside in my bliss of Cloud Nine.
But that god damn noise! Is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet? In response I got more beeping. And I swear it got even louder too.
Hmph. So that's how you wanna play huh?
Cuz once I get up, that alarm clock will regret ever being made. It will want to curse the manufacturer's soul. It will beg for mercy. It will plead for death. It will- okay Cammie, enough with the violent thoughts.
Find away to continue sleeping. Seek revenge later. I internally sighed. But I can't go back to sleep if there's even a whisper in the wind. I'm a big sissy like that. (AN: lol yup that's me!)
So I guess I do have to wake up.
My fowl mood fiercend like some turning up the volume on a boombox. While muttering some very refreshing choice words in Farsi, I popped my eyes open and gazed about at the sunshine bathed room.
Ugh, I wish.
Again, it felt like strong metal locks clamping my eyelids shut.
I struggled against it for a few seconds before giving up. Struggling made my brain hurt. After a moment I tried again only to fail miserably.
God, what was going on with me today? I felt like a stoned ninety year old geezer paralyzed by a forklift.
And to make things worse, the beeping was still droning on in the repetitious, tedious perpetuity. It was enough to make to drive myself up the wall!
My teeth ground together with frustration resulting to searing pain enough to blind me for a second. I growled internally. No I can't even do that.
I was starting to wonder if this was a prank.
Bex probably thought it would be funny to put me in some new device Liz made so instead of going through the trouble of waking my up, I'll never wake up. Which was a nice thought, if the pounding alarm would just shut up!
Another growl erupted through my body.
Ohh that evil Bex is so gonna get it. She's messing around with the Big Boys here. Imma take evil to a whole other level once I get out.
I tried opening my mouth to say something, or yell, or scream until they're ears bleed but it felt like someday just shoved a while hot molted stick down my throat.
I was so thirsty I could've been stranded on the Sahara dessert for nineteen months.
And I was so aggravated I could've been stuck watching the Wiggles or some shit for three days straight!
I imagined myself smiling mischeviosly . Once I'm free, Oh Colored Jesus Paper,(AN Lol inside joke, don't mind the weirdness :) they will face the wrath of Cameron Morgan. Be scared my little minions. Be scared.
To keep myself from going crazy from the beeping, I pictured my boyfriend Josh. And I couldn't stop the big internal smile from spreading on my face or the fluttering in my stomach.
God, he was just so darn cute with his shimmering blue eyes and wavy sandy brown hair that sweeps over his forehead and curls over his ears, his beautiful soft smile and cherry lips.
A sense of relief washed over me. I had a date with him tonight. Only a few more hours until I see him. Then I scowled. If I could just get out of this damn bed!
Suddenly I heard hushed voices. My ears perked up but I couldn't make out any words since my mind was still being infuriatingly slow. But I could just imagine the soft chuckles and fits of laughter my best friends were having.
Just let me out, I crooned. Then we'll see who's laughing.
Footsteps were approaching.
Yes, yes, yes! I silently cheered and lay perfectly still, pretending I was asleep.
Which was kinda the same thing, because well, I couldn't open my eyes right now. Or move.
But instead of lifting this mysteries weight off my body, the person seized my heavy hand. And my heart started accelerating, as did the beeping as well.
The person's hand was rough, but soft. Warm, but cool. It sent a shock of electricity through my arm, piercing right into my hammering heart.
The butterflies were now going wild, bumping into each other and trying to get out. Another big smile. It's Josh! Josh came to see me! It has to be him, no one else can have such a significant effect on me.
My mind was reeling.
How did he some to the Gallagher Girl Acadamy?
How did my mother find out?
Oh god, does this mean she approves? Am I dreaming in a dream?
His voice was smoother than silk cashmere, softer then velvet, sweeter the honey, so compelling it was hypnotizing. The most beautiful music to my ears. God I love him so much.
"How are you doing sweetheart? What's going on in your mind? Are you thinking about me at all?"
Of course I do! What kind of bizarre question is that? I struggled to speak but the steel locks were fighting back just as hard.
"You have no idea how hard these past months have been for me. I was so depressed and miserable it's almost embarrassing. I was basically just curled up in ball being the useless, waste of space I truly am." He sighed, voice sounding so broken it shattered my being to pieces.
"I'm nothing without you Cammie. I'm a lost soul without you guiding me. Everyone is going crazy. Nothing's the same without you and you're… smile. Your so beautiful smile."
Ummm…say what now?
"You use to think you were plain, boring and average right? Nothing compared to your best friends and classmates. Well, you couldn't have been more wrong. Cam, you're the glue that holds everybody together. Without you, we're all so scattered and distant and distraught. I'll never leave you again sweetheart, even if your life depended on it. I'll never leave you out of my sight again, no matter what the circumstances. Just come back to me. Please, wake up and come back to me."
He sounded tired, defeated with his voice thick with agony. It was heart shattering. I was so confused. What was going on? What was all this crap Josh talking about?
Suddenly a horrifying, yet obvious thought hit me square in the face.
What if this was more than some prank my friends were playing?
What if something serious happened, something I can't seem to remember?
I started pushing against the invisible force harder. I felt like smoke was thickening around me, suffocating me. I needed to get out of this world of darkness; I needed to breath in the pure air and beauty of my radiating personal sun. I needed to go back to Josh.
"It seems so cowardly that it had to resort in you being in a coma to admit that I love Cammie, I swear, once you wake up, things will be different. I'll do whatever you want, be whatever you want! I'll never smirk or be cocky or cryptic in my life! Because you are my life and I can't afford to lose you. I love you baby. I love you so much and I'll be right here, waiting for you until you're ready. And every second wasted, I'll keep loving you more." He whispered, voice breaking with hushed anguish and sorrow.
"I love you too!" I wanted to scream.
My whole being rejoiced at the fact I wasn't the only one who felt this way. If only I could see him…touch his face…
My hand was lifted in the air and soft, warm lips contacted my skin. I internally smiled. His cherry red lips.
He kissed each of my knuckled before reaching a finger with a cool, metal band around it, feeling like a…ring. Josh gave me a promise ring? That's so sweet. It angered me that I couldn't remember such a priceless gift.
As he kissed my hand, he kept on murmuring how much he loved me. That boy had to stop or it'll kill me!Each time he said the words it felt like I was being prodded by electrocuters. My heart flew like a humming bird's wings. So did the beeping.
"Cammie? CAM! Can you hear me? Oh god, please. Give me a signal or something. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." Suddenly all the tears in his voice evaporated, clear with and hope and desire. There was so much intense emotion there I felt obligated like under the charm of obedience.
I tried wiggling my fingers.
I gritted my teeth, ignoring the immediate pain. Come on Cammie! Focus! Go back to Josh!
"Oh baby. Please try. Try for me. I know you can do it. Please, please, please." He whispered fiercely, squeezing the life out of my hand. My heart surged and expanded like it was going to pop out of my chest and keep on swelling.
The beeping was now going off uncontrollably and wild.
His soft, velvety voice took over my mind, way more powerful and dominant than the demon sitting on my chest.
A wave of coolness splashed over me, soothing down the aching burn and I sighed contently.
"Oh my god. Oh god. Bex, Macey! Liz! , Joe! Come quick!"
He yelled his musical voice absolutely gleeful. That made the stinging all worth it.
I felt my lips curve slightly upward and I was able to gently squeeze the hand he was holding onto me in a death grip.
"Oh I knew you could it! You are my Gallager Girl of course. There's nothing you can't do!"
Gallagher Girl? I thought, becoming even happier.
Josh knew who I am! Who I really am!
I wouldn't have to pretend anymore!
I felt like I was on top of the world despite my conditions right now.
"What? Did she move?" A British accent asked frantically, who I identified as Bex.
"Yes!"Josh exclaimed. "She squeezed my hand and sighed!"
"NO WAY! I'll go get the doctor!" Another joyous voice practically yelled. American accent. Macey.
"Oh thank the Lord," another one sighed. Mom.
Someone was crying hysterically. Liz.
"She is a Morgan. Of course she would make it through." A deep husky voice responded. Mr Soloman.
I was proud I was able to recognize all they're voices. Maybe my brain wasn't as slow and muddled as I thought. Yes, everything was gradually getting clearer. My eyes felt lighter.
I finally slid them open, gazing with wonder at the faces around me.
I looked at the boy beside me and smiled with relief and content.
But then it faded even quicker.
The boy beside me did not have soft blue eyes or long hair or dimpled smile.
The boy beside me was definitely not my boyfriend.
The boy beside me was a stranger.
I had to admit, the boy could give an Abercrombie model a run for his money. He was the epitome of beautiful, with soft-looking thick dark hair, flawless glowing light tan, chiseled jaw and perfect cheekbones.
But his eyes were something special and extraordinary. I never saw anything like it. They were big liquidy bright green, like two smoldering emerald of dazzling, vivid jewels rimmed with long dark eyelashes.
He was breathtakingly gorgeous, way more then Josh. But I hadn't fallen in love with Josh because of his looks so this boy's angelic beauty wasn't going to bother me.
At least, that's what I tried telling myself.
But then the boy grinned widely, showing off perfectly white, gleaming pearls between his full lips and unleashing his eyes with full force of passion and my breath blew out of me in an audible gasp, heart stuttering and mind going all fuzzy again.
Woah, I thought as I recovered from my frenzy. He cannot be human. That is simply not possible.
I must be imagining him for some delusional reason.
"Cammie! Oh sweetheart, I missed you so much!" He exclaimed leaning down to engulf me in his muscular arms and burrowing his head in my neck, kissing it a couple of times.
I stiffened.
What was he doing? Surely a guy who resembles a freaking Greek God wouldn't be this into me.
And anyway, I belonged to Josh. Where was my boyfriend?
I looked at the faces of my friends and family over his shoulder with frightened eyes.
I recognized all of them; Bex's exotic face beaming,
Liz's pixie self crying,
Macey's breathtaking face glowing,
Mom smiling radiantly with unconcealed tears swimming in her pretty eyes
Last, but not the least, Joe Soloman in all gorgeous glory looking at me with pride and relief.
I knew all of they're jovial faces. Why didn't I know this unbelievably stunningly attractive boy who seemed to be familiarly acquainted to me?
Since I couldn't see his face; he was still burrowed in my neck, inhaling deeply and let me tell you, it was so distracting it should be illegal; so I decided to take the bite.
"Um – who are you?"
Everyone gasped and I felt the boy suck in a sharp breath. Did I say something that absurd? Should I have known him better?
Quicker than a cat, the boy lurched back in his seat, eyes unfathomable and face chagrined.
"W-what did you just say?"
I chewed on my disgustingly chapped lips nervously. "I-I'm sorry. I can't seem to- I don't know who you are."
Everyone gasped again and a strangled noise escaped the boy. His broad chest heaved and his face twisted with such devastation that I automatically wanted to reach out, look for some way to help.
"You don't know who I am?" He whispered tragically. "Zach- Zach Goode?" His voice broke.
I swallowed, waiting, wanting even for the name to click into my brain. It was unbearable to see his perfect face so hurt, no matter who he is.
Unfortunately I came up blank.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, shaking my head a no.
"Zach Goode" stared at me with his dreamy eyes pleading and brown eyebrows pulling together, lips trembling at the corners. It was definitely the most heart-wrenching experience I've ever seen. I felt like crying at just looking at him!
"It's me Gallagher Girl. Your boyfriend," he said, silky tone, sad.
I gasped loudly. Was this some kind of joke? Because that was a low blow.
"No." I tried to keep my voice even but barely managed. "My boyfriend is Josh Abrams," I said slowly as if they were three year olds having a hard time comprehending.
Everyone gasped even louder than last time and looked at Zach worriedly, who recoiled like he's been slapped. "NO!" he shouted, the sudden fury in his voice making me jump. "You got it all wrong!" His anger made me angry. Who did this boy think he was?
I opened my mouth to give the piece of my mind that was overflowing with fowl language when turned to me and said," Cammie, can you recognize any of us?"
"Ofcourse!" I replied, a little bewildered at such a question and more confused with myself as well. My eyes shifted to each one of them in turn.
"Macey. Bex. Liz. Mom. Mr Soloman."
"You can remember them and not me!" Zach shouted at me again, his whole body shaking with rage. I scowled at him.
"You're a stranger. I have photographic memory and you were definitely not in my life," I said coolly.
Despite my current anger, I felt a stab of guilt as he flinched, lips trembling more violently.
" No Cameron. You obviously don't." He practically spat in a thick, rough voice before pushing to his feet and walking out, but then Mr Soloman caught his shoulder, stopping him.
"Cammie what was the last thing you remember?"
My eyebrows pulled together, thinking hard.
"Kissing Josh at the gazebo," I replied truthfully.
Everybody gaped at me with disbelief as Zach roughly shoved Mr Sloman's hand off and stalked out, slamming the door shut behind him.
"I better go after him…"Mr Soloman said, looking and sounding dazed. I suddenly felt really bad.
"Mom? Guys? What happened to me?" I asked the panic evident in my voice.
"Oh kiddo," Mom said softly, hurrying to my side while my friend unfroze. She sat on the edge of my bed and stroked my hair.
"You don't remember the Circle Of Caven do you?" I searched my brain, trying to recall so hard, the pounding started again.
"She doesn't remember anything from the last two years," Macey said in a shocked, distant voice.
"Two years!" I yelped starting to panic twice as hard now. The beeping shot off like a bullet. "What's going on with me? Why? How…?"
"Shhh, calm down sweetie. You are going to remember eventually. Just take it easy right now." Mom smoother down my rats nest hair. "I'm going to go find the doctor."She eyes my friends meaningfully. " We'll discuss this later when Cammie is released."
As soon as Mom got up, all three of them attacked me with hugs.I waited until they were done talking (Macey) and blubbering (Liz) and yelling (Bex) before saying, "so I was in a coma huh?"
"For five months!" Liz sobbed. " Oh Cammie, we were all so worried and missed you so much! Do you have any idea what ordeals and anxiety you've caused? I got 98 on my tests. 98 percent! See what you've done! Don't do that ever again Cameron Ann Morgan! Don't -"
"It's okay Lizzie. Just breath girl." Bex wrapped an arm around her and Liz buried her head in Bex's shoulder, crying again.
I turned to Macey. " Why? Was there some kind of accident?" Her teeth touched her bottom lip briefly. "Something like that," she replied smoothly. I eyes Macey suspiciously. "What do you mean?"
"We'll talk about it later Cam, when you've been released," Bex said in reprimanding tone while stroking Liz's hair. Who would've thought Bex Baxter of all people would be the motherly type?
I rolled my eyes but something else was nagging me from the very start.
" Who really was that boy? And tell the truth."
Macey sighed and sank in the chair beside me. "He really is your boyfriend Cam. You loved him. Would never shut up about him," she said with an amused remembering smile.
I glared at her. "No. My. Boyfriend. Is. Josh." I hissed through clenched teeth.
"No Cammie," Bex said softly as she and a recovered Liz sat on my bed. "You broke up with him two years ago."
I'm sure my eyes must've popped out of my sockets.
" What? No! I remember perfectly. I kissed him yesterday. I love Joshua Abrams and no one else," I cried.
"Cammie, you were in a coma for five months. How could you have kissed him yesterday?" Liz argued quietly.
"No, no, no." I squeezed my eyes shut, too stubborn to accept the logical. "Bring Josh here. He'll prove it. We are a couple." I insisted earnestly.
"Josh can't come to Gallagher, you know that," Liz chided. "But we can prove it."
Mom walked in just then. We looked up at her.
"Can Cam get out now?" She nodded and I sighed with relief.
"Cammie is perfectly fine physically but mentally is another story. The doctor has no idea what the COC did-" she cleared her throat. "I mean, why and how Cam can't remember anything for only the last two years but they are definitely looking into it."
I felt like Bex was kick–boxing me every time someone said two years. Two years went by and I didn't remember a thing of it?
That seemed pretty ludicrous to me.I refused to believe it, Josh is my past, present and future. I didn't miss a thing, I kept on telling myself.
"Oh and one more thing kiddo," Mom called as I was about to leave. "The doctor advises you not to try and remember. It'll come to you eventually so don't stress yourself, It'll make things worse. Alright sweetie?"
I nodded and left.
Okay, no need to say it.
I can hear you screaming through the screen that I have the crappiest ending in the history of crappiest endings. Sue me.
Anyway, this will probably be a two or three shot and I WILL finish it ( unlike my other stories)**bows head in shame**
But PLEASE review! You have no idea how much it means to me!
I float on Cloud Nine when people review, so please do not hesitate to write even a couple of words. It's still a big impact.
Plain – Is – Prettiest! (At least to Zachary Goode and I)