I remember when dad first walked into my room- something he rarely did as we were never close, sat me down and gave me the dreaded your body is changing speech. The usual thing really; all about hair growing in places it never grew before, voice getting deeper, becoming a man and what not. It was pretty much the stuff I already knew, I did know my own body after all plus he was a year or so late, I just never found the right time to interrupt him so I just let him go on. But once we got to the "at night and maybe during the day you'll get an urgeā¦" or as what Harry had since dubbed as dad's wanking speech; I thought I would never feel that awkward again. It was a bad speech; so very, very bad.
My own father; sitting in front of me, telling me about techniques, where I should put my hands and when I finally had sex- again late, where my mouth should go. He had a big bit about how I should live up to the Watson family name and treat a woman right, both in and out of bed. I could have lived with that; sat quietly waiting for it to end, but of course mum decided that that was the right moment to yell through the door.
"But what if he likes cock?"
Yeah; thanks mum. The wank speech quickly became the "I won't have a queer man as a son" rant, that had led to a "how dare you say that about my son, he'll be as bloody well queer as he wants to." Which in turn had inevitably had led to Harry bursting in, coming out to our angry dad, hissing like the old kettle as she shot down his so called techniques and started going on that if I wanted to please a woman I should ask her, not our aging father.
It was a long time coming; dad was the only one shocked by Harry's coming out.
Oh that's pretty bad you might say, and I would agree with you. But after everyone had calmed down and I got my room to myself again; I found mum had alphabetised my porn mags. From my soft core Club International to the Zipper I was so bloody embarrassed to buy. Walking down to dinner and seeing mum's face as she winked at me, I decided that the entire day could be considered most awkward moment I had ever had.
A/N Hi just posting this tiny thing to let everyone know that yes more is coming :)