"Today's the day!" Pepper's eager, high-pitched voice yelled at the remaining four sleeping girls. "Wake up! Time for manicures, pedicures, facials-"

"It's 7:45 Pepper! Can we please sleep until 8?" Natasha's tired voice asked the hyper ginger hair girl.

"No! We have a busy day ahead of us and we need to start now!" Pepper snapped back, yanking the covers off of Natasha's petite frame and forcing the rest of the girls to rise as well.

"Ok, ok I'm up! What is it?" Maria asked, already in her sour morning mode.

"Prom is today and we have a busy schedule to keep so let's not waste time! Move it Hill." Pepper reminded the brunette once more, pulling her towards the kitchen for breakfast.

"What's the big hurry Pepper? We have plenty of time." Peggy reminded her, already cooking some eggs and bacon with the help of Jane.

"We have a tight schedule to keep if we want to be all ready by the time the guys show." Pepper replied, already looking at her phone to check her messages. "Oh and Tony texted me, he said the limo will come a little later, but it will still come and get us to the dance by 9." Pepper announced, shutting off her iPhone and walking towards the refrigerator to pour orange juice for everyone.

"So what's on that list you keep so dear to your heart anyway?" Maria asked, taking the glass Pepper offered and downing it in one swig.

"Well we have manicures and pedicures at 10, facials at 12, and waxing at 2:30. There's also getting into the dresses, hair, make-up, and not to mention our small cocktail pre-party that I've been planning." Pepper read the list from her phone, already mentally checking off and adding items to it.

"Ok well can we at least have breakfast before we go sit in a saloon for eight hours?" Maria asked in her normal sarcastic voice.

"Sure, but make it fast. Oh and where shorts. I also have massages lined up for tomorrow afternoon too." Pepper continued reading, ignoring the plate of food Jane sat before her.

"Ok enough! I know you want to be a business woman but you need to eat first." Peggy instructed, grabbing Pepper's phone and forcing the folk and plate in front of her.

"Alright I will, but I want this day to go as smoothly and perfectly as possible." Pepper admitted, eating her food in a hurry.

"And it will. Stop worrying, everything will work itself out." Jane comforted, clearing the empty plates into the sink before refilling her own glass of O.J.

"Jane's right, besides it's only prom. It's not that big of a deal." Maria added, earning herself a death glare from Pepper.

"It's not just 'prom'! It's our junior prom and Peggy's last! We need this to be absolutely perfect!" Pepper argued, continuing to shovel food into her open mouth.

Soon the five girls were finished with breakfast and Pepper had them all wear running shorts, flip-flops, and tank tops with a sweatshirt or hoodie over it.

"Ok so Natasha, Jane, and Maria have the first appointments, than Peggy and myself are fifteen minutes later." Peggy announced on the drive to the saloon.

Although Marvel County was pretty large, it only had a select few saloons that actually did a decent job for a decent price.

Once arriving to the saloon; Natasha, Jane, and Maria were all sent back to begin while Pepper and Peggy waited out front for their turn.

"What are you and Steve going to do this summer?" Pepper asked, reading her emails in the process.

"We're probably both going over to Germany. Steve's best friend moved there a while back and he wants to visit him." Peggy replied, also reading her messages, which consisted of Steve's endless texts, voicemails, and emails he sent daily.

"That's cool. It's Bucky right? Bucky Barnes?" Pepper asked, already hearing an earful from Steve about his long awaited trip.

"Yeah that's the one. He and Steve were best friends throughout their childhood, before Bucky moved to Germany and Steve here to Marvel County." Peggy replied.

Soon the two girls were also called back and the five finished their manicures and pedicures and moved on towards the second best saloon in the county to have their facials done.

"This is so relaxing." Maria moaned in complete bliss.

"You're right this is nice." Natasha agreed, also sighing in pleasure.

"I told you this would be fun. And you all doubted me." Pepper smiled, at her friends.

"Ok new rule, never doubt Pepper when it comes to spa treatments." Jane joked, everyone else laughing and agreeing too.

Soon the girls were back at Pepper's house, their dresses, shoes, accessories, make-up, and everything else are carefully setup. First was the hair, Pepper hired a real Hollywood stylist to come and help with hair and make-up. Paid for courtesy of Tony. After their hair and makeup was complete, the girls helped each other into their dresses.

"Wow you guys look amazing." Bruce complimented the girls. He was the first to arrive, and without a date, the Pepper had invited him early to the pre-party.

"Thanks Bruce. You look pretty handsome yourself." Natasha smiled at her friend. It was true too. Bruce wore a nice black suit with polished shoes, and his curly hair nicely combed. He also had polished his lenses to shine, and he wore a nice green and purple-stripped tie.

"Thanks. Tony picked out the suit." Bruce admitted, knowing Tony had better fashion sense than he did.

Soon the rest of the guys showed up. Tony wearing a gray suit with a red, orange, and yellow tie that matched his favorite vintage car, Steve wore a plain black suit with a black bowtie and had his hair slicked back, Loki wore a black suit as well, with a vest, and a stripped black and green tie with gold cufflinks, Thor wore a black suit with a red tie, and silver cufflinks and his long hair was slicked back with only a few short front pieces loose. Clint wore a black suit with a purple undershirt and a black bowtie and his hair was spiked and gelled to extremes. Overall all the men looked very handsome and each presented their dates with a corsage.

"Wow look at you guys, all dressed up." Maria joked at Clint, never before seeing him in a suit was a step up from his usual boots, dirty jeans, and t-shirts.

"Yeah well I look good in anything." Clint joked, kissing Maria's cheek and watching her blush immensely.

"Yeah but no one looks better than me." Tony insisted, modeling a few poses to prove his point.

"I don't know Stark. I think Loki's got you beat." Natasha joked back, placing a hand on Loki's chest.

"Nu uh! I look better than rock of ages any day!" Tony replied childishly sticking his tongue out at the redhead.

"Whatever you say Stark." Natasha replied, rolling her eyes at his immature behavior.

Soon the pre-party settled down and the group was off towards the high school in the fancy limo Tony bought for the occasion.

"Wow the decorations look fantastic! You did a great job Pepper." Maria praised upon entering the school's gym. Pepper, being Pepper, of course found flaws in everything and refused to admit she did an excellent job, despite Tony and the rest of her friends constantly complimenting her.

The DJ was playing loud, upbeat songs and soon the group of misfits was all out on the dance floor, each trying to show off the others.

"This is probably the best prom I've ever had." Peggy yelled into Pepper's ears so she could hear above the thumping speakers.

"Yeah. It is pretty nice isn't it?" Pepper agreed, smiling at her friend as Steve came up to ask Peggy to slow dance with him.

Soon the entire group was out on the dance floor, each with their own significant other dancing slowly to the music playing.

"This is nice." Natasha whispered in Loki's ear as he turned the two slowly around the dance floor.

"It is. Are you going to miss it?" Loki asked, looking down at his shorter girlfriend, wearing the necklace he gave her.

"I don't know. I'll miss the people more than anything. But I'm excited for life after high school." Natasha admitted, smiling up at her boyfriend.

"Well whatever happens I'll always be here." Loki replied, kissing his girlfriend's lips as the song ended.

Soon the night wore down and it was around midnight when the group returned to Stark Mansion.

"Who wants Champaign?" Tony asked, looking around at his exhausted friends.

"Tony we're underage." Pepper attempted to scold him but failed because of her own tiredness.

"So? It's prom! We're sixteen. Besides my dad isn't home so we have this place to ourselves. And JARVIS." Tony yelled, already racing towards the alcohol cabinet.

"No Tony. Pepper's right we're underage and it'd be wrong." Steve said towards the billionaire in a stern voice that had him freezing in his tracks.

"Oh c'mon Cap. Loosen up and have a little fun." Tony insisted, beginning to walk towards the cabinet.

"I'm afraid Steve is right. We are too young. It's also illegal." Thor agreed with Steve, standing in front of Tony blocking his way towards his destination.

"Fine. You guys are no fun!" Tony whined, walking towards the couch and sitting down.

"C'mon Stark don't be like that. Don't you want to do something else besides drinking?" Loki asked, already with a mischievous hint in his eyes.

"No! I want to drink!" Tony replied in a high-pitched baby voice.

"Stop it Tony or you're going to bed." Pepper glared at him, although she was too tired to make the glare scary.

"Only if you tuck me in." Tony replied, giving his girlfriend a playboy smile.

"Fine, but nothing inappropriate." Pepper agreed, walking towards the door with Tony in tow.

"He's whipped." Clint finally spoke, watching the two walk up the grand staircase towards Tony's room.

"Totally whipped. She's got him on a short leash." Steve agreed.

"Well I'm tired so I'll see you guys in the morning." Natasha announced, walking towards one of many guest rooms the group often stayed in while at the mansion.

"I'll be there shortly." Loki replied, kissing her head and watching her leave towards the empty rooms on the first floor.

"Yeah we should all probably hit the sack." Clint agreed, kissing Maria's neck and pulling her towards the exit with him.

"Ok. See you guys in the morning." Bruce replied, also walking off towards his bedroom.

Soon the entire Stark Mansion was quiet. Not a sound was made and all the lights were off as the group of teens slept in complete peace.

The next day and the weeks that followed were all happy. The group studied together for their finals and all scored Bs or above. Bruce, Tony, Loki, and Jane all won national merit scholarships. Pepper won most likely to succeed when the yearbook was released; Tony won class clown, and Steve lead their basketball team to the state championship. Loki won the trickster award, Natasha the athletic award, and Pepper won best team spirit. Maria won scholarship money to any New York college of her choice, and Clint competed and won in the school's archery finals. Peggy and Steve both ready to attend West Point in the fall, and Thor received only one B, in math, on his finals.

Soon graduation was upon the group. Peggy and Steve wore their school's dark blue and black gowns and caps, while the rest of the group sat in the audience supporting their friends.

"It has been such an honor to watch all these students grow in this first year as director and principle of this school. I'm sad to see these seniors leave, but forever proud of what they accomplished here. To our graduating seniors, class of 2013!" Principle Fury cheered as the students all threw their caps in the air was the ceremony was officially over.

"Congratulations!" Pepper screamed towards Peggy as the two jumped up and down in pure joy.

"Yes congrats! We're so proud of you! Both of you!" Jane agreed, also smiling and cheering with the rest of their friends.

"I'm so glad it's over! I was so nervous." Peggy admitted.

"Well you did great! I'm so proud of you guys." Maria replied, hugging both Steve and Maria as the group began to make their way to Tony's for their graduation party.

At Tony's house the party kicked off and soon the entire group were in their swimsuits laughing and playing in Tony's large pool.

"Can you believe it's finally summer?" Pepper asked, sitting beside the pool in a lounge chair soaking in the sunshine.

"I know! It seems school just started yesterday." Jane agreed, currently on Thor's shoulder playing water basketball with Peggy, who was on Steve's shoulder.

"So what are the plans for summer?" Bruce asked to no one in particular. He was grilling cheeseburgers and hot dogs while Tony played with the condiments.

"Our flight for Germany leaves in two weeks." Peggy yelled in reply, scoring another point for her and Steve.

"Hey guys I think these are done." Bruce announced, placing the grilled food on a large platter and setting it on the even larger table where everything was set up and waiting.

"Yum looks delicious." Clint smelled the air, sitting down near Loki and Natasha with Maria next to him.

"Yes it does! You did great Bruce." Steve complimented, looking at the range of food on the table, courtesy of Tony, Bruce, and Pepper.

"You three over did yourselves like usual." Peggy complimented raising her glass signaling a toast. "Here's to graduation."

"To a championship." Steve added.

"A scholarship." Maria said.

"A B in math." Thor replied.

"To a national merit scholarship." Jane imputed.

"To finally controlling my temper." Bruce said.

"Getting five bulls' eyes." Clint smiled.

"To a great prom." Pepper added.

"To finally getting to drink!" Tony shouted, raising his glass of whiskey.

"To West Point." Peggy replied.

"A fresh start." Loki chimed in.

"To best friends." Natasha said.

"To us." Everyone said in unison each clinking glasses with one another and taking large, or small, sips of their drinks before diving into the meal.

So this concludes chapter 14. Now I don't know if I'm going to go through their senior year or skip to the future (you get to decide, just leave a review or message me). But I hope this makes up for a long absence of not writing! I'm so blessed to have such great readers! Love you all!