Dear journal,

I keep hoping she will sing at one of our jam sessions. Singing is the best way to pour out your broken heart. She doesn't know I know, though, and she is far to macho. I feel like I missed my chance. I was hiding in her tree that day, when gumball and his stupid liquid fireworks tore her heart to shreds. The day cake brought that fiery butthole into her life. Well ok maybe he's not a butthole, and maybe it's my fault for not comforting her when she was crying on the floor and junk, but really, if Fionna had popped out of hiding while I was crying on the floor surrounded by pictures of gumbutt I wouldn't have talked to her for 100 years out of embarrassment.

Maybe she doesn't think her heart is broken but I can tell it is. I know broken hearts and that perfect pink priss is so good at breaking them. And now she's burying her broken heart in that fiery playboy. Now I know what you're thinking, "Marshal Lee, how can he be a play boy if he's hidden away by his Mom?" And that's a good question. The answer is he's a forbidden fruit. Forbidden fruits and Flambo. That stupid fire cat always brings people home to him. I guess I can take solace in the fact that flame prince can't really touch her. Not without magics he doesn't know. The thought of anybody's hands on her just makes me want to kill something. But I digress. Cake and Flambo are dumb and Gumball is a jerk and Flame Prince is in the way and Fi and I are still just buds. And that's where we are right now.

Marshall lee