Ok, so, I normally write a hell of a lot better than just script and, at some point, I may make this serious, but I really, really, REALLY wanted to share this, mostly because it made me giggle soooooo much!

Sam: Hey, check this out. Haunted video game. Pokemon Blue Version...

Dean: Didn't you play that when you were a kid?

Sam: You did, too!

Dean: Yeah. You know, those games were depressing as all hell.

Sam: What do you mean?

Dean: Well, you killed Gary's Raticate, his parents were dead because of whatever the hell that war was that Lt. Surge fought in... He lived with his grandpa and sister, who didn't even like him. I mean, they both gave you stuff before they gave him stuff, like your first Pokemon or whatever.

Sam: *angry bitch face*

Dean: What? It's not my fault the game hid the fact that you were playing as the greatest douchebag of all time..