After receiving a particular reader's comment today, I must say that I am sorry for being away for so long and not telling you where I have been. I feel horrible about it; really, I do. It eats at me when I remember, and, for some reason, I never thought of making a note to my readers. I never once thought about it. Please do not be angry at or upset by my tardiness. I am upset by it too. To the person who left the most recent comment, I am very glad that you want to read my story and know what happens, but your words came off as bombarding and a bit aggressive to me. I am currently taking time out of my schedule to write this message, because I truly do owe everyone who reads this story an update. Yet, at the same time, please know that there is only so much I can do and hold to memory at once. It's not that I won't finish the story. It's just that, for awhile now, I have been unable to do so physically and internally. I am brought joy from writing, but there are many things in life outside of it that must be acknowledged by me and taken care of before I can relax. I have not been able to write creatively for awhile, and I have needed more time for specific reasons to try and not force myself (this includes my original writing too, works that are not fanfic related). I truly have not forgotten about this story, nor do I have any plans to stop writing it. I always finish what I start, no matter how long it takes. Ever since my junior year of college began, work upon work has piled into my arms. I am an English major, and that requires a lot of writing, studying, perfecting, and more. I have eighteen books to read and analyze for this semester alone. When I am busy and, at times, overworked, my creative juices will not flow within me due to my stress in getting things done (I am too worrisome of a person). I've never been so busy before. However, I will also say that very positive things have happened for me too. I have been on an eye-opening, emotional journey that began during the middle of my first junior semester that is nowhere near finished.I think about it a lot. There's a lot a want to say, and I will talk about it a little below because I want to share what I have been doing a little. If anyone is interested to read what I will write, please continue. If not, then you can scroll to the bottom. ^_^

For me, since August of last year, it has been my first experience of University life (I was at a very small branch of a college beforehand, and there was nothing social or wide about it). Being the reclusive and shy person I am, it was difficult to suddenly be thrown into a world that was completely new to me. I was scared. I was scared about keeping up my GPA, I didn't want to let my parents down, and I was still deeply terrified of people. After many bad luck encounters in my life, and having lived twenty-one years without having had a close-knit, in-person relationship with someone (Aside from my mother, my best friend and sturdiest support), I was still expecting nothing short of rotten behavior from other students. That was what I was used to. However, what I actually got was far better than I could have ever hoped for. Around the time for my Midterm exams, I made a friend in one of my classes. I will call her B. She writes like me, is a big anime fan, and adores BL, haha. B is one of the best people, to me. She's motherly and always asks about my well-being, which I have not experienced much of in my place of living. I soon found myself eating lunch with her every day and going to my college's anime club with her too, along with her boyfriend, who is very nice. Her welcome for me came as a very great surprise, and she is still as kind as ever. Soon enough, after hanging with her more, I made more friends. On my college's International Day, I met two Japanese exchange students (one boy and one girl; I will call the boy T and the girl E), and became friends with them quickly. They are two of the kindest, blissfully childlike (they are perceptive like children and playfully innocent like children, as well), and most lovable people I have ever been in contact with. They rapidly became part of my family, and I even had them stay at my home for a portion of the Christmas season. They hug me every time we meet, cuddle with me, and tell me... how much they love me. Every time I hear them say this, I am touched and overwhelmed, for I am not accustomed to hearing such words. Hearing someone who is not your blood relative say that they love me is very dissimilar, and it rather startled me when I first heard it. It's enough to bring me to tears, and I never before realized how much I craved emotional and physical connections with people until I experienced them. It's like a highly addictive drug. I have become hooked on it and do not want the buzz to end. I only want more and more. There was one particular moment when they stayed at my house that I want to write about. The three of us were on my bed one night, watching YouTube videos together, and then, all of a sudden, E laid down in my lap. Then T laid his head on my upper chest near the crook of my neck (very sweetly, like a child). I was surprised by these abrupt actions and didn't know what to think of them at first. We are touchy with each other all the time (we hold hands, hug frequently, etc.), but this was different. T then turned his face towards mine, grinned widely, and told me that I was like another mother figure. I realized, through that, that those two really look up to and trust me (I am their senpai after all, haha). I felt appreciated and, most of all, loved. For me, that was a moment I will always treasure and hold dear to my heart. I made more friends, most of them being from all around the world. From South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Spain, Sweden, Brazil, Taiwan... It's incredible. I never thought I could have this many. They inspire me and fill me with happiness. Sometimes my heart is so overjoyed that it hurts to breathe. I always have to remind myself that I am in the present, and the present is beautiful. I believe this was all meant to happen for me. I have suffered, but now I am not. I got what I was waiting for all my life. Friends. Everyone should have them... I also made a big decision for myself. I have always wanted to do this, but only now do I feel like I am ready. This coming Fall, I am studying abroad in South Korea. I tremble thinking about it, but it's a new adventure for me to look forward to and I know I need it. I feel like I am being blown in that direction, and I want to go along with that wind. I can only wonder what is in store for me next.

To close this message, I still want to say Thank you. Those of you who still wait patiently to read what I have next, I Thank you deeply for being interested. I still can't express how grateful I am. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my lack of an update. I just have a lot going on and want to experience friendship in between school while I can. I promise I will finish this story someday, definitely before I go to South Korea! Hopefully sooner, if I can find the energy to be creative. I have begun the draft of the final chapter, and, though it is coming along slowly, it is off to a good start. Until the final installment, I sincerely wish the best for everyone who is reading this. I hope you all have happiness or will have it soon! Please take care! 안녕히 계세요!