A/N: *New Story* Again, this is completely AU... and I issue the warning again – extremely Anti-Gwen. You might not want to read this if you find that offensive. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this one. Comments are greatly appreciated!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters of Torchwood. This is done for entertainment purposes only!
Chapter 1
"Detective Cooper! Get the fuck in here now!" Captain Harkness barked, his irritation being well broadcast to the entire precinct.
Gwen rushed into the captain's office, her eyes wide-eyed and uncertain as to what she'd done wrong this time. "Is there a problem, Jack?"
"Close the door and sit down!" Jack bellowed, his nostrils flaring in anger.
She closed the door, before rushing forward to give her commanding officer the most charming smile she possessed. It was one that bordered on innocent, yet was confident and flirtatious. Gwen had practiced a variety of looks and smiles over the years. One, if not all usually worked. In the case of Jack Harkness – none had so far. That was something that not only infuriated her, but made her try even harder to make him succumb. She knew he would in time. No man resisted her indefinitely – not if she truly wanted them. And, she undoubtedly wanted Jack Harkness in her bed. Not only that, she wanted him as her adoring puppet by her side. Exactly the position she felt he should be.
Fluttering her lashes at him in welcome, Gwen asked, "What can I do for you, boss?"
"You can tell me what the fuck you don't get about filling out a simple report!" Jack thundered, waving the report he'd found waiting on his desk this morning.
She frowned in irritation, annoyed that he had worried her over something so trivial. When they were together, he would be more calm. She would see to that. "Jack, I didn't see the need to elaborate on most of it. The events were common knowledge."
Jack sat forward at his desk, his eyes moving past her to slowly crawl up the side of the wall until they reached the ceiling. A technique he often practiced when dealing with ones that adversely challenged his temper. Detective Gwen Cooper excelled in that. He knew placing a female in this position had been a mistake. She used her feminine attributes entirely too freely to get what she wanted. He didn't respect that approach at all. The bottom line was that he had needed a detective that was not only well trained, but attractive enough to be his cover when going on an assignment that required the appearance of being part of a couple. Unfortunately, that occurred entirely too often. Jack had begun to realize she enjoyed those assignments far too much as well. It was early days yet, but that could be a problem in the making.
He mentally counted to ten, his eyes returning to stab into her seemingly sweet and submissive pose. Jack knew it to be false. She was attempting to play him, just as she did all the other attractive men in the precinct – married or not. That disgusted him even more. She didn't care if a man was married. Whatever Gwen wanted she sought to have. Jack knew in the tone of his own voice that he hadn't calmed down enough to continue this discussion... yet still he carried on. "No need to elaborate? Who the fuck do you think you are, Cooper? I am the commanding officer in this precinct. Maybe I need to reassign you to foot patrol."
Gwen shot immediately to her feet, shock and unease immediately disarming her self-confidence. "No. Please don't do that, Jack. I am a detective. A damned good one, and you know it. That's why you took me on. I'll do better. I swear I will."
"Damn right you will!" Jack hissed. "I'm tired of how you think you can do exactly as you like simply because you have a pretty face and body to match." His eyes narrowed as he viewed the calculation in her eyes. Fuck. He couldn't even state the obvious without her thinking she was succeeding in her none so subtle pursuit of him. It disgusted him. "Don't let it go to your head, Cooper. I'm only stating the obvious. Your looks don't faze me in the slightest."
She smiled at him sweetly, only half hearing his censure... the bulk of her attention frozen back to where he had admitted she was attractive. Well, why wouldn't he? It had only been a matter of time really. The captain was the most gorgeous and virile man she'd ever met... and, she was both smart and beautiful. They complimented each other immensely. In time Jack would see that. She would be there to reap all the rewards when he did. Her eyes were full of cunning as she watched him. Jack Harkness would belong to her. When she was finished with him, the captain would be wrapped so tightly around her finger he would beg to touch her. Gwen knew she wouldn't be satisfied until he was every bit as obsessed with her as she was with him.
"Cooper! Are you listening to me... or are you daydreaming again?" Jack didn't have to wonder what she was dreaming about. He should have never said what he'd said. All he had intended to do was make a point... as usual, she took it the wrong way. "What did I just tell you to do?"
Gwen flushed guiltily. "I'm sorry, Jack. My mind wandered."
"Obviously," he snapped. "Get it back in the present. There's much work that needs to be done. I will repeat myself for the last time. You will take this waste of time excuse of a report and fill it in completely. Two months of work you relegated to a mere three paragraphs. That is unacceptable." He looked at her sternly. "I know that the paperwork is a tedious task that none of us like to do... but, it's part of our system. It needs to be done accurately."
"I understand, Jack. I'll get right on it." Gwen meekly proceeded to the door, knowing she would agree to anything to regain his approval. She turned to look back at him. "Are we still going as a couple to that party tonight?"
Jack nodded, a shudder overcoming in when he thought of how she would attempt to use this to her advantage. "I'll pick you up at 8 p.m, and brief you on the way. This is an important assignment, Cooper. Don't make me regret taking you."
"I won't, Jack. You have my word... I will be the most attentive date you've ever had." Gwen's heart pounded in her chest in the knowledge that tonight could be the night – finally. "Everyone there will be convinced of my complete loyalty to you."
"Good. Now, get back to work." He looked at her thoughtfully. "Finish the report and then you can leave for the day. I want you to spend the rest of it getting ready for tonight."
"Don't worry, Jack. I will look amazing." Gwen smiled at him before exiting his office, both of them knowing precisely how she hoped for this night to end.
Jack shook his head at her departure, deciding it best that she didn't know everything yet. If only she knew they would be attending what had been reputed to be a slave auction ring, the conservative and entirely too opinionated Gwen Cooper just might have more than a few reservations.
Ianto shuddered as he looked around the room, wondering how he had allowed Lisa to drag him to what he instinctively felt to be an illicit event. He didn't know how he knew... it was just a feeling. Very few couples were present, most were men on their own; each of them sizing up everyone that passed, almost as if judging them in one sense or another. He smiled at her tensely as she approached, taking the tall flute of champagne she offered, glaring at yet another man that passed and gave him a leisurely look. Every glance he'd received in the past twenty minutes since their arrival had been the same. Assessing and entirely too intimate.
Taking a sip from the glass, Ianto quietly asked her, "What kind of party is this, Lisa? I'm getting a really bad feeling..."
"Don't be such a spoilsport, Ianto. This will be fun... and exciting." She crinkled up her nose as she looked at him. "It wouldn't hurt for us to spice up our sex life."
"Spice it up how?" Ianto wanted to know. He was fine with how things were between them. However, the fact that she wanted to 'spice' things up meant she wasn't. "That still doesn't answer my question."
She scowled at him, her voice lowering perceptively. "My boss throws these high class soirees. All the proceeds goes to charity."
Ianto took another sip from the glass, his eyes sweeping around the room, eyes touching on everyone... yet not lingering long on any. That was until his eyes fell on him. Ianto didn't know who he was or where he had come from, he only knew the man was mesmerizing. And, he had no idea why. His eyes widened as the man's eyes brazenly moved over him, his arrogant stance signifying a man with an overwhelming degree of self-confidence. Ianto couldn't look away from the man that was blatantly giving him the most intense eye-fuck he'd ever received. His eyes flickered briefly to the brunette woman that clung tightly onto his arm, Ianto's intuition telling him she wasn't nearly as important to the man as she thought herself to be.
Swallowing slowly, Ianto asked with difficulty, "And, what is offered in exchange for those 'charity' donations?"
Lisa giggled, finding it both outrageous and exhilarating. She answered in a barely audible whisper. "It's classified as a slave auction. But, nothing so dramatic, I'm sure. My boss told me it's just a very expensive date. If the parties involved decide to have sex, that's their business. He assures me it's all very legal." She looked at her boyfriend hesitantly. "I didn't tell you this because I didn't want to alarm you... but, I signed you up."
"You did what?" Ianto gasped in outrage. "I'm leaving, Lisa. I have absolutely no intention in being involved in this insanity!"
"Please, Ianto. Do it for me?" She looked up at him sweetly. "It will be fun. It's just a date. No harm can come from it. John told me that he would specify that the date would include me too."
Ianto looked at her incredulously, unable to process what was coming from her mouth. Where was his sweet, gentile Lisa? It had to be the doing of her nefarious boss, the former captain - John Hart. He hadn't liked him from the first moment they had met. Now he was finding even more reason to dislike the man. Ianto barely caught Lisa telling him she was going to speak to her boss, his gaze once again captured and held by the man a short distance across the room. The man continued to devour him with his eyes alone. Shaking his head to break himself free from the spell the stranger had weaved around him, Ianto spun on his heel and out to the terrace oblivious to the hungry smile that came across his admirer's face... unaware of his retreat being followed, and by a man who knew precisely how to get what he most desired.