She was falling. Every muscle in her body was screaming move, scream, do something! But she couldn't. It was like someone had closed up her throat, forcing her to fall in a torturous silence. Oh no, she thought, , in her desperation, her head twisted round to Vlad. The look in his eyes made her want to die. It was full of hate, hate for Adse for making this happen, fear, fear for her, and then a torturous, inexplicable pain that crushed her heart. How could she ever have even dreamt of slaying this family?

He was frozen. He could hardly believe this was happening. Everything he had done to protect her, letting her go, only to never leave. He spun to face Adse, her face alight with pleasure at the sight of Erin plunging off the building. He could feel the pupils expand, dying his eyes black as night. It took Adse only a few seconds to realise what Vlad was doing, but it was a few seconds too late. The fireball slapped her straight in the chest, blasting her off her feet. Then he turned again and began to sprint toward her falling body.

A flash flickered in the corner of vision. A high pitched scream split the air and she smiled inside. She had done what she had always intended, to free Vlad of his impending blood binding. Only, in the original plan, she would be alive to be with him after. Well, you can't always get want you want. With a final smile, the pressure crushed the air out of her and the world went black.

He lept up to catch her, begging her to be alive, to open her beautiful eyes and kiss his worries away. She landed in his arms and he stared into her pale face. She didn't move. "Come on Erin, please, don't do this to me, not now" tears were slipping down his cheeks as he shook her, trying to wake her. He searched along her neck for a pulse. It was there, but weak. Too weak. If he didn't do something he would lose her. There was a way, but she might never forgive him. But, if he didn't try he would never forgive himself. Bending close to her ear he whispered "I'm so sorry..."